VN - Unity - The Spellbook [v0.20.0.0] [NaughtyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    the begining of the game isn't that good but the dev developed the story it becomes great, nice characters, just a few more options I would had like threesomes earlier with landlady's boss, and with ur girlfriend, and roomie. but it will come in time I hope
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never written a review before, nor have I ever felt strongly enough about a game to want to write one.

    This is one of the most criminally underrated games on the site. The models are 50x better than most of the 3D games you see now a days. The animations are crisp. The story is solid. As for the NTR content, I personally love NTR so it's a huge plus for me. Even without it, the love route is just as solid. Play this game, support the creators if you can, they deserve it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This was one of my first CG games ... and I really enjoyed it! Beautiful the choice of the NTR road rather than the Love one so that those who do not want the NTR choose the normal one otherwise you can spoil both ways. The game is very well designed and the storyline is captivating. Keep it up because I'm looking forward to new chapters: D: D: D
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    -This game has just kicked off into some nice fucked-up NTR bonanza. Two routes (like/don't like NTR) are both worth playing. The bad NTR sees the mother become an unsensitive whore with her son - really cool. She teases him but becomes the worst slut you can imagine. NTR mommy fiends like myself will really fall in love with her for that. The good NTR is excellent as well, the son accompanies and encourages her in her debauchery. Lets hope he can still fuck her regularly, and share her around with who he wants, despite the latest developments in the story.

    -Nice clothes, shoes, etc. The mommy outfits become really outrageous :love:.

    -For the 3rd non-NTR/harem/love route, let's see if/how the harem route plays out.


    -Mommy is not a doll, but her face can still be very attractive most of the time, and that red haired friend's mom is nice looking. But those are the only two characters I want to see, and there's not enough of them, at least so far.

    -Kelly the girlfriend is meh, the sister frankly only barely becomes fap material with her hair loose and wet during the NTR/porn scene, her usual ponytail is awful and makes her face look way too manly. There's a four-eyed troll whose name I can't even remember, she's taking way too much space in the story :(.

    -Too much red eyes spoiling some sex scenes. I understand it fits the storyline, but should be dropped after a while, it becomes highly unnecessary.

    -Usual problems of heftyness and unhandyness with Unity games. No reverse function, and loading the saves/load panel can take up to 20-30 seconds (even with a good computer like mine).

    -The Engrish ain't so bad, but those unskippable time panels reading "In the meanwhile" every 10 seconds or so for example just make the gameflow even slower and heftier.

    Looking forward both to see what tatoo Mommy's gonna get in the NTR route, and what's in store with David's mom in the harem route.

    Overall, good, honest, fucked-up game, promising and with lots of fap material already. Fingers crossed it will get even better!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Good stuff, attractive women characters in there. Less interaction then I'd prefer.
    I dock it points for writing issues. It's as if the project started with someone who had decent command of English and then else took over the writing that doesn't have good grasp of english. There is lots of grammar issues, punctuation not right, spelling is off. This becomes painfully apparent by about chapter 5.
    The writing problems break immersion and detract from the characters as well as interactions.
    Otherwise it's a decent game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.9.0.0

    - Good render of female character models
    - Good sex scene
    - Good animations

    - Stupid history/script
    - Some strange renders
    - No menu options

    It's a game that uses Unity engine, which results in a little slow gameplay. But this is not a problem with the engine, but rather with the developer. I had no problem with the game, but on computers with old hardware it can occur.
    Most of the content in this game is NTR, there is another way to go. The tag '' female protagonist " it's wrong, we don't control it, we just make choices. The game offers you a male protagonist.
    The story of this game is quite bad, with a script without creativity and childish dialogues. At no time did I become interested in following the dialogues or the history, as I felt I was going to waste my time. The game's prologue starts with MC and his two friends talking about going to a cosplay event to see milfs dressed up in their favorite game costumes and one of the girls quotes MC's mother saying that she is very hot and wants to fuck her. The MC finds an old Latin book that has spells to let any woman in mental control and let her act like a slut and get horny.
    I was not interested in following this script, so most of the dialogues I ended up skipping.
    It's a simple VN like most games, you follow the story and have a few options to choose from. The choices don't have much importance or impact, it's just deciding whether you want to see the scene or not. In chapter 4 of the game, you will decide which path you want to take, the path of having all the girls for you or the path of the NTR. The path of the NTR has more sexual content, however, the MC is useless, as the game treats him like a loser otter. Overall, the game has fast gameplay and no grinding.
    Graphics & Sex Content:
    The graphics are good, but sometimes they seem a little strange. But nothing that bothers you. The renders are very good, as well as sex scenes and animations. The biggest highlight of this game are the graphics, the sexual content and the animations. The animations are very good quality, I really thought they were good. Anyway, the sexual content of this game is satisfactory.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    The story of this game is quite bad, it does not give you any emotion or any interest to follow. The content of the characters' script is poorly constructed, I say this because the MC acts like he's an idiot, and being more idiot with those of his friends. Even though it was a game made for the NTR it bothered me a little, and honestly it could be much better than that. That doesn’t mean I’m not a fan of NTR content, sometimes I don’t care, but it’s a lazy script and nothing engaging. Anyway, I gave it a 2 stars rating and I see that more than that is impossible. I'm not saying that the game is bad, the story of the game is very bad, very bad, but the content presenting not much, is good. The game has good render and animation qualities, besides having satisfactory sexual content, it is not one of the best or impressive but it is rewarding.
    I had no problems with the interface or with the graphics engine (unity) or anything that slowed gameplay, but for those who have old hardware, you can face these problems. Well, that game isn't quite my type because the VN is quite weak.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games overall, very juicy female characters, nice corruption element, even though the story's a bit superficial, but it's expectable from such projects and is completely acceptable. But a weird winged creature with whom the MC has to have sex is a bit of a turn off.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game I played. Monthly updates including the posibility to play with or without NTR routes.
    I prefer play all routes, but it is up to you based in your preferences.
    The Save/Load system could be better, bat this is not so important when you see the graphic and amazing renders.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Wouldn't be that bad of a game if it wasn't for the ridiculously long time it takes to Save or Load when you click on it, Then there's the Dialogue f*ck ups in later chapters especially, Your MC's name reverts to default for some reason
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First off this game starts off a little on the bad side and I had no hope for it at all but as the updates have gone on an d the game keeps improving a LOT I had to review it n give it 5 stars. While it takes a little while to get going once it does it's quickly becoming on of the best NTR games on here. So, it probably goes without saying but if you aren't into NTR then why are you even playing? this game's not 4 you. If you ar einto NTR this game jus gets better and better as it goes, kudos to the Dev for starting out shakey, toughing it out and and making what is quickly becoming top tier. Graphics aren't the best but they're still great, animations great, story is.... well it's just fine for what it is. Can't wait 4 more.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is too bad game i've played. You dont play anything just one thing you do is click on skip button.
    1 Star is too much for this. I del this game after play 20m. Rating in forum is bad too. This game is too bad to make a review with 200 char.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll give this game 2 stars just for the animations which is the only good thing in the game, If you're looking for a real plot or character development then this game is not for you , especially with an annoying MC.

    Actually I was surprised by the smoothness of the animations of this game,it's one of the best animation I've seen in similar games, I would love to play a real game with an interesting plot from the same developers, not a few renders and animations shoved together and called a "game".

    The unity engine sucks for VN's btw.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    story:its not the worst but very boring story after 5 minutes i was spamming skip button
    renders:i dont know what to say usully im not picky about this but looks of the characters hurts my eyes its like needles in my eyes
    it would be better if there is (ntr) tag in choises so people who dont care about story dont get cucked
    some games shouldnt be on unity

    all that i dont think i will ever replay this directly to igrone list for me
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the stupid game i ever played.It's really annoying when i play my character.


    -The main character pissed me off so much.This is the second time where i played an annoying main character,i swear i just want to punch his face.He is annoying pussy and always whining all the time.A fucking crybaby.
    -Terrible game design,its unity so you guess it
    -The story is bad,i mean real bad.Doesnt make any sense and feel rushed
    -There Is no plot,it going nowhere.
    -The render isnt that good.Some character are ugly.

    Not worth it,i just play it halfway through,after that i delete it.Cant stand the annoying main character and this game plot.It really hurt to play this mess.If you're into plot or story,there is no such thing.If you want to play for quick fap,this is a game for you.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I've ever felt the need to review a game here on F95. But this one just left me no choice but to give my ten penneth worth.

    This game's animation and CG's are LITERALLY second to none. And I mean it! Second to none. Serious quality. The only game I've seen that makes the characters look so great and especially managing to make the cum look as good on skin, is 'That Time Travel Game' ;);) (You know the one I mean, or you should... also I'm not sure about the rules for commenting about other games on another review, so that all your getting.)

    However, whoever wrote the story for this game either used a direct google translate travesty or needs to be taken out back and given 'the old yeller' treament. It completely ruins the imersion into the game, whichever route you decide to take.

    I reckon it could be completely re-written to the current scenes and be made much more understandable as, like I say the CG's are more than great. It's just that the story makes so little sense with the terrible 'engrish', that the whole fapping experience would work just as well without text at all, which seems like a real shame.

    My advice is, ask on the forums here, if anyone would be willing to help write and translate for you, mr dev man, and do it soon. It could bring in more support and you'd have more people onside with the support of the community.

    My only other problem with this game is that it's a Unity game. It's slow to load and there's no roll back feature, which is properly annoying. Especially becasue I usually have to skip most of the text as it actually causes me pain to spend the effort to read it.

    I can't give this game 5 stars, just because the writing is just TOO horrific. However, the CG and animation is FAR too good to only give 3 stars. Someone tell me when whoever is writing this has finally given up and got a job he's better at and they've got a writer on board who has a better grasp of vocab than "oh my god she's dranched" and I will be happy and more than willing to give 5 stars.

    So 4 stars for you, as there's no option for half stars. Whoever is doing the CG's should keep up the good work. You're doing FAPTASTIC work!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Art work is great, about a year ago we would have been talking among the best of the best, but not now. I'd give it an A but not an A+

    The game isn't buggy and the use of english is good, but thats about all I can be complimentary about.

    The actual writing is poor and the story is just a rehash of 90% of the other games on here, there is nothing new or exciting here.

    Its pretty much a straight VN all the interactions boil down to a binary choice of do you want to see 'this' content or not.

    For me this is pretty looking snooze fest.

    Not sure whether is a single Dev of a group, but who ever the artist is they should look to team up with an actual game dev an or writer
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    MC is a real pussy, he akts cool and a few seconds later hes a cry baby and a big pussy... it almost hurts
    also the game is somteimes bugged the MC name change from "younameit" to "jake" and bakwards also the renders ( topless -> next render there nomore -> next render topless... )
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So the classic get a book that can mind control people kinda story, the twist on this one being that they might end up fucking people other than you.

    My main gripe is that it's in Unity. It makes it a bit sluggish to load saves, there's no rollback, and one time I got it stuck in an animation loop as I was skipping through to play a different path.

    On the whole it's more of a straight into the action game than one with a lot of buildup. The renders are nice and some of the animations decent, I found the sister especially decent looking. Some of the characters are annoying but I later realised that kinda had to be for the bad path to play out.

    There's not really a ton of choice. Early on it's do something that might lead to NTR or something to keep things to yourself. About half way through it just straight up asks you what you want as a one-time choice and then things play out that way ... I felt like there was way more action on the NTR side, as well as it getting deeper into the story, but to be fair the non-NTR path splits in 2 near the end.

    All in all I liked it and will check back for a full release as it's fairly short atm (but still worth a little play) ... bit of a shame it's not in Renpy though, but it's no where near as bad as if it was in RPGM so I can't complain.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    - HQ graphic
    - 2 path of plot
    - incest
    - animations
    - many interract characters
    - chubby girl
    - mom/son ntr
    - no husband
    - groping
    - many scenes with girls in lingerie

    - ntr

    - Unity
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Sex scenes are animated and they were looking good in 2018!
    + Our story had interesting potential but it's wasted...

    Bad Points
    - Plot is totally empty.
    - Story is too basic, rushed, and makes no sense overall.
    - Everybody getting jealous and starting fights like wanting to kill each other is annoying AF.
    - Most of the times understanding sentences is pretty hard because of ''Engrish.''
    - Sometimes renders looks fuzzy and bad looking.
    - Some of the girl's faces and bodies look unattractive. Especially Kelly looks pretty ugly. And while MC's girlfriend looks ugly her friend Aurora looks damn sexy. How could as an MC we can't get that girl as a Girlfriend and end up with Kelly?! Come on man...
    - This game was released on 2018 and while it was looking good back in the day, today it looks outdated. Animations are not good enough and the general quality feels nothing more than meh.
    - After 4 years of development this game is not even close to being completed!
    - Dialogue skipping is totally broken, if you skip dialogues it's become stuck! And even if you load another save it just keeps skipping until you close and open the game again...
    - HUD and interface look bad and they are not easy to use either.

    For The End
    Mirphys is the best thing in this game but she is alone not good enough to save this poor game... Sadly this game is nothing more than outdated fap material with good potential...