Since this one has unavoidable Loli, I will find this thread amusing.
There is now a planned Harem Tag, so I am no longer extremely confused.
An unavoidable Harem may make sense because it can be tricky to pull it together.
If so, please indicate "Unavoidable Harem" in Description.
Also I will never accept that Harem is compatible with Romance.
It is not.
Tip to the Dev:
Platonic is the easiest path to make; and mate selection is the most basic Sexology.
Platonic will increase workload (mostly story planning: and perhaps a few basic images for filler banter if chronological transition is too abrupt), so decide between Unavoidable Harem or not.
If not:
1) Platonic > Story
2) Sexual > Sexual Options
(informative example):
1) I love you.
2) I love you but I also want to put my dick in you.
2A) Lets do some fairy tale shit.
2B) Lets do some corrupt shit.
In this case, Platonic is base story and Sexual is woven in:
Platonic) They walk down the hallway.
Sexual) They walk down the hallway [they stop, look into eachother's eyes, kiss] and then they continue walking down the hallway.
But if the story is Harem-centric, the difficulty to parse may not be worth it.
But Harem is not not Harem.
Otherwise, it's high quality for what it is.