Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum

Nov 26, 2024
I want Lester to go scorched earth, but I want Sarah to submit to Lester and assert control over her weak husband..
I don't think you do, but hear me out. There is no tension if Dan isn't a source of conflict or an obstacle to overcome, without conflict/drama there's no story.

A man sits down and eats an apple. (That's not a story, there's no drama.)

A man sits down to eat an apple. As he's about to take a bite out of it, someone from behind him, bangs his head into the table, takes the apple and walks away laughing with contempt. The man shakes his head to clear the cobwebs. Grunting he stands up while wiping the blood from his nose, grabs a nearby paring knife and says "Hey asshole, that's my apple." (for illustrative purposes - that's a story. There's tension, conflict and drama. Why did the stranger take the apple? How far will the Man go to get the apple back, etc.)

If Dan leaves the picture, or (admittedly he's a weak character already) a non-issue for Lester, there's no challenge for him. He stole Sarah, he won. End of story. I suspect that one of the reasons why this story sticks with you is that because what you want to happen, hasn't happened yet. It's the art of the tease...each chapter tantalizes you with the possibility of it happening, a hint here, a mystery there, which keeps you coming back. However once it does happen, you're done - there wouldn't be anything left to the imagination for you to want to know about.
Nov 28, 2018
I don't think Smartman meant that literally. I suspect he meant having their lives fucked up by being sent to an orphanage, etc.
The mistreating of her children would make Sarah irredeemable and thus destroy the ntr/cuck stuff for me. It's where the dad is just better off without someone so crappy.

Lester is not worthy of giving your kids up for. He's not a stepdad and that alone means no woman worth caring about would ever leave her husband for him.

Revelations about the work sabotage are also dealing breakers in my mind. Someone working to fuck over my family and my job would make me so angry at them it doesn't matter if I was in love with them. It's just too crazy to get over that.

I think Lester should end up out of the picture but the question is if their marriage will survive.
Nov 26, 2024
The mistreating of her children would make Sarah irredeemable and thus destroy the ntr/cuck stuff for me. It's where the dad is just better off without someone so crappy.

Lester is not worthy of giving your kids up for. He's not a stepdad and that alone means no woman worth caring about would ever leave her husband for him.

Revelations about the work sabotage are also dealing breakers in my mind. Someone working to fuck over my family and my job would make me so angry at them it doesn't matter if I was in love with them. It's just too crazy to get over that.

I think Lester should end up out of the picture but the question is if their marriage will survive.
Regarding your first point, 100% agree, leave the kids out of it. Fine if it's something Dan or Sarah use as a background detail or dialogue about their lives, etc., but anything beyond that would make me stop reading the story period. There's dark - but that would be a line of darkness I couldn't condone.
Nov 26, 2024
Ok, I have really thought about this and am not so disappointed in the last chapter as I am in Don and his planning, within his writing (outline, reasons and hints as to something being built up to, within a story, etc.).

I am a huge fan of the psychology within a story. I just don't want to know why someone does something but why and how deep does earlier mental trauma/exhuberances affect the changes and choices made. I have been reading this as a surface story, the way I generally read most porn that I read, but this chapter changed things, deciding to make this a psychological study/story of a svengali brainwashing a mark, for lack of a better term. I just wish that Don had laid some breadcrumbs leading here, because up until this chapter this was a big dick, horny woman, cuckold kind of story.

The story in truth is that of Lester taking women and working to change their psychology and belief structure through the use of his dick, sex, and the very leading instructions he gives them. With Sarah, he not only met the woman he thought epitomizes the way women should look, but an independent woman, who he saw as the ultimate challenge to put her in her so-called place. It seems that he is trying to change Dan and fuck that, Dan is an obstacle and nothing else. Yes, he wants Dan to hate himself as he sees Sarah changing, but he really doesn't give a shit about anything, except him getting the fuck out of his way, the way, he feels he is owed. Recently, there have been a slew of men attacking women for anything from wanting control over their own bodies, to making their own sex choices, to even voting. Lester would be the president of this, but only to use the men he empathizes with as means to get more women to personally control.

I no longer believe that Lester wants to marry Sarah, or to take over her family, or even to win over her kids. He sees all of that as obstructions to his true goal: change Sarah's brain using sex and reinforcing patterns of speech and using her primary point of her personality to that goal. He wants her to ignore and despise Dan, seeing him as weak. He wants her to want to give up her children for him, as they are in the way of him controlling Sarah. He wants her to think that it is all her own idea, like suddenly supporting the idea of helping in Jesse's revenge against her husband, by letting him fuck her and fucking him back and cumming inside her, knowing that it would "break him" when it happened. Her phone went off and will continue to do so every now and then, depending on when Cook county allows him to make calls. Lester may even let her listen to Dan's voice mail, as he will then demand she decide whether to save Dan or fuck him. Lester will continue to re-pattern her brain through sex and manipulation. He will remind her that he said the two of them, a stranger as punishment, and no Dan's allowed. Sarah agreed. He will even admit he got Dan arrested so he could sit in jail while he fucked his wife and that he was tired of interfering with them and what they had. He will make her look at his engagement ring, a ring -- like his cock -- bigger that anything Dan could ever give her. Lester will tell her to make a choice. Show him her choice by destroying her birth control pills and having his baby while Dan sits alone, behind bars.

Don will have Sarah's brain bent and she will choose Lester for that weekend and eventually get Dan out, telling him that he being in jail is his own fault. I bet she will take Lester's side in ever-increasing arguments and will invite Lester to stay at the house - while she sends Dan's spawn to her parents. At Lester's insistence, she will occasionally invite Jesse to the house so he can fuck her in Dan's bed, to show him how much better than Dan he actually is, but never as good as Lester.

When she does become pregnant, that will be the end of Sarah and Dan, as her training and brainwashing will be completed and the new couple will be Sarah and Lester.

Sorry for the length, but it is hard to make an argument like this without evidence and there is plenty that now is coming to light but Don hid for far too many chapters and months. It's kind of like the mysteries that wait until the end to tell you everything. The best mysteries will feed you small clues throughout, that you may not even get at the time, but when you finish the book, you feel a little embarrassed and maybe a little stupid as you can now see that you should have known all along. We couldn't have possibly known any of this all along.
Excellent discourse of the psychological aspect of the story and I think spot on for the most part. The one thing I would say is I do think DS puts clues/breadcrumbs in - they are just extremely vague. Case in point - Ch19 Lester is wanting to ride to work with Sarah and she says (paraphrasing) "she needed to run a couple of errands before work." My immediate thought was that she was grabbing a plan B. Or when she went to the grocery store and wanted to avoid the interior lanes and come out near the pharmacy. She wanted to grab a new body wash.... Again this is vague, but suggests she was also picking up birth control pills at the pharmacy. But not once has DS mentioned a doctor visit, etc., it could be inferred that since she works at a hospital she could have visited a doctor off screen, but it's not implicit.

Where I will agree with you that it's ham-fisted or shoe-horned was in Lester knowing she was taking some form of birth control. DS shows Lester suspecting it in an earlier chapter but then doesn't give any clue how he found out or was certain until the hotel scene - where Lester taunts/tempts Sarah with his question of "You're on birth control, aren't you!" Again I guess you could infer that Lester learned about her medical history digging thru the hospital files - but it seemed disingenuous to not lay more ground work for that reveal.
Jun 30, 2024
Don spends a this time implying Sarah using birth control, but has not revealed one piece of evidence suggesting Lester fathered any children. Why is that? Yes Lester tried to impregnate Lizzie after she revealed Issac and her were trying for a baby. But since the coupling, Lizzie has not never made a return appearance or bothered Lester for child support. Seeing is believing.


Oct 24, 2020
I don't think you do, but hear me out. There is no tension if Dan isn't a source of conflict or an obstacle to overcome, without conflict/drama there's no story.

A man sits down and eats an apple. (That's not a story, there's no drama.)

A man sits down to eat an apple. As he's about to take a bite out of it, someone from behind him, bangs his head into the table, takes the apple and walks away laughing with contempt. The man shakes his head to clear the cobwebs. Grunting he stands up while wiping the blood from his nose, grabs a nearby paring knife and says "Hey asshole, that's my apple." (for illustrative purposes - that's a story. There's tension, conflict and drama. Why did the stranger take the apple? How far will the Man go to get the apple back, etc.)

If Dan leaves the picture, or (admittedly he's a weak character already) a non-issue for Lester, there's no challenge for him. He stole Sarah, he won. End of story. I suspect that one of the reasons why this story sticks with you is that because what you want to happen, hasn't happened yet. It's the art of the tease...each chapter tantalizes you with the possibility of it happening, a hint here, a mystery there, which keeps you coming back. However once it does happen, you're done - there wouldn't be anything left to the imagination for you to want to know about.
I know exactly what your saying, it's already happened thou about 6 chapters back. It's like way is Dan still around , he hasn't been a factor in the last 6 chapters. They've been acting like they were trying to sneak around behind his back not wanting him to know what is really going on. But it's like why, why should they hind cause it's been proven he want do anything. Dan had him on the ropes when he beat him up and drug him to his car and told him to leave his house but after that he acted like a bigger pussy then he was before finding him at his house. So if he doesn't get him after he gets out of jail and he just has a little pity party then the hole story needs to end. There's no drama is they're not consequences.

It's like that stupid story My Neighbor, his wife acts like she gets worried about fucking the guy behind her husband's back so there's this air of caution they had to abide by. Yet it's been proven so many times that he want do anything or get mad about anything, that he's such a non-factory that he shouldn't even be in the story. Same in neighborhood Chronicles, she keeps fucking her neighbor and the husband knows, so it shouldn't even be a factor in the people's thinking.


Dec 21, 2023
Jeez that's a very fucked up thought!
I hope Den makes the decision to let Sarah and Lester go, move to another state and forget all about it. And for Sara, I expect a happy life, lots of sex, travel, fun, Lester's care and love.
I think Lester will send the children to an orphanage or sexual slavery, because throughout all the chapters Sarah has no motherly love for them and easily trades them for a rich carefree life.
Nov 26, 2024
Don spends a this time implying Sarah using birth control, but has not revealed one piece of evidence suggesting Lester fathered any children. Why is that? Yes Lester tried to impregnate Lizzie after she revealed Issac and her were trying for a baby. But since the coupling, Lizzie has not never made a return appearance or bothered Lester for child support. Seeing is believing.
I kinda think that was the point Psiber was making about being a messy planner - DS hasn't said Sarah was on BC in written form - he's only inferred it. With Lester, DS also hasn't shown or inferred that Lester is or isn't sterile.

As for Lizzie - if we stay true to her character as written - there are many unknown variables: did she not catch, did she grab a plan b the next day, did she choose to have an abortion - and highly unlikely did she keep it. As to why she wouldn't reach out to Lester about it: Lester himself told you in an inner monologue "She clearly learned her lesson of not giving up personal info, the hard way." And Later Lizzie says it to herself after her "performance" 'She hated playing part in deceiving the couple, but she had to look out for her own.' This shows that her character has already been thru a very personal hell with Lester and there would be no way she would tell him she was pregnant - too many risks: Issac would leave her, Lester would sink his claws into her again, risk of Lester releasing the videos he's made of her, etc.
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Nov 26, 2024
I know exactly what your saying, it's already happened thou about 6 chapters back. It's like way is Dan still around , he hasn't been a factor in the last 6 chapters. They've been acting like they were trying to sneak around behind his back not wanting him to know what is really going on. But it's like why, why should they hind cause it's been proven he want do anything. Dan had him on the ropes when he beat him up and drug him to his car and told him to leave his house but after that he acted like a bigger pussy then he was before finding him at his house. So if he doesn't get him after he gets out of jail and he just has a little pity party then the hole story needs to end. There's no drama is they're not consequences.
I agree with you Dan has been a weak obstacle, but my point was there has to be some kind of obstacle for the story or it doesn't work. Lately the hospital (fear of losing her job/her peers seeing her behavior) and Sarah's (guilt/reluctance), have been the primary obstacle(s), because Dan is such a weakly written character. DS could have done a better job of showing Dan's true nature, but he was written as a dabbler in cuckoldry - though he gradually has evolved into a passive aggressive one.

As I stated in a previous post it would have been more compelling to show Dan's true nature as a Stag wanting to dabble in sharing his Vixen, but then slowly grew to hate seeing Sarah with other men. This would have been the perfect obstacle, because now Dan has seen how far his wife has fallen and would actively try to fight it - which would increase the tension and purpose for the sneaking/cheating, seeing Sarah enjoy Lester/other men, Lester taunting him by having her admit things - those things would make sense for why Dan is now a passive aggressive/reluctant cuck, he would put up with it for the time being until he could figure out how to "save" his wife. My opinion is Dan is the sub and Sarah is the dominant in their relationship - has been from Ch1. Her machinations of Dan about sexual subjects have been subtle but in the family life it's clear as day that she rules that household. Which is perfect for her character and why she has been such a challenge for Lester to "break" up to this point in the story.
Nov 26, 2024
Lester is not worthy of giving your kids up for. He's not a stepdad and that alone means no woman worth caring about would ever leave her husband for him.

Revelations about the work sabotage are also dealing breakers in my mind. Someone working to fuck over my family and my job would make me so angry at them it doesn't matter if I was in love with them. It's just too crazy to get over that.

I think Lester should end up out of the picture but the question is if their marriage will survive.
Based on your comments does this mean you would prefer a redemption/reunion ending for Sarah and Dan? If not I'm curious to know how you would want it to end.


Mar 31, 2024
I don’t want to see Dan and Sarah back together she’s just not worth it let her live the so called high life with Lester, but I would like to see Dan get soul custody of the children as Sarah never seemed to have anytime for them.
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Jan 9, 2022
perfect ending in my opinion:
1. Driving Den to suicide, but by Sarah on purpose because of her love for Lester.
2. Marrying Jessie while pregnant by Lester on his instructions.
3. Children in an orphanage or something else so that there are no memories of loser Den.
1. Currently, the Den and Sarah family no longer exists.
2. This suits Lester perfectly.
3. Sarah saw what Dan is worthless, she despises him, so their further life together is impossible.
4. And the most important thing is money, especially for the USA.
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Jul 8, 2024
Don spends a this time implying Sarah using birth control, but has not revealed one piece of evidence suggesting Lester fathered any children. Why is that? Yes Lester tried to impregnate Lizzie after she revealed Issac and her were trying for a baby. But since the coupling, Lizzie has not never made a return appearance or bothered Lester for child support. Seeing is believing.
Not implying anymore, Lester made Sarah admit to it, like she was leading him on and lying to him about it.
Jul 8, 2024
Regarding your first point, 100% agree, leave the kids out of it. Fine if it's something Dan or Sarah use as a background detail or dialogue about their lives, etc., but anything beyond that would make me stop reading the story period. There's dark - but that would be a line of darkness I couldn't condone.
I think that the only thing that Lester wants to see is Sarah so addicted to him and/or his cock that it will override her need to be a mother and her ability to even care for them, like a crack addict or a Japanese video-game player (true story, kid died while parents played a 72 (I think) hour marathon of computer gaming). He wants to see her just leave her entire life for him and what he can give her.
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Jul 8, 2024
Excellent discourse of the psychological aspect of the story and I think spot on for the most part. The one thing I would say is I do think DS puts clues/breadcrumbs in - they are just extremely vague. Case in point - Ch19 Lester is wanting to ride to work with Sarah and she says (paraphrasing) "she needed to run a couple of errands before work." My immediate thought was that she was grabbing a plan B. Or when she went to the grocery store and wanted to avoid the interior lanes and come out near the pharmacy. She wanted to grab a new body wash.... Again this is vague, but suggests she was also picking up birth control pills at the pharmacy. But not once has DS mentioned a doctor visit, etc., it could be inferred that since she works at a hospital she could have visited a doctor off screen, but it's not implicit.

Where I will agree with you that it's ham-fisted or shoe-horned was in Lester knowing she was taking some form of birth control. DS shows Lester suspecting it in an earlier chapter but then doesn't give any clue how he found out or was certain until the hotel scene - where Lester taunts/tempts Sarah with his question of "You're on birth control, aren't you!" Again I guess you could infer that Lester learned about her medical history digging thru the hospital files - but it seemed disingenuous to not lay more ground work for that reveal.
I think it is more him coming to the realization that she must be on birth control and in the hotel room he forced the question while she was "high" and made her admit that she was. He didn't know what type, just that he was very virile in the swimming category of ejaculate and she should have been impregnated by him already.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2024
Does anyone know what short story don decided to write next? Is there an update on when it'll come out?
Jun 30, 2024
I hope Sarah is pregnant before I die of old age. The couple progressed from Sarah willingly allowing Lester bareback sex since Lizzie made him always wear a condom to Sarah admitting to Lester she wanted a baby boy. Now can Don finally craft Ch. 25 to remove that last barrier regarding bareback sex and birth control. Sarah obviously doesn’t trust Lester even though she knows Lester is ”fixed”. She may hate the idea of being a mother again or still has a smidgen of loves towards her husband. It hard to break down these barriers when the couple interacts so little outside the bedroom. It’s hard to fathom the two developing a level of trust to conceive a baby especially when Sarah only ”accepts or admits” anything when she in the throes of an orgasm. Which leaves guilt trip or sabotage? Don showed in Ch.24 Lester trying and failing to enter the Williams‘s house. He was carrying a small pill bottle which I assume was placebos to replace the real ones. This meant Lester was aware Sarah was taking birth control and making her admit it so Lester can play the guilt card later. He can feel “hurt” Sarah lied to him about wanting a baby when he was always honest with her.

Also what was in the message and how it negated the need for Lester to enter the house?

“It looks like an opportunity to get past the Williams’ locked doors just presented itself.”

What was presented? I assume it’s more than Thornhill transferring Sarah to be Lester’s admin assistant. We know she will be subjected to constant sex and blowjobs but it doesn’t offer any answers on the birth control dilemma either.