
Nov 15, 2022
We'll all see the end results but I am more hopeful than before because there are some huge improvements. I was always positive about ITRoy deliver the game, not abandon it but also somewhat reluctant about the change because the learning process, huge workload, the different looks comes with the engine change and all in all convinced it's not worth it. I still am leaning towards not worth the trouble side but the explanation is somewhat plausible and renders are coming close to passable.
So I don't think he is delusional but a huge risk taker to create better things.
P.S. I am expecting at least one or two brush up along the road when he will learn to use UE better in future.
I guess the truth of the matter is... To Be a King should've been wrapped up in Daz sooner rather than later - and then the developer should've announced an engine change. I can understand wanting to streamline the process for the future, but "sacrificing" your current project is not the way to go about it...
Oct 10, 2022
I guess the truth of the matter is... To Be a King should've been wrapped up in Daz sooner rather than later - and then the developer should've announced an engine change. I can understand wanting to streamline the process for the future, but "sacrificing" your current project is not the way to go about it...
Oh I agree with you about that but if you read the explanations he was not planning to end the game any time soon and his future plans for the game is too much for the DAZ engine to handle, so he thought why not I change the engine early in the game. So it will be easy to change whole game. Now, when you think about this way it makes so much sense.
Though, a few problems with that. First one is being even though there is much planned for the future and that makes the game technically in early phase, the game is already huge as it is. So engine change brought huge work load with it. Second one, future problems are not tied to previous chapters. He mentions city environment, sea scenes etc. but none of them was a problem before. The game was already divided into volumes also. He could have said, with volume 3 I'm changing the render engine because this and that. There are even AAA games that did that. It would have been better I believe.
I think ITRoy is a perfectionist, that is why he chose to change whole game. He took huge risks with it but seems like he is gonna deliver it with some small damages and after that, he is not bound by the limitation of DAZ anymore.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Switching engines mid-project is pretty much always a bad idea. I can't recall one that worked, besides going from Unity to Renpy to make coding easier. But changing rendering engines is entirely different. Especially since this is already on Steam and has a certain look.

If he really wants to move to UE, wrap up this game and in the meantime experiment with UE on the side. Then his next project can be in UE but without all the weirdness.
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Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
Switching engines mid-project is pretty much always a bad idea. I can't recall one that worked, besides going from Unity to Renpy to make coding easier. But changing rendering engines is entirely different. Especially since this is already on Steam and has a certain look.

If he really wants to move to UE, wrap up this game and in the meantime experiment with UE on the side. Then his next project can be in UE but without all the weirdness.

Did he move it to UE, or is he just using UE to create the images? I was under the impression he was just using it to create the images (I could be wrong of course).


Jul 8, 2018
in theory it sounds good but when looking at the screenshots it is more a horrorshow then anything else...
i dont know if he is delusional or just in denial that all he has done so far only got this disorted faces and possesed doll looks if he thinks that it looks good...
yeah, the LI's on the images looks really terrible...just the ginger is somewhat passable but still worse than the original version. If that is what we will get on the update idk if im will even download it.
And i dont understand, dev is upgrading the whole thing to make it "better", but he cant even make them look as good as before, and lets keep in mind that they should get BETTER than before.
And even with dev making outstanding backgrounds and environments what carries the game (on the image department) in the end are the models...but its like they went to a prolonged vacation on Chernobyl.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
yeah, the LI's on the images looks really terrible...just the ginger is somewhat passable but still worse than the original version. If that is what we will get on the update idk if im will even download it.
And i dont understand, dev is upgrading the whole thing to make it "better", but he cant even make them look as good as before, and lets keep in mind that they should get BETTER than before.
And even with dev making outstanding backgrounds and environments what carries the game (on the image department) in the end are the models...but its like they went to a prolonged vacation on Chernobyl.
I don't disagree with you, but ITroy said it was in order to make animating easier. I always assume by default that any renders in something like Unreal will look inferior to those done meticulously by hand (like in Ren'Py). I don't think I've ever felt like those renders were amazing when compared to those done in Daz or a more specialized model-rendering software. Even something like Love of Magic (yes, I know it was in Unity instead) had inferior renders IMO when compared to something like Leap of Faith. I assume animations for things like Resident Evil 7 or 8 are not done by their gaming engine but are mocap managed in software specialized in model rendering and animation, and then video files brought over for the engine to use in cutscenes.

My guess would be the cause of inferiority is the use of AI trying to figure out poses and movements, calculating rather than using intuition to see what works and what doesn't. Losing the human touch will almost always be of lesser quality than a manual process. But as far as I understand it, the idea was to make animating (which he seems determined to do) easier than it would have been, and for no other reason. His talking about how impressed he is with renders, I think, is more like his being happy that they don't look absolutely terrible, given some of the stuff I've seen come out of Unreal Engine's rendering. (Or maybe he really is blind.)
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2020
in theory it sounds good but when looking at the screenshots it is more a horrorshow then anything else...
i dont know if he is delusional or just in denial that all he has done so far only got this disorted faces and possesed doll looks if he thinks that it looks good...
What's funny is that he wrote a whole damn essay to summarise the engine change and failed to address the main criticism about the engine change which is how most of Lis look ugly with the blow up doll face. He is either too blinded by other benefits or deliberately avoiding to address THE major fuck up that might end up dooming this game. I get how this has made his work more efficient and less costly and makes future development easier but that amounts to nothing if you have the urge to cover the Li's face with a paperbag with how terrible they look.


Nov 29, 2019
The proof is going to be in the pudding.

I have heard of horror stories from other devs that for example rendering a single tree in Daz can take ages. This dev definitely has some visions of bigger crowd scenes and vistas so it may be that it simply wasn’t feasible to continue with the old software.

Now, the first renders were absolutely horrible, but every subsequent iteration has improved - I can even recognise ol Turbolips McGee as the earlier model.

If they can start pumping out scenes rapidly, and capturing even 80% of the quality, get easy physics to animations, make huge set-pieces… it may be worth it.

You can for example see that HS devs have a much larger output - even a couple of completed, long novels. But nobody can say they are on the cutting edge of visuals. On the other end we have hand-crafted art pieces that I won’t live to see completed.

So, we shall see…


Aug 4, 2018
Changing the engine doesn't seem like it was a good idea considering how long it's taken, the loss of android customers using Ren'Py, and by the looks of the renders in the latest update, all the characters look worse and like dolls.
Oct 19, 2020
Looks like he still trying to justify about switching engine and criticize about limitation.

Lemme give you an example Being a DIK by DrPinkCake working with DAZ now he's making animations at 60 fps.

And so called large scenes there were none before and to me not needed. Let's move on with same example; in last episode of BaDIK they were some big crowded scenes i can't remember the exact number but it was huge.

Finally previews they are hideous. Like a fucking wax statues or some horror movie props. Yikes

I ll still gonna wait with decreasing excitement after each passing days.


Nov 29, 2019
Lemme give you an example Being a DIK by DrPinkCake working with DAZ now he's making animations at 60 fps.

And so called large scenes there were none before and to me not needed. Let's move on with same example; in last episode of BaDIK they were some big crowded scenes i can't remember the exact number but it was huge.
I’m sure it’s completely fair to be comparing DPC to ITRoy. :Kappa: I know nothing about DPC’s setup or team, but I’m sure those tens of thousands of dollars are going to some use.
Oct 19, 2020
I’m sure it’s completely fair to be comparing DPC to ITRoy. :Kappa: I know nothing about DPC’s setup or team, but I’m sure those tens of thousands of dollars are going to some use.
Completely fair to me. He's solo and his setup recently upgraded to 4090's. When i started to play his game his rig had 1080ti. So this means he constantly investing his business and try improve instead whining about limitation and artificial problems.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021
New Glamour Shots - 04/09

It took some editing, optimization, custom texture work, new lighting, and some changes to my render settings. But we've got a nice looking setup for all the characters now.

I'll have full body shots and scene renders soon, but enjoy these glamour headshots for now. Man is it nice to be able to crank out 4K renders in seconds.



Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
New Glamour Shots - 04/09

It took some editing, optimization, custom texture work, new lighting, and some changes to my render settings. But we've got a nice looking setup for all the characters now.

I'll have full body shots and scene renders soon, but enjoy these glamour headshots for now. Man is it nice to be able to crank out 4K renders in seconds.

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alot of these look alot better than some of the previous previews but some are honestly pretty scary


Nov 20, 2018
alot of these look alot better than some of the previous previews but some are honestly pretty scary
Hmm the eyes are looking good nearly realistic the hair is also really good but the faces are still looking disorted (like he importet the models from daz while the expression sliders where dialed to max) but the skin shader still looks wired somehow like clay (like early daz renders in iray without the sub surface settings)
3.90 star(s) 81 Votes