Congrats on your first release! I played it all and I think this game has potential. It's a great premise for a story and a good start, but it's little messy at the moment. Here are some tips to clean it up:
1. You should start the game with the music slider turned down to halfway. Starting up and hearing that loud jumpscare of music is a bad impression right off the bat. It was extremely loud in my headphones.
2. Your music throughout the game is not balanced. Some songs are way louder than others, which makes is a chore for users to balance it themselves in the menu. Try to balance all your music to a similar volume before adding them to the scenes.
3. Some of your music choices were a bit too much. The rap song that played a couple times and starts with "Aint no motherfucker can do it like me" does not work well for a visual novel. It seemed like you wanted an angry sounding song to fit the tone, it's hard to focus on reading dialogue when someone is rapping lyrics at you. There is a reason why the top visual novels have mood-fitting music with no lyrics playing throughout 95% of the game. Long periods without any music playing also isn't good.
4. I don't know if any of the music you were using was copywrited, like the Nightcall remix, but I'd try to stay away from that since you're trying to monetize your game.
5. Speaking of monetizating, playing significant portions of copywrited videos, like Rick and Morty, in your game is something you really shouldn't do. People on F95 are not well-adjusted and it just takes one angry asshole to report your game to the wrong people and you'll have issues.
6. You're overusing sound effects. You don't need to have so many sound effects, like the repeating footsteps walking in the parking garage, the repeating mouth noises during the BJ, the slap during sex, mouse clicking, and most of all that sci-fi sound effect that you put in almost every scene transition. Too much of that is distracting and takes away from the quality of the game. Sometimes less is more.
7. The pacing of your story could use some work. The constant flashbacks, flashbacks within flashbacks, constant cutting back between the girls and the MC for very short scenes, it causes the pace of the story to drag. You also do not need to annouce every scene change with text. If we see the MC, we will know that we have now cut from the girls to him. Most other VNs just do this with a fade to black, a pause, and then fade back into the next scene.
8. I like when other pieces of media are referenced occasionally in a game, but you should tone it down a bit. The dodgeball scene was a constant stream of back to back references and, in my opinion, it was a bit too much.
9. Both of the sex scene choices are set up to be amoral choices. The MC regrets it immedietely and it seems like there will be consequences for them. I don't know your plans for the game, but putting the sex scenes behind choices where you are incentivized NOT to pick them is not a good practice for an Adult VN. Players want to see all the hot sex scenes you've made, but we don't want to be shamed for doing so. I hope this changes because it's not going to be good for every choice to be between seeing the juicy content and betraying your innocent wife who is in a coma.
10. Lastly, and probably the most important tip on here, you need to get a native english proofreader. I know you credited a proofreader at the end of the game, but they did not do a good enough job proofreading. There were a lot of mistakes in your writing and grammar. Maybe you can find someone new to do it now or maybe you have to pay someone a little bit for it, but it should absolutely be a priority for your next release. You don't get many chances for a first impression and proficient writing and grammar is strongly linked to the overall game quality for a lot of people. The most succesful VNs have minimal to no grammar issues in them for this reason.
I hope you don't take this a me just bashing your game. The huge first release and high quality renders show you're passionate about this project and I think it's got a lot of potential. I know this is your first release so hopefully you can keep these tips in the back of you mind moving forward. I'll certainly be following along for your future releases.