It amazes me that some people have nothing better to do with their time than to shame others for their choice of mods they use in their game. I am sure many of you would absolutely loathe my mod configurations and that is OK... I play TS4 in a way that brings ME enjoyment. This is a single player experience, so why should it be of concern how you or I choose to play the game? The hostility I've seen in this thread is pointless and could push someone away from sharing CC in the future. I am certain nobody wants that.
These boards exist so the community can help others get support for their game (because we all know how crummy EA's support boards are) or help others find unique adult content illegally locked in perpetuity behind a paywall. As a contributor, I do my small part in both instances wherever possible.
For those having issues with the latest patch; I cannot stress enough that you must first FULLY UPDATE your game to the latest release. You need to completely purge your scripted mods folders (the ones which contain .ts4scripts) and then download the newest releases of EACH mod. Make sure they match the current (1.105.332) release. Visit the website of each mod; ensure that the author has stated they are compatible, if not, that ts4script mod should be removed if it is throwing errors. I have found this latest release is working better for me than other releases but I had to follow the steps I outlined here. Some updates require a little more effort than pressing the upgrade button... you will need to update your CC as needed. Cheers!