I've been giving this a lot of thought. DS isn't stupid. He has a hit on his hands and I'm sure regardless of what he may have intended for the story, the money that's rolling in is a factor. He now has to walk a tight rope of creating enough content to satisfy as many people as he can and extend the story for as long as it's making him money. I mean I realistically believe that he could draw this out for at least 20-30 chapters, but to do so he will have to have a few B stories working in the background, i.e., TLG, Sentinel, Dan's Fight, The Hospital takeover, etc.
My only wish is that the B stories were as captivating as the main story. Do some flashbacks of Lester/Lizzie, or other women Lester has preyed on in the past, have Dan grow a pair and tell Sarah he's going to walk on the wild side and find him a side piece, or maybe give us some history of Sarah and Dan, entertaining the idea of sharing prior to meeting Lester, etc.