No need to be rude, it was just a question. I'm not one of the ones who was complaining, and would have been perfectly fine to wait for the craziness to slow down before attempting to download from last week's files, until it was announced that the site was going to be deleted and we need to act now or the files could be gone. And if you had actually read my message instead of getting offended, you would have seen that I stated that it has been confirmed that the files will be handed over to another party, but this confirmation only occurred 24 hours before the site is scheduled to shut down, and no information has been given about who this person is or how the files will be handled. My question is why not reassure people that everything would be fine before now? The whole world is in a panic at the moment, and this was just another thing to worry about. I reiterate: there is nothing wrong with the DWP team deciding they had enough. But it would have been nice if word had been received before now that someone would be taking over the work.