3.70 star(s) 16 Votes


Oct 2, 2021
Once again I'm not the Dev. I just thought people would want to know there was a progress update. Cheers!
Stats have been changed again.
Massage game changed because the stats were changed.
A brief explanation of how the current and new massage game works.
New update in 2-3 months from date of post. (so Oct-Nov at earliest Nov-Dec at latest.)

Hey everyone, it's been a while! Danko and I have been hard at work, but the update is still going to be another two or three months at the soonest. In the meantime, I'd like to give you guys a rundown of a few of the major changes and upgrades we've made to the game's design.
As usual, these systems are subject to change and what you see in this post may not be exactly what you see in the game when the next update is released. But it should give you an idea of where my head is at, and how I'm approaching the design for this game.
Relationship Progression Changes
Last time, I talked about dropping the Affinity stat and replacing it with two new stats that would track how kind or commanding you were. This was a step in the right direction, but after drafting a few outlines for Jinx's route and playtesting the new system a little, I realized I was adding too much semi-mandatory grinding to the game.
So I thought of a different system. My first idea was to bring back the Affinity stats and then introduce a two-stat reputation system. You could work on your relationship with each girl individually to level up their Affinity, and then your actions would level up your Kindness and Command reputation stats. Then, once you leveled up one of your reputation stats to a certain level, you could unlock perks that would give you new abilities like being able to tell the girls what to wear, etc. But then I noticed a different problem.
Consider how this plays out. You're targeting a heroine, and you've got three stats to worry about: Affinity, Kindness, and Command. You raise Command by giving orders, you raise Kindness by being kind...but how do you level up Affinity? By...being kind? But that's what the Kindness stat is for. I realized that Affinity and Kindness were serving the same purpose, so I decided to make a change.
From now on, each girl will have an Affection stat. And the player himself, Cleric, will have an Authority stat. The Affection stats are raised by interacting with the girls and just generally being a nice dude. But the Authority stat reflects how much respect you've earned as a member of the Titans. You can raise your Authority stat by doing sidequests to earn special perks. Each perk gives a special bonus like earning more money from massages, or the ability to use the security cameras. After earning a certain number of perks, your Authority will rank up! This will unlock new quests, new dialogue options, and new ways to earn more perks.
One of the earliest perks you can get is earned by working at the clinic built into the first-floor lobby. By working extra hard and helping as many people as you can, you'll earn respect from your teammates and from all of Jump City. But remember that if you decide to work hard during the day, you might not have the energy left over to heal your teammates after they return from a long day of fighting crime. Depending on who's going out on patrol that day, you might decide to save your energy so you can give some special care to someone who's caught your eye.
Keep in mind that this doesn't mean that we're cutting content. You can see in the post right below this one that the roadmap includes a main route and two side-routes for each girl, and that is still the plan. The girl's main route will have both Affection and Authority checks, but the requirements will be relatively low. One of her side questlines will have much higher Affection requirements, and will focus on becoming more loving and intimate with the heroine. The other side questline will have higher Authority requirements, and will focus more on the physical part of your relationship.
Massage Minigame Update!
Most of you probably weren't aware, but the previous massage minigame was pretty heavily intertwined with the old 3-stat system. But now that I've streamlined those stats and made some fundamental changes to the game's progression, I decided that the massage minigame needed an update too.
In the old system, each possible action in the h-scene had requirements for Affinity, Love, and Slave. Meeting at least one of these requirements meant that the heroine would let you do that action without any problem, but if you didn't meet the requirements, you would have to try and get her super horny so that she'd want you to do it anyway. Gentle actions would increase the Love stat and dominant actions would increase the Slave stat. But this system meant that each action had to be designed so that it was either very gentle or very dominant.
But with this new stat system, we now have a lot more freedom. So I've made some changes, including scrapping the old 36-preset-action system and replacing the Energy stat with Comfort. Now each of your hands are controlled separately, and you'll click directly on the portrait to perform the action you want.

The minigame's core loop is like this: the heroine starts the scene with a certain amount of Comfort. You click around different places on the heroine's body to heal her there. Comfortable actions will raise her Comfort meter, and uncomfortable actions will lower it. Whether or not she's comfortable with it which is based on her Affection stat. Performing uncomfortable actions will drain her Comfort, but if you perform the same uncomfortable action enough times, you'll have the chance to change her mind about it using your Authority.
But be warned that trying to change her mind and failing can have big consequences. Trying to perform an action that she's already asked you to stop will come with MASSIVE penalties that can potentially stop you from seeing her again for multiple in-game days. Remember that all of these girls have enough firepower in each of them to destroy an entire city block, so it's probably in your best interest not to piss them off.
So, I hope this sates your curiosity about what we've been working on! There's even more exciting stuff coming that we're playing close to the chest, so I hope you guys are looking forward to playing the next update when it comes out. Remember to join our to keep up to date with the latest progress posts and to know when the update is out as soon as it drops. Thanks everyone!"


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
still doesn't explain anything about a walkthrough, introduction, or even instructions on how the minigame works. Your system is unintuitive and confusing.
in short, their mood decreases if you do shit they dont like. if you are dommy enough you can eventualy talk them into accepting and liking things like a good pet. if youre not dom enough they'll freak out and refuse to talk to you for a week.
in other words, same shit as before with different names and probably other sources of the by-stat values - main offender here being "authority" being grinded with public display, exposure, releations and easy health care instead of acting overbearing towards the little girls and intimidating them directly through words and reckless groping during massage as before. massage horny can now act as a content gate if applied right.

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018

Hey everybody. The next update (v0.17 - Foundation) is coming out very soon, but I wanted to make all of you aware that, after it comes out, we'll be suspending the development of Titans In Towels for an indefinite amount of time. We'll also be suspending all patron charges while this page remains active. The simple truth is that both Danko and I are burnt out from working on this game for so long, and though I am firmly committed to this game's future, the two of us need to take some time off.
To be perfectly transparent with you guys, Danko might not be coming back to this project. The scope of the game has blown up way beyond what I pitched to him back in June of 2019, and no matter what happens, I've been lucky to benefit from his skill as an artist and professionalism as a partner. I've been in talks with other artists about either replicating his style or recreating their assets in their own style, but regardless of what happens, I won't be charging new or existing patrons until the Jinx update (v0.18 - Jinx, Chapter 1) is out.
Once v0.17 is released, I will be deactivating this game's Patreon page and will reactivate it once we are ready to release v0.18. Anyone who wishes to be informed about the game's development should . To everyone who's supported this game either financially or by spreading the word about it or just by being a fan, thank you for everything. I know this is a scary time for the game, especially for those of you who have been supporting us for a long time, but I want you to know that I am still 100% committed to this game and I will do whatever it takes to make it a reality. Seriously guys, I've got so many goddamn cool ideas, there's no way in hell I'm gonna let this game die!
Please look forward to the future of Titans In Towels!
Jul 18, 2018
So I've got Raven's "love" up to 40, with nothing new, I can't seem to get Star's to go higher than 10 and nothing for Jinx. Is that as far as content goes in this game?
If so, could a message be added saying "you've achieved all the main story content there is " or something?


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
This is what happens when you don't manage your expectations. You spend 3 years reworking a game with nothing to show for it but the prologue. Instead of doing these minigames or programming a free-roam nightmare with a day-and-night system, imagine, for just a moment, if from the beginning you did a linear game. If you went down that route, it's my opinion you would have had the game finished by 2021 with the story you wanted to tell, and even had time to do different routes if you so desired.

Whenever I see games like these in F95 trying 'open world'/'free roam' the only question I have for them is Why? Seeing the comparison between "A Way Back Home" and "Another Way Back Home" truly cements this question for me. Why have this disjointed mechanic when you could tell a coherent story from point a to point b?
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
This is what happens when you don't manage your expectations. You spend 3 years reworking a game with nothing to show for it but the prologue. Instead of doing these minigames or programming a free-roam nightmare with a day-and-night system, imagine, for just a moment, if from the beginning you did a linear game. If you went down that route, it's my opinion you would have had the game finished by 2021 with the story you wanted to tell, and even had time to do different routes if you so desired.

Whenever I see games like these in F95 trying 'open world'/'free roam' the only question I have for them is Why? Seeing the comparison between "A Way Back Home" and "Another Way Back Home" truly cements this question for me. Why have this disjointed mechanic when you could tell a coherent story from point a to point b?
i thought we where going to get at least one more update out this before it was onhold or abandoned but i think this wasnt that bad it wasn't as bad as like 90% of them or those RPG maker ones god now those are horrible

Scarlet Ashbringer

Game Developer
Nov 22, 2020
This is what happens when you don't manage your expectations. You spend 3 years reworking a game with nothing to show for it but the prologue. Instead of doing these minigames or programming a free-roam nightmare with a day-and-night system, imagine, for just a moment, if from the beginning you did a linear game. If you went down that route, it's my opinion you would have had the game finished by 2021 with the story you wanted to tell, and even had time to do different routes if you so desired.

Whenever I see games like these in F95 trying 'open world'/'free roam' the only question I have for them is Why? Seeing the comparison between "A Way Back Home" and "Another Way Back Home" truly cements this question for me. Why have this disjointed mechanic when you could tell a coherent story from point a to point b?
Free roam games are often more engaging, the reason why Another Way Home is so popular is that A Way Back Home is in Unity and is a nightmare to get to work, while Another Way has an excellent saves management, a day-to-day and gallery system to rewatch / See new content and a few other additionals features
A free roam games is not that hard to code. A map is nothing but a menu. A day/night cycle is a variable and colored background
I can't tell why this game is so slow, but given the mechanism of the hidden room in the elevator, I can guess they try to reinvente the wheel when you could just go from character to character like any free roam game, instead of playing Professor Layton to explore the world
Or maybe it's their mini game. I almost made a massage scene (inspired from that game actually) and it is a nightmare to code properly. If they base the game on this mechanic, they're in for a difficult time lol


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
Free roam games are often more engaging, the reason why Another Way Home is so popular is that A Way Back Home is in Unity and is a nightmare to get to work, while Another Way has an excellent saves management, a day-to-day and gallery system to rewatch / See new content and a few other additionals features
A free roam games is not that hard to code. A map is nothing but a menu. A day/night cycle is a variable and colored background
I can't tell why this game is so slow, but given the mechanism of the hidden room in the elevator, I can guess they try to reinvente the wheel when you could just go from character to character like any free roam game, instead of playing Professor Layton to explore the world
Or maybe it's their mini game. I almost made a massage scene (inspired from that game actually) and it is a nightmare to code properly. If they base the game on this mechanic, they're in for a difficult time lol
The true difficulty is not regarding the code, it's making a coherent game due to the baggage free-roam brings with it.

What makes a free-roam game not boring? Quests, minigames, freedom, and grinding. All of which needs to be supported and dragged along with the original story you wanted to tell.

Let's say I wanted to tell a story about how the chicken crossed the road, however, I made that story free roam so here's what we get: "During Noon, the chicken collected 20 chickennuggies to unlock the speed boost to be able to beat the road crossing minigame and get to the other side of the road. However, that was just 1 road, now he needs to help a lady cross back, and collect 100 chickennuggies to cross the 2nd road. Unfortunately, that event only unlocks on saturday during the afternoon-"

Now instead of doing a simple and consistent story, I waste my time doing all this busy work for years, reworking the game several times (because after years of staring at your own work, you start seeing the flaws), and suddenly it's 3 years and I'm still stuck with the chicken not even leaving the asphalt of his side of the road.


Jan 16, 2018
does anyone here like Niki and want to keep her or is it just me? I mean sure a construction looking robot girl isn't exactly 100% drop dead sexy cyber succubus but she has her own charm plus she IS only construction so there are plenty of other roles for the most horny cyber girl to fill out, like lucy the maid being domestic/cleaning bot.
Last edited:

Scarlet Ashbringer

Game Developer
Nov 22, 2020
The true difficulty is not regarding the code, it's making a coherent game due to the baggage free-roam brings with it.

What makes a free-roam game not boring? Quests, minigames, freedom, and grinding. All of which needs to be supported and dragged along with the original story you wanted to tell.

Let's say I wanted to tell a story about how the chicken crossed the road, however, I made that story free roam so here's what we get: "During Noon, the chicken collected 20 chickennuggies to unlock the speed boost to be able to beat the road crossing minigame and get to the other side of the road. However, that was just 1 road, now he needs to help a lady cross back, and collect 100 chickennuggies to cross the 2nd road. Unfortunately, that event only unlocks on saturday during the afternoon-"

Now instead of doing a simple and consistent story, I waste my time doing all this busy work for years, reworking the game several times (because after years of staring at your own work, you start seeing the flaws), and suddenly it's 3 years and I'm still stuck with the chicken not even leaving the asphalt of his side of the road.
I'd play this game
Also I see your point
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Is it me or is the game abandoned?
the game is tagged [on-hold] which means dev announced that development is stopped. but they want to one day pick it up again.
usually they don't. so 90% chance it is abandoned. 10% chance it gets resurrected one day


Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
the game is tagged [on-hold] which means dev announced that development is stopped. but they want to one day pick it up again.
usually they don't. so 90% chance it is abandoned. 10% chance it gets resurrected one day
i find it funny that he said burn out as an excuse when theres hardly anything to the game yet
3.70 star(s) 16 Votes