I loved this game! I think that the best FEMALE characters are Dr. River aka Aliza, cuz she's pretty, nice to the MC (while also being "tricky", but hey the MC "accepted her challenge"...) AND Maureen cuz she's not a jealous bitch and can "keep herself" to the "agreement" about her being in an open relationship with the MC, AND "maybe" GAZ too who (according to the "storyline") once was nice to the MC, then became a "kinda slave" to that asshole who "got his ass kicked" by the MC, but later realised that she made a damn bad move with it and "got back on the MC's good side", and ALL THE REST OF THE FEMALE CHARACTERS are just goddamn stuck up wiseass bitches playing with the MC's emotions, and would deserved to be fucked SO WILD AND SO FAST AND SO HARD like that wiseass stuck up no good whore called Ana got fucked in the ass by the MC in the game called Acting Lessons and then left like a "used toilet paper on an empty street in the middle of nowhere"... anyway, thumbs (and "schlongs") up for this game on my side, BUT if this game will have further updates then MAYBE the creators should use less "emotional fuckarounds" between the MC and the female characters and so maybe i'll have more of them on my "best ones list"..i'm not 100% sure but i think i'm not the only male player who thinks this way...