I can't help but make predictions for the next part of TA.
1. Sarah will prefer Lester's wedding ring.
2. Sara and Lester will return together to Dan's house to the children.
3. Dan will be restrained from leaving Chicago pending trial.
4. Lester will fully or partially cover the mortgage, which will give him the right to live with Sarah.
5. Lester will force Dan to break the restraining order and leave Chicago, for which he will go to prison, and if he fights in the house, he will also get a restraining order against Sarah and the children.
6. Lester can change Sarah's pregnancy pills or persuade her to get pregnant.
7. Jesse will humiliate Dan with his intimacy with Sarah.
8. I really hope that Sarah finally leaves Dan and lives happily with Lester while exploring her sexuality.
Maybe I missed something, it will be interesting to read the addition of these points.
My thoughts. Yours may vary
1. I would love Sarah wearing Lester’s ring publicly which will humiliate Dan even further. Especially knowing its a symbol of Dan losing his wife
2. Chat has gone all in about Sarah and Lester needing to have sex in her daughters’ bedroom (of course w/o daughters there) and having Dan discovering it happening during an argument with Sarah. She has been keeping secrets from Dan lately
3. Yes hopefully Dan will be restricted from leaving Chicago, but you never know. This can affect number 5 as well, but what if Dan goes after Jesse and gets an assault charge. Won’t look good for Dan especially with a PI and disturbing the peace. All it would take is Lester sending an edited video, Sarah admitting to it, or Jesse opening his big mouth.
4. The Williams family possible in deep financial trouble. Dan and Sarah were obviously penny pinching when discussing date ideas while heading up to the apartment. Dan being in jail doesn’t help the family especially with the added court cost, fees and possible attorney involvement if it’s more than a misdemeanor. I bet Dan has been too preoccupied with Lester he hasn’t billed his clients yet. Lastly, I wonder if Sarah took a demotion of responsibility and pay as part of her move to the cubicles
5. Either way Dan can land himself in jail and on the unemployment line once his employer and sideline clients find out. Especially if Sarah or Lester has a TRO on him
6. Since the locks were changed at the beginning of Ch 24 I doubt Lester had time to make the switch yet. There is a possibility Sarah could be guilted by Lester to stop taking them.
7. Oh yeah he’s dead meat.
8. There has been a lot of debate where this might go. Sarah’s fate might be one who is at Lester’s beckoning call and then making Dan responsible for raising his kids. Others believe Lester won’t find another lady like Sarah so why not stay. Lester can rub it in the faces of all those who made fun of him and have little Lesters running around. Sarah and Lester would make a great team corrupting unsuspecting and naive couples. Seems no matter Dan will be playing second fiddle.