Unity - Completed - Timestamps: Unconditional Love [v1.1 Steam SE] [Motkeyz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game, mind blowing game enjoyed it a lot, love the goofiness, had lots of laughs, for this installment, I hope this is the start of an Epic Taboo Trilogy, it is like a "Back to the Future" for Adults, maybe a bit of "Dark" from Netflix. "Hopefully you also take some ideas of paradoxes and correction of timelines situations.
    I also hope that you break many taboos in this first part, let's see more relatives (wink, wink some secrets sisters Maureen or other taboos,
    more action with sisters please, please dudes). Once again I am very excited about this new Game, Excellent work.
    PS: Again please make Maureen a sister " Love this character a lot dudes; Bring a sisters squad!!! " (y) :cool:
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 1.0 PE P1

    Timestamps: Unconditional Love aspires to broach new frontiers in the visual novel market with a time-travel narrative dabbling in general paradoxes and an overshadowing government conspiracy; as with most of its contemporaries, Timestamps employs its narrative primarily as an excuse for erotica. The extent to which players will derive any satisfaction from such is due largely to the extent its flaws, which are almost unilaterally subjective, impact their ability to enjoy the wealth of lewd material on display.

    Graphically, Timestamps compares well with most in the genre, employing fairly standard Poser models and interspersing erotic sequences with some animation. Veterans of the medium are likely to recognize certain models from other games, a fact Timestamps itself tacitly mentions, although the stylings of several are unique and fairly memorable. While some assets are clearly of subpar quality, particularly the hair and motor vehicles, the game manages to maintain a consistent aesthetic.

    Animations, however, are a mixed bag. While players may rejoice in the knowledge that the erotic scenes include some degree of animation, and the designer even implemented cinematic sequences during purely narrative-driven scenes, they are not without flaw: often the animations play in ludicrously slow motion, courtesy either of a low frame rate or engine constraints, even the most arduously passionate actors bucking about with the enthusiasm of a sloth. This lackluster movement often inspires more mockery than merriment as, for instance, a nude woman shouts "Fuck me harder!" only to be met with a protagonist penetrating her at a tempo that would barely register as suitable for a church hymn. Even so, the animations are diverse, feature some decent framing and are often intercut with static images (of superior render quality to the animation) that flesh out the developer's intent.

    Somewhat unfortunately, the developer appears to harbor an affection for the "ahegao" craze of Japanese pornography, the exaggerrated expression of supposed ecstasy experienced during an orgasm. While this reviewer will concede that it can be quite effective in still images at conveying enjoyment, notably when drawn on women, here the artist opted to employ it on the male characters where the effect is not only questionable but often outright off putting: there is no pleasure to be derived from observing the protagonist, nor his slightly rotund friend, going cross-eyed as their faces contort at a woman's touch. Even so, as the majority of the game is spent viewing beautiful women in seductive poses there's no genuine cause for complaint.

    The same cannot be said of the storyline. Considering its length, at a solid two hours minimum, typographical and grammatical errors are infrequent; unfortunately, that itself highlights the moments in which they routinely appear.
    • "No sleep til brooklyn!"
    • "So you admit it, you're mothing more than big tease."
    • "Beam me up scotty! DAMN"
    • "You must be serious if you are willing to cause fourth wall break."
    What is otherwise a competently written script, if not particularly sophisticated, is bogged down by these minor oversights that could have been easily amended with a modicum of editorial oversight. Beyond such quibbles, Timestamps routinely neglects to consider its own continuity as events unfold. Take, for instance, either of the following...

    The protagonist is introduced, at the beach, to the character of Monica who explicitly states that she isn't interested in a drink as she doesn't consume alcohol. When next the protagonist returns to the beach, with a bottle of rum for the party, Monica willingly chugs it from the bottle.​

    Whilst in the hospital, the protagonist receives a blowjob from Juliana. The animated sequence that plays prominently displays her with the tip in her mouth and a hand massaging the rest of his shaft, given that he possesses the standard hung-like-a-literal-horse physiology of a pornstar. As the animation concludes, the immediate dialogue states: "I can't believe you could deepthroat the whole thing!" which, sadly, is not even close to what was depicted.​

    These issues cannot be brushed aside with the "time-travel" excuse either, if only as time-travel is so rarely employed. While interesting as a premise, sadly it is relegated entirely to that role and does not directly impact the gameplay. There are no mechanics utilizing such, no choice-and-consequence trees dependent on player interaction via the past or future, no puzzles to solve, nor any semblance of agency in how or when the time-travel occurs. It is, by all accounts, a narrative hook alone.

    In closing, I would like to address one particular aspect I found eminently disagreeable: the repeated breaking of the fourth wall.

    Used sparingly, as in certain theatrical productions, breaking the fourth wall can allow for levity or ease tension in an otherwise perilous situation. Comedically, as in the cinematic classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the fourth wall breaks allow the audience to garner some insight as to a character's motivations. Frequently, and most often internally, as with Deadpool comics, the fourth wall is shattered in order to illustrate the character's fragile mental state. Here, Timestamps muddles its way between each of these aspects without committing to any in particular. The result is a fractured mess, where at one moment the "Narrator" may interject a random remark that lightly mocks the trope at play, while in another they contribute to it outright. Periodically comments are made regarding familiar models, scenarios and all manner of homages to time-travel related media in other fields; the lack of subtlety on display is jarring.

    Worst of all, however, are the moments in which the developer outright acknowledges that you, the player, are engaged in a game; a puerile, pointless and worthless endeavor where dozens of buxom babes throw themselves at the protagonist just because he has a large cock. That, in so many words, is reiterated on several occasions, with characters bemoaning the "luck" of the protagonist and said individual himself noting that it's because "we're in a game." It is after the hospital sequence, however, that Timestamps rushes headlong into the wall, seemingly determined to dash it to pieces or perish in the process. Having already alluded to other, real-world games via the protagonist's computer, now an entire scene plays out in which a major character converses with a woman who wants to join the cast...

    "Philly or Dr. PinkCake would have done amazing things, if you were in their games."
    "My game isn't about time travel. Global warming is real."

    This callous disregard for the player's sense of immersion and general escapist mentality of the medium is grating, to say the least, and disrespectful at best. With any luck, the author will abandon such blatant commentary in the future or, at the least, relegate it to purely optional content.

    GRAPHICS ----------------------------------------------------- 8 / 10
    + Relatively diverse cast with some variety among the potential love interests.
    + Beautiful models, albeit with varying levels of attention to detail; certain assets are of distinctly lower quality than others.
    + Veritable glut of erotic content, primarily static images with some animated sequences.
    - Animations are often stiff and slow, playing at speeds that seem inappropriate to their context.
    - Artist's choice to exagerrate expressions during certain erotic scenes leads to bizarre and unattractive facial contortions.

    DIALOGUE ----------------------------------------------------- 6 / 10
    + Passable characterization, some genuine banter and clear, if flawed, motivations.
    + Few overt grammatical or typographical errors, formatted for easy reading.
    - Grammatical and typographical errors increase in frequency as the game progresses.
    - Deliberate fourth-wall breaking moments are obnoxious, decimating any sense of immersion or investment in the narrative.

    GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------- 7 / 10
    + Strong presentation and world ensure the player remains firmly aware of their goal. Choices are presented clearly and most consequences can be ascertained logically; no instances of player-ambushing.
    + Competently integrated GUI and quality-of-life options, including a task tracker with hints and quick navigation pane.
    - Animations cannot be sped up, nor are they segmented to allow for quickly snapping between various points.
    - Most player-choice scenarios merely postpone an otherwise linear progression, rather than branching to unique events.

    INNOVATION ------------------------------------------------- 7 / 10
    + Overarching narrative features an uncommon hook which, while somewhat disjointed and largely unexplained to the player, manifests sufficiently throughout to engender intrigue.
    + Customization of splash/start screen is a unique and welcome addition.
    + Unity engine employment is stable, free of the typical memory leaks associated with similar projects.
    - Continuity breaks are commonplace and "time-travel" cannot be used to adequately dismiss them all.
    - Uses models from other successful visual novels, while simultaneously (and jarringly) calling attention to this fact.

    SCORE ====================== 28 / 40

    Timestamps, which began as an unabridged visual novel but has since split into a quasi-episodic structure due to its financial success, introduces the player to an ensemble of gorgeous women in "Cougar Valley" with this release: Unconditional Love. An indisputably strong start for a fledgling series, yet by no means without flaw nor likely to arouse universal acclaim due to certain artistic choices throughout. Players interested in time-travel, and capable of dismissing the trope-heavy relationship scenarios including such classics as the "spectacularly well-endowed" protagonist and nymphomaniac landlady/mother, are likely to enjoy what's offered. Is this the genuine start of a series worth following? Only time will tell.

    CONSTRUCTIVE CRITIQUE: Implement the time-travel as an in-game mechanic, either to solve puzzles, resolve an impasse in dialogue or merely explore otherwise unreachable areas, thereby elevating it above a mere narrative structure. Hire an editor, or seek out a volunteer, to perform a quick spelling and grammar check of your script prior to release. Consider allowing the player to alter the playback speed on animations and include more frames to increase their fluidity. Limit the amount of blatant fourth wall breaks that occur; the initial few with the Narrator were a cute touch, everything thereafter took it too far with outright meta-commentary.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Well done and very erotic. The Threesome was AMAZING (if it took awhile to get there), and I really wanted more.

    There were some fetishes outside my purview (Cucking John), but that's not why I'm taking off a star.

    I wish there was a non-smoking option. The models are gorgeous with some good ink, but every time I saw that cigarette I had flashes of kissing ash-trays.

    I'm taking off a star for the lack of control-ability for the animations. You can't skip to the next segment of the same animation. It operates like an 8-track. There's also minor grammar/spelling errors. Plus, unnecessary exposition. Like describing the picture or transition. Show, don't tell. We know what a transition is, just by watching.

    The story never fully utilizes the time-travel element. We get "glitches" and flashbacks, but 2 horny teenagers would have been using that like a porn game. I'm not sure about this, but I think there's also some continuity errors, because characters are mentioned, (like the ORIGINAL tattoo artist that went away??) and we never really meet these people.

    I understand there is a sequel, and I will be playing it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really great game
    in some parts of the game i didnt understand what are they talking about like man in a hoodie i didnt see him or i dont remember him but im sure i didnt see him
    and one time in the hospital or something there was this robo girl i dont remeber the name but i didnt understand nothing the were talking about it didnt make any sense
    (im sorry for my english if you didnt understand something)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a little upset that I cant give the game five stars after playing through the first episode.
    The models are great, as is the overall rendering quality. All the models stay within the realm of the possible, even if unlikely perfect. The protagonists dick borders ridiculous though.
    The protagonist himself behaves reasonable and while a little voyeuristic and nymphomanic, he isnt a rapey sociopath who doesnt give a fuck about breaking laws and social norms like oh so many others in his shoes.
    The side characters are all likeable (antagonists excluded) and decently developed for a porn game, even the male friend and the father.
    The dialogue writing is pretty decent.
    And lastly, it is one of the few games that dont use renpy but still feel very well coded and polished. Lots of comfort features like scene replay and hints, which is really great.

    So, why not five stars, you ask? (Or not, I will list the reasons anyway)

    The fetishes are bland. There is smoking as a big one, then a mild foot and boob fetish. Old women all around, but balanced with young ones. Incest of course, but thats the only reason for playing porngames anyway (everything else is available in just regular porn).

    The story is abitious, but thats the best thing I can say about it. Timetravel is dicey and confusing at the best of times, and here its not even well implemented in the gameplay. It makes some things mysterious, but there must be better ways to achieve that.

    The animations are praised by lots of people here, but I find them poor and immersion breaking. You get great renders, and then in between the models start to make wooden movements and tits flop around the place for no reason. Better use a couple more perspectives and let the players' brains fill in the gap. The renders make the models feel alive, the animations make them super uncanny.

    After playing it, I feel a little like I wasted my time. I'm neither particularly excited sexually, nor interested in the story. I will go on and check out the second chapter, but chapter one is not as good as it looks.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Some of the best animation i've seen in this type of game, they're not all on the same level, some are a bit stiff or there is not enough movement, but there is so much it's a real treat.

    The only thing that didn't do it for me in this game was the story and most of the character, it's serviceable to lead up to the porn but i otherwise didn't care about it.

    Now some of the chara design are really great, best tattoo i've seen in these kind of games, a great variety of girls, scene and fetish and that's always a plus.

    Really a good one for the porn, will look forward to the sequel, if the developper can keep improving the already insanely good animation it's gonna be amazing, recommended !
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is what I would describe as a true Virtual Novel. This is not a 'game' although it is in the style of one. The audience cannot make any decisions that will affect the outcome of the novel or even the progression in any way. This detracts from how much enjoyment I can derive from this virtual novel.

    This is fine but not exactly clear when first downloading.

    There's plenty of BGM and it seems well chosen, the animation and modelling is better than average and the story is interesting.

    I am looking forward to other games by the dev but with how Timestamps is currently laid out, well I feel satisfied after playing through the first chapter and don't feel invested enough to continue on to further chapters.

    The Dev should look at re-working the format of Chapter 1, there's a lot of potential there.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    1. Amazing animation and renders.
    2. Sci-fi is a good change.
    1. I personally am not a fan of this "huge dick making all the women somehow sex slaves of the guy" thingy. I get that this is a porn game but still I've played a hell lot of games and honestly most of them had at least some love building up.
    2. Also, I don't get the dev's obsession with Julie smoking. I haven't seen many smoking fetish games on this website so probably the dev wanted to try something new but I feel that we should have been given a choice.
    3. I like completely shaved pussies and well, there were none in this game. Most of the other games have a mixture of hairy and shaved but that wasn't the case here.
    4. The story seemed linear and choices didn't seem to matter that much. You can't skip a girl you don't like.

    All this aside, I feel that the future games by the dev would be even better. Good luck to the dev!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn this was good.

    The characters are fleshed out and interesting. They have their own motivations, desires and range in intelligence. I had a soft spot for Juli and was teased to oblivion but that was an excellent way to heighten desire. Nika won my heart too. As for the girlfriend Maureen... gotta love her spirit and devotion.

    The story matters. As you probably read the game's description: time travel is involved. It's chock-full of sci-fi and mystery, inspired by the movie Back to the Future. I'm glad the vast majority of twists are experienced in your own timeline. That does give it a certain oomph, that you're not just messing around in time-jumps where you get to do anything. No, it has direct consequence because you're doing it in the 'real' world.

    The dialog is done well. Each character has their own mannerism. Never was I bored or did I lose immersion.

    The sex scenes are great. They have sublime animations and lots of intimacy with eye contact and kissing. The characters look as lifelike as it gets with current gen. And they're occasionally animated even outside a sex scene! Goes to show how much attention went into this.

    This is a must play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game ! I started playing the game thinking it's just another VN with lots of sex in it... I was wrong. This is like a Sci-Fi/erotic novel with a fairly linear story but, the premise and execution is like nothing I've seen before. I won't spoil it for anyone wanting to try it for themselves, but be patient with the story and it will deliver ;)
    Like any game it has small problems, some of witch were solved in the second part, but I'll leave that for the chapter 2 review .
    Great animations, renders, story and funny pop-culture references.
    The text needs a little more proof-reading to be up to my standards ;)
    Renders 5/5
    Animations 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Execution 4/5 (small problems with animations; repetitive music; some typos and grammar mistakes)
    Overall 5/5
    I really enjoyed the game overall and can't wait to see what happens next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, the story is very original and well researched (looks like a movie). The graphics and 'good level animations well done, the audio is ok, the and' divided into parts so this version Unconditional Love leaves a final open to the next episode (not yet complete at the moment) However very nice, I wait for the end of the second chapter to play and review it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my really first visual novel. I'm really surprise by how good it was. The scenario is well written and the arts are fantastic.Thank you dev you really have a talent. 5 stars, and thank you very much for this brand new experience !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This masterpiece, is an adult version of Back to the Future. First, I want to talk about the render quality. Oh my God! It's an absolutely state of art and very unique, somewhat stylish. I've never seen anything like this before, top quality. The writing is hilarious. Humor is all over the game, even in tense moments, you can read something that make you smile. The story seems more complicated than Back to the Future as there are more travelers here that cause more chaos in times, but I feel all mysteries and chaos will be resolved logically in the end because I think dev(s) wrote the scenario before starting the game. Minor details in the beginning may tell you more later so pay attention everything. Also, the story is quite linear for a VN. There are small amount of choices and most of them impact sex scenes or sex partners, so don't expect path changing choices.Honestly I don't care of linearity of the game because other aspects are great. Speaking of sex, they are all animated and very exciting. Females are gorgeous, MC has a horse dick, so enjoy. This is a masterpiece, highly recommended.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not a visual novel, in a sense that there isnt really character build-up. Every female in the game wants to have sex with you because you have like, a big dick or wherever the reason.

    That causes the storyline to feel empty. You don't really believe in what's happening, and you can clearly see that everything is there just to clear that or this fetish. I'm not saying fetishes are bad, but without any build, good context or believable story setting, it's just porn scenes.

    That said, this is a great example of porn game. It has almost everything and the animations are superb.

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Certainly one of the best games. Truly excellent with top quality animations, renders, story line, use of language and performance. Very interesting plot and highly erotic atmosphere with so many beautiful and sexy characters. A lot of content from a reliable developer.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When I saw the startup intro of the game I knew it gonna be a good experience. And now that I finished the first part of the game I can see I was right.

    Now about the game:
    It was good to see a variety of boobs, asses spread over a wide range of age (you kind have a bit of a granny there if you are into that). So far I like the most the actual girlfriend and Molly but neither the MILFs are not bad
    What was a bit of an off thing for me are the Mrs Julian hairstyle and the face of the Nikki that some times look a bit retarted

    Story tell:
    So far so good, and the end hook me up, waiting for the second part. The story brings many different possibility
    It is the first game where the fourth wall is broken so I was cool to see. But to make sense they should not appear anymore on the second part
    Map style
    Easy to use, simple and nice

    Task system
    It was a bit difficult at first until I start to get use to it. After that it was fine. I am not sure if it was just me or it is a fault but each time the task list start with the first task of the day and it does not go down to the task that you have to do, so you have to scroll down

    What can be improved

    - it will be nice if some scene would have some music. The actual music easily become repetitive so after a while I start playing without sound
    - a retouch of Mrs Julian hair
    - a retouch on Nikki eyes
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my first review. I'm doing this because the game can be more than it is
    just finished. Good game with decent renders, the animations are nice but they take a little to load and the game can get stuck on them (had to reload the game a couple of times), most of the time I ended up skipping them, they are basically well done gifs.
    All the girls are hot but the mom, hated every single scene with her. she looks like an old bimbo Karen with a wig, I skipped most of her scenes (so, actually, a good half of the game, she is basically the main girl. meh).
    Lot of dialogues, sometimes useless walls of text, sometimes just a turnoff (can never forget your mom telling you put it where you were born from or something like that).
    Story is good, starts as a silly do whatever you want in the alternate timeline, then it becomes more interesting and much less predictable, i think i'll play the second chapter just to see how hings turns out. I mean, also to fap, but hell I already know I'm in for a lot of vanilla uninspired incestuous sex scenes with the gobbo mom.
    Oh, I almost forgot, give us more Maureen.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished playing E2Ch2 and I have to say that this game started to grow on me more and more by the update.

    Fantastic plot, regardless of popular opinion on this forum, which in all honesty makes complete sense so far. The fact that it is so complex is what makes me like this game more and more, the fact that there are loose ends is because we are not supposed to know everything just yet but at the same time you get the chance to know enough in order to actually enjoy every moment of this plot.
    That was my summarized opinion on the plot, which again is fantastic, and now to move on to other aspects of the game.

    Sounds. The in-game music and sound effects are great, they suit the needs of every major and minor scene that they are attached to, creating an ambiance of sorts that only adds to the flavor of the game.
    In my opinion, what would make it better would be to add more voice related sound effects to H scenes and Plot scenes in order to really take it to the next level.

    Renders. Nothing negative to say about that. Amazing renders which have only gotten better with time since E1P1.

    Animations. Not at the same level as the renders, in my opinion, but close and also getting better and better by the update. Very, very good although I fell as if not all of the animations were created for the right situations/angles regarding both H scenes and Plot scenes. Short version, although the quality is the same, some animations seem out of place and even not needed considering that the time and resources spent on them could have been used for others in different points and scenes of the game. Also, I have some frames here and there with some animations but I can't figure out if its related to my Processor and GPU or with the actual coding of said animations.

    Characters. Absolutely amazing in terms of appearance, attitude to match and background stories. So far I haven't seen any out of place character, and all of them received the exact amount of content and attention needed in order to contribute positively to the game. Personal preference, I like Juli and all that but she doesn't deserve the main female role in this game just for the fact that I believe she is being eclipsed by other characters. Lately she hasn't been getting as much attention as she used to and I feel that other characters, no spoiler, are getting more of their deserved attention and content. I really hope the games continues being steered in its current direction.

    With all of that being said, with comparing this game with what else is currently out there and with the mention that nothing is perfect, I would like to give it a 5 star rating.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    dialog is awkward. What to do next isn't hard to stumble on to, but also isn't intuitive.
    characters suck. I mean, I know it's a porn game, but very little effort seems to go into character development or making anything seem real/believable.

    And I despise the animations. As is, they are decently done, but being entirely unable to skip through them means being trapped and waiting for them to end. I hate being forced to watch the same 10 frames, looping for what feels like minutes, before some small change is introduced and then waiting for it to finish it's loop.

    And I hate the MC's mother. Seriously, she's pissed off because her husband, in his 40s, isn't capable of keeping up with her demands for multiple sessions a day, and chooses to think either he's cheating or isn't into her? It's a minor complaint, but it sort oif highlights the general unbelievability of the game.

    Yes porn. Yes, silly incest time travel story. I get that. But Christ, suspension of disbelief is part of any work of fiction. Put in some effort. You can always add wackier, more outside of what is believable things later, when the MC has fucked with time a little.

    Lastly, for a time travel game? Shockingly lineir.

    there's a lot this has going for it. So it's frustrating how much stronger its annoying qualities seem to overwhelm what is good.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn good graphics, a good story and the dev actually is focusing on it alooot but we focus too much on the milf and the girlfriend we have is a little wierd but overall a great game can't wait for the next installment since this part ended in a ciffhanger .
    The game took me about 5 hours to complete .