Its 2020, everything is offensive.Tumblr is the dumbest fucking thing. Seriously, how was anything on there offensive?
I put "rigid" in "" for a reason, animations dont take in consideration morphing data and so any change to the mesh besides its default state creates those issues ... breasts too small? fondling air ... too big? clipping inside.What? I'm talking about how the hands disappear into the butt. That's the "clipping" I mentioned. That's why I said the clipping looks horrible. Because it's clipping. The rigidity is also bad, but I didn't mention rigidity. I mentioned clipping. Because it's the most noticeable part of that gif they're using to advertise their work to potential paying supporters.
Even Maxis own animations suffer from the same problems, sure it doesnt look right but this is the price of having body morphs and why there are no offical height sliders.
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