Nah, you aren't seeing the big picture here. Anto's chromatic textures are baseline... they work for any hair that is listed to work with them... so you are saving almost 100mb by just having those... so instead of having 100mb of textures for each hair, you just need a basic hair that is usually less than 30mb, then those 100mb baseline chromatic textures to be used to add color and highlights to those hairs....
It's actually brilliant what he is doing and over time will save many gigs of space without having to just duplicate the same textures over and over.
The neat thing is, some of those chromatic high lights even work with other creators hairs, but its hit and miss but nice to have to try out for even hairs that don't support them.
And remember, you only need those chromatic baseline files and that is it... you don't recopy them for each hair, you just need those 4 files then you are set for every single hair that is chromatic compatible. You should read his patron site about the chromatic hair, it explains it in more detail.