You literally went in circles and said nothing different or at least solutional since what you've said has already been suggested and previously explained by me which means you've miserably failed to understand me. I can't play this game without a walkthrough and I'm sure I'm not alone here. How can it be complaining if it's something that will benefit us in general? How can I write my own walkthrough or rewrite the current one if I haven't completed the game yet?
Why should I not expect someone to do it not only for me but for others that could make good use of it? That's pretty much the reason why I commented here, to get help from others, and that's also why someone has already stepped up and said he'd try to work on it.
Hmm, well I can see why you're having problems with the fairly straight forward walkthrough. Reading comprehension is a learned skill, as is rational thought, i.e. if something isn't spelled out 100% but only 99% can someone figure out what is missing as the next logical step, assuming no pixel hunt puzzle type scenarios?
I have been playing the game for 6+ months and the walkthrough has almost always had all the information needed to complete a specific section. Now it doesn't tell you specifically which actual GUI buttons to press, but when it says to go to place X and talk to Y it typically works. Now here's where the imagination comes in.. You may have to actually talk to Y more than once! You may have to leave the scene and come back a time or two. In other words, you want a assembly diagram that shows you how every screw, nut and bolt not only has to fit but the number of turns to use to tighten them (and possibly which hand you're supposed to use to hold the wrench, etc).
My suggestion assumed that you could follow the linear steps in the walkthrough and if you hit a bump, either ask here or explore the game a little, and
then *gasp* make notes on what you found that got you past the specific step that you couldn't complete before. Thats what was meant about you rewriting the guide instead of waiting (and complaining) when someone else didn't do it for you.
HINT: You don't need to complete the entire game to do on-the-fly updates for each step in the walkthrough that you find errors with. If you actually update as you go, by the time you do complete the game you'll have a finished product to upload, or keep for yourself either way.