How the fuck is that wrong? Unless you are putting something on their drink or forcibly injecting the licor down their throats, it would in no way be considered wrong to get a woman" drunk" in order to have sex with her. Thats retarded. No one is forcing her to drink, if she is drinking with you and enjoying herself and then you both get intimate, how is that wrong lmao.
[...] for their actions, she is choosing to drink, she knows where that could lead up to and she is not opposed to it. Just like people who kill or ran over others with their cars when they get drunk are also responsible because no one forced them to do shit.
Of course if she gets drunk enough that she passes out or is barely concious, then it would be rape. But getting drunk with someone and having sex is totally normal.
Imagine going to jail for that lmao
Sorry, did not see before.
In case you wonder, I drink alcohol and I got drunk more than once
, I even offered drinks to ladies, and in some cases being friends, even drank till the point they were drunk, though did not bring them to my bed. And as I already said, I don't have a problem in itself playing a game that contains rape, sexual assault and stuff like that, I gave a positive opinion on this game, for instance.
It seems nonetheless appropriate to address your objections (for the mods, this seems a pertinent discussion, since derives from the subject of the game), since they are directed at me.
Alcohool intoxication affects their capability to analyse the situation and the consequences of their actions, similar to other drugs, especially when the alcohool level is above a certain threshold. Said differently, is like the frontal cortex (the area of the brain more linked to "rational thinking" and rational evaluation of consequences) going off-line partially. It's not only psychological, it is also phisiological and scientifically abundantly proven.
Then, some men sometime use alcohol and get her too drunk to say no (which does not mean passed out) and already excited, to get by others means what they are unable to, or anyway have an harder time gettting, by their qualities, compatibility and skills.
Alcoholic beverages also stimulate some of the system associated with pleasure, thus, it will be easier for women to get pleasure from sexual stimulation if they are drunk - it is like saying you want an oven to reach 100 degrees Celsius, but if you start with the oven at 20 degrees (the sober) is one thing, if the oven is already at 60 degrees (the drunk side), it is much simpler to reach the 100 degrees.
Also, to make a parallel you may recognise, more often than not, men do not get drunk or waisted because they want to, despite the image of "drinking to forget" (actually, there are people that can get waisted and still remember perfectly
They get drunk because they cannot admit that they are having too much, and don't realise that alcohol can be looping long before fully addiction/alcoholism (for men, it mostly links to the idea of "I'm THE man, so of course I can stand one more", especially in presence of other men who play that card).
The details are most often different, but something similar apply to a woman, assuming automatically that if they get drunk is because they want to, is simply not true - the concept of will is not a problem, the problem is the part of automatically assuming is always done realising the consequences.
It is true that there are women that will willfully get drunk to loose the inhibitions they will otherwise not have enough will to overcome on their own, but on the other hand, you are forgetting, or maybe never realised or saw how effective it can be, psychological pressure can also be applied to make someone do something they don't want to do, like excessive drinking.
In the right context it is much more effective than physical violence, because physical violence can create an immediate defensive reaction that instead is not created by those more subtles (though sometime "subtles") ways, till when it is too late for the person to realise they fell for it.
I understand your attempt at a parallel with the driver, but there are two big differences you may want to consider: 1) the car driver is doing an action that harm others, hence the car driver (he or she) qualifies as perpetrator, while in the case of the drunk woman, others are doing an action that harms her, hence she qualifies as victim.
Also, but that is minor, notice how you say they both (drive and drunk woman) are a priori supposed not to be pushed or forced to drink, but are yourself before and after referring to pushing her to drink, hence, it is not really a fully freely willed action - to be completely free will, there cannot be any form of pressure, even psychological peer pressure (e.g. "come on, we are all having one, have one more too").
For your information, in legal terms, in many countries (I don't to say most, because I did not do such a check), it is not necessary for her to be passed out, it is sufficient that she has a sufficiently high level of alcohol or other substances to be considered nonetheless rape, or in USA, sexual assault.
Effectively, in rough terms a difference between rape and sexual assault in USA is that rape is associated to physical constriction and generally physical violence, sexual assault, on the inability of the victim to defend herself or say "no" or "yes" in full conscience.
I agree sexual assault is a crime that is most of the time not prosecuted, because it requires the woman to come forward, go to court etc., so it is not even reported, and that put an enormous pressure on her, but that is a different matter - if I kill someone and make the body disappear, I may not be prosecuted, but it does not mean I did not kill that person
So, sorry for telling you, but yes, it is possible to go to jail for getting someone drunk and her, if the morning after (or even more, just after the act) she realises what happened, decides it is not what she really wanted, and can show sufficient evidence that she was in no conditions to make a fully conscious decision, especially if she reached that situation when you were the one pushing her (notice, not forcing physically) to drink and maybe even told someone right before "I am going to get her to drink, so tonight I get her" or anything in that direction.
It does not mean that every time a woman talks about sexual harassment, it is automatically true, as I was told and saw in more than one occasion that has now become the tendency in USA - effectively, I knew statistics from some country showing that the majority of times on workplace is false (majority, not always, of course), so one should always verify, but anwyay, despite the confusion often made, sexual harassment is a different matter (even because some consider sexual harassment even shaking hands, if you do it the wrong way, touching the wrist with the fingers
Anyway, we will see how the game develops
, we are to play, so, have fun !