On the hero path you see the hero scenes. On the wimp path you see the wimp scenes. If it says "Different path", those scenes are from a different path, and you won't see them on this save. You need to go back and make different choices to see them.
I'm talking about the wimp path. On the wimp path I see the wimp phone call scene on day 3 but then it doesn't appear in the replay section and still says "Different Path".
Immediately afterwards I get the breakfast scene. On hero path I unlock both wimp and hero breakfast scenes, but when I click on them they are both the same: the hero breakfast scene. On wimp path I only unlock "wimp breakfast scene" but I click it and, again, it's actually hero breakfast.
Also, on that very same day I meet Gaz at the park and have the first sex scene with them: BJ on hero path, HJ on wimp path. Later I try to replay it and, on both paths, I only get the option to "Leave" so I can never relive the sex scenes from the cell phone.
I don't know what the hell happens but it seems bugged and I got the latest version. Not now, it has been in my HD since October.
Maybe I'll delete everything a download it again.