
Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020

So much for skipping a dev update or two. This week I did a lot of work on the story for Chapter 7 and beyond (more on that below). I also got some new Daz purchases added into my library, and finalized the updates I needed for my presets in Daz. All-in-all, it was a very productive week. I also finished work on something else, but I'm not ready to announce that just yet.

Chapter 7 & Beyond

A few updates were needed for Chapter 7. First, there is the simple matter that some things just didn't work as well when I read back through them. There will be numerous scene adjustments, along with some new scenes I added in. I also needed to add the bonus scenes that patrons voted on for Chapter 7. That work is all coming along nicely, but will add just a few extra days to get everything down and polished.

I'm also indebted to loyal patron and all around good guy, Kytronix, for his recommendation of Articy:draft. This software is really going to make things so much easier for me to keep track of an ever-more-complex plot. I think it will also help me lay out scenes and make sure things are where they need to be. I've already got a good amount of my game info into the software, with more being added daily. I'll still be using my old standby, Trello, to help out with development. But having so much here in one place, even if there is no direct integration with Renpy, is going to be wonderful. Ultimately, it should deliver a better story for you all in future chapters.

In addition to all this, I made notes about Chapter 8 changes I'll need to make (significant ones there also), and started on my outline for Chapter 9. It has really helped to think two to three chapters ahead for the story, and I'm going to keep doing that as much as I can. A lot of story work is being completed in these first few weeks after release, since I'm still very much learning more about story development and pacing as I go. If even professional writers on TV shows and movies deliver duds, you can imagine my risks as a total amateur doing this. It's always good to just sit down, review your overall story plans and character development, and make sure things are tracking well.

Branching Paths

As my beta team can tell you, we are getting WELL into a game that is complex in its branching and choices. Just because you don't see the effects right away, doesn't mean these things are not having an impact on how your story will play out. In Chapter 6, I did a few new things with the branching, and I plan to continue those. I don’t want a game that is overly complex, but I do want to add freshness, especially if you are the type that likes to do multiple playthroughs.

I've got to balance all this with my limited time. It may sound easy to say, "just add more choices." But a lot of those choices will require more renders, different dialogue, and additional testing time. If not now, then in the future. I like to think of it as the "Butterfly Effect." Not the horrible movie with Ashton Kutcher, but the theory that one small change somewhere can have profound effects somewhere else later. That's what happens when you add small choices. It's why so many VNs give the "allusion of choice." You get to choose things, but it has ZERO impact on the overall story.

One big area I don't want to do is surprise the player in an unpleasant way. This isn't one of those VNs where you make a choice, go forward a few screens to see what happens. Then scroll back and change your choice, if you see you made the wrong one. As I learn more about the characters, the story evolves. Not in the sense of what the ultimate ending will be, of course, but what detours we will take along the way to get there.

This post has been way too long as it is. I'll see you all next week with another dev update. Way too early to project anything, but a smooth development cycle will mean a release of Chapter 7 well before the end of the year. Thank you for your support and interest in To Be A King. We have many interesting and sexy times ahead in the story. I appreciate all the new folks who pledged up to get the release! Your support is not only appreciated but very validating.


For those in the US, have a great holiday weekend! I'm going to try and mix my relaxation with some story work so renders can begin as soon as possible.


Lady Aspen

Country girl
GFX Designer
Respected User
Feb 19, 2019

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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 25, 2019
I haven't played the game for very long but one thing that is clear to me is that Aristenes wants to die a very painful death. his talking shit is becoming annoying and I would love to take a walk with him around the courtyard and make him disappear permanently. I also feel like he's one of the people responsible for the drama happening around the palace. So I hope my thoughts are true so i can torture him and watch the life drain from his eyes.
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Active Member
Aug 23, 2021
Possibly it requires you to take her to the ball and tell her about the date with her lady-in-waiting (if you pursued that). That opens her up to sharing, as long as you promise that she'll be the wife and #1 woman in the harem.


Dec 23, 2017
Can someone update the game tags?
Currently it says this: "3DCG, Big Ass, Big Boob, Male Protagonist, Romance, Teasing"
But the reviews say that the game has sex. I want to be sure about the tags before I try out this game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Website Launch
It took me a bit of time, but I definitely feel it was worth it. I've got a website functioning, and it even syncs with Patreon. If you're only interested in checking it out, . I'm going to spend the rest of this post talking about some features on it, as well as why I even bothered with it.
So first, the stuff you might care about most. I have some ideas for where to take it, but for now, here's what we have:
  • Patreon post syncing a few times a day: If I post on Patreon, that post will get over to the website within a few hours. If it is a locked post that requires a pledge on Patreon, well…
  • Patreon Login: You can login to the site using Patreon and access any locked content, just like you would on Patreon. This will allow me to post some more feature rich stuff that I can't do in Patreon posts. One important thing here: I never see your Patreon login info. You click a button to authenticate with Patreon, and Patreon returns a code to my site to say, "Yeah, they get access" or "Nope, they aren't at the proper level to gain access." That's all.
  • Detailed Character Bios: It's getting tough to keep track of everyone in the game, right? Well the same bios that are in the game codex are now on the website. It's easy to find more about the characters without launching the game now. Oh, and current love interests are listed in their own section now too. Those character cards I created? They are all available there too.
  • Wallpapers (coming soon): Yes, a wallpaper gallery, both SFW and NSFW. And FINALLY, I can lock this stuff behind the Patreon paywall without anything convoluted going on. These will be coming soon as I work on gathering the images.
  • Daz text tutorials (coming soon): I have had many requests for my Daz step-by-step procedures that I have created for my own use. Sadly, Patreon just isn't an easy way to surface or edit that stuff. But now I can start cleaning those things up and putting them up on the website.
As far as future plans, I have several, but no sense in announcing something that might not work out. Feel free to send over any of your suggestions of things you'd like to see or any issues you notice. My Patreon isn't going away anytime soon, but it is nice to have this up and running.
Now, for the reason I bothered to spend a few days of my time in getting all this put together. The OnlyFans thing, even though they've since reversed course, spooked me a bit. You see, for those that don't know, about 4 years ago Patreon was the OnlyFans of its time. Then Patreon decided, much like OnlyFans, to suddenly kick those creators off. I'm not talking about their policies towards some VN content. This mostly affected women who used Patreon to get money for cam shows and such. Patreon even did outreach for several years to that group of people to get them to come over to Patreon and earn a living. Then suddenly, Patreon gave them the boot.
I don't expect to get kicked from Patreon anytime soon. But I don't control their policies and what they choose to allow on their site. Not having anything more than my , , , and pages (with the few who even visit those regularly) leaves me pretty vulnerable to a sudden massive drop in revenue. Not only will the website enable me to do some different things and experiment a bit, but it can also be a platform for me, if Patreon goes away for whatever reason. Hell, if they even raised their fees substantially, I'd want to change. So this is as much about planning for the future as it is doing something now. Having all your eggs in one basket, especially as capricious as Internet platforms are these days, is not wise.
I have some things in the works that will be website only, though you'll be able to gain access through your Patreon subscription. I'll be sure to announce those. But Patreon isn't going away right now, so I'll be posting everything here, unless it just isn't feasible. , and feel free to link people to it, if you want to publicize my work.
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