Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum

Nov 26, 2024
Your last point:

"Season ? -- The Ending (Either Redemption for the couple or Darkness: Sarah choosing Lester)"
I linked TA and your story.
I'll try to explain what I mean.
AND Sarah and Dan as a family is the dark or bright side for you?
For me, Lester and Sarah are a happy ending, and Dan and Sarah are a disaster.
I've always tried to remain objective in my discussion of TA, my only caveat to that is I've said I hope that Sarah wins in the end. I personally don't have an agenda for the story nor do I have a particular desire to see it go "this or that way."

With that in mind, I would hope you agree that the average IRL person would consider both Dan and Sarah's actions in this story abnormal at best and deviant or another choice word in the extreme. So when I say Redemption, most would think of Dan and Sarah resolving this history with Lester to be an act of redemption; repairing their marriage, doing what's right for their children, saving their family, etc. And that if Sarah were to forsake her marriage and cast her family in disarray by choosing a life with Lester to be a Dark ending.

I know there is a language difference between us so please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you value the individual's best interests more important than what the larger society would think normal or correct behavior. Example: Sarah choosing what is best for her vs her choosing what's best for the marriage/family she made a commitment to.

You asked whether I thought Sarah and Dan's ending together was dark or bright: I grew up in a very ordered black and white environment - no grey. As a young adult this view of the world clashed with the chaos I encountered. So to answer, I say there is no such thing as an absolute; right/wrong, good/evil, dark/bright, order/chaos. Life is messy and complicated and a series of hard choices. So I believe each person must make that decision for themselves.
Nov 26, 2024
The Mary being condescending during their hospital meeting was a bit to overboard and long.
I would have to agree with them - I think it was necessary to show Mary's contempt and condescension for Sarah but it could have been tightened up to be a paragraph of "Mary spent most of the meeting shooting down Sarah's ideas at every turn. The condescension apparent in her passive aggressive answers - they remained outwardly civil and above censure from her superiors. But as Lester sat there and listened to it he decided he'd had enough."
Nov 26, 2024
Chillie, do not misunderstand me, as a story the author can decide whatever he wants and, your opinion is surely possible in this context, but it lacked totally the suspension of disbelief I prefer in this kind of stories.
Caesar, so you find the story not realistic and uninteresting and that you find Lester's character implausible or unbelievable. If this is accurate, what about it brings you back to reading it? Is it just the erotica elements, or do you have hope that it will change to a story you will like?
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Nov 28, 2024
Caesar, so you find the story not realistic and uninteresting and that you find Lester's character implausible or unbelievable. If this is accurate, what about it brings you back to reading it? Is it just the erotica elements, or do you have hope that it will change to story you will like?
The story is borderline itself, so my opinion is meant in this context of course.

To answer your question, I was referring only to Lester playing outside his usual playground as a pro, which is incoherent with Lester general description, and Lester controlling Sarah in hospital “forever”, since Lester HQ is in Chicago.

The consequences of this are up to DS not me. Imho ignoring this is a giant plot hole but if your are referring to Lester as Superman. And I don’t like Superman idea. Here the only one who could play as Superman is Byron, just to remain inside the story.
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Nov 26, 2024
The story is borderline itself, so my opinion is meant in this context of course.

To answer your question, I was referring only to Lester playing outside his usual playground as a pro, which is incoherent with Lester general description, and Lester controlling Sarah in hospital “forever”, since Lester HQ is in Chicago.

The consequences of this are up to DS not me. Imho ignoring this is a giant hole plot but if your are referring to Lester as Superman. And I don’t like Superman idea. Here the only one who could play as Superman is Byron, just to remain inside the story.
I agree none of us can write the TA story only DS has that option, as a reader we can invent in our own minds what happens or interpret what's written how we would like, but neither would be cannon to what DS writes.


Regarding HQ - technically Lester's HQ is anywhere he has access to the internet, so as long as he has a laptop he is at his "HQ". Granted he would realistically have better access to his "network of pawns" in Chicago as he hasn't had the time to create one in Middleton.

Regarding Superman - actually I think Lester is pretty average - he's clever and cunning and uses that intelligence to leverage his pawns and victims, but at the end of the day he's just a dick of a person, with a big dick. If we are using Superhero metaphors I would say Lester is a limited version of Batman vs the invincible nature of Superman.


Nov 28, 2024
I agree none of us can write the TA story only DS has that option, as a reader we can invent in our own minds what happens or interpret what's written how we would like, but neither would be cannon to what DS writes.


Regarding HQ - technically Lester's HQ is anywhere he has access to the internet, so as long as he has a laptop he is at his "HQ". Granted he would realistically have better access to his "network of pawns" in Chicago as he hasn't had the time to create one in Middleton.

Regarding Superman - actually I think Lester is pretty average - he's clever and cunning and uses that intelligence to leverage his pawns and victims, but at the end of the day he's just a dick of a person, with a big dick. If we are using Superhero metaphors I would say Lester is a limited version of Batman vs the invincible nature of Superman.
Regarding HQ - really you have caught exactly what I mean.

Regarding Superman - I would agree with your metaphor…but Lester skills are almost supernatural, so Superman :)
Jun 30, 2024
No additional updates. It went quiet after the initial Parreon chat about TC5 dropping soon. Soon as I see something I will let everyone know. Unfortunately not looking good for Don on his New Years resolution to create and drop more content in 2025.

The arguments I presented to the chat about Lester using Otis to demean Mary has gained some serious traction. Lot like the idea but others don’t see much much merit and only want to see Otis and Sarah by themselves without Lester around. Don’t understand that argument as her thrill is doing things for Lester not the pleasure she gets from Otis. She said those same turn on words to Byron and look at where that got him. Also there is a talk about Otis being black but I don’t remember Don describing his race anywhere. Did I miss anything?
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Jun 30, 2024
Regarding HQ - really you have caught exactly what I mean.

Regarding Superman - I would agree with your metaphor…but Lester skills are almost supernatural, so Superman :)
I think of Lester as more of an overweight Joker (Heather Ledger version) who thrives on chaos and destruction of others. He is sloppy dressed, smart, crazy but very cunning and convincing to gain a loyal band of thugs to follow him. However at the same time he has and offers no loyalties to others
Jun 30, 2024
EDITED Since Ch.26 was kind of a bummer and advanced the story very little let us move on to Ch.27. It was predicted fireworks were going to be lit for many characters. I’ve had my ideas but I wanted to see what character you think will see significant movement in the next chapter besides Lester and Sarah having their usual unprotected sex?
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Nov 26, 2024
Also there is a talk about Otis being black but I don’t remember Don describing his race anywhere. Did I miss anything?
I can't find a reference for it, but I think it's a sign of a good writer when you can describe a character but also allow the reader to interpret how you would like or allow you to fill in the blanks.
Nov 26, 2024
Since Ch.25 was kind of a bummer and advanced the story very little let us move on to Ch.26. It was predicted fireworks were going to be lit for many characters. I’ve had my ideas but I wanted to see what character you think will see significant movement in the next chapter besides Lester and Sarah having their usual unprotected sex?
LOL you mean ch27 right? ch26 is the alpha we just read.
Nov 26, 2024
Curious - how many people here would be okay with this series winding down to a final? Like if the next 10 chapters or less, focused on the three main characters and we got an ending. Would you want that, or would you be disappointed?
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Nov 26, 2024
I’ve had my ideas but I wanted to see what character you think will see significant movement in the next chapter besides Lester and Sarah having their usual unprotected sex?
Imo, here are the themes he hasn't explored yet: Anal, FF, FMF, Humiliation of Dan with him present, true breeding, Sarah's commitment to Hotwife/Slutdom lifestyle, Sarah explaining to Dan that he is indeed a cuck and that she's going to have sex with whoever, whenever and where ever she wants. Obvi there are lots of other themes but I'm focused on the ones that make sense for this series.
Jun 30, 2024
I can't find a reference for it, but I think it's a sign of a good writer when you can describe a character but also allow the reader to interpret how you would like or allow you to fill in the blanks.
It seems a lot the simps want Don to cover every genre of erotica with Toxic Attraction: erotic coupling, mind control, exhibitionist/voyeur, romance, BDSM, incest/taboo, gangbang/group, interracial, loving wife, fetish, and non-consent/reluctant. That is a bit too much trying to stretch the story in so many dif direction each chapter. Don has forgotten the essence that made Toxic Attraction so good and unique in the first place, it was about Sarah, Lester and Dan. Lester said it best: no one else matters
Nov 26, 2024
It seems a lot the simps want Don to cover every genre of erotica with Toxic Attraction: erotic coupling, mind control, exhibitionist/voyeur, romance, BDSM, incest/taboo, gangbang/group, interracial, loving wife, fetish, and non-consent/reluctant. That is a bit too much trying to stretch the story in so many dif direction each chapter. Don has forgotten the essence that made Toxic Attraction so good and unique in the first place, it was about Sarah, Lester and Dan. Lester said it best: no one else matters
I think we crossed over on topics. I meant that I thought it was a good idea to write and describe a character so that regardless of who the reader is - the reader would have room to imagine the specifics about said character.
Jun 30, 2024
Curious - how many people here would be okay with this series winding down to a final? Like if the next 10 chapters or less, focused on the three main characters and we got an ending. Would you want that, or would you be disappointed?
Seems like a Ferris moment….Bueller…..Bueller.….Bueller. Its quiet on the forum tonight.

I’m a long time fan and want Toxic Attraction to end soon before it reaches it’s sell by date. How this story carries on reminds me a lot of The Walking Dead TV series. As the show reached its peak and a financial hit, the show runners wanted to extend the benefits by rolling out episodes each week with the same tropes and dialogue. Hoping no one would notice even as hard core fans said enough. By the time they saw the decline and fans leave, they went jump the shark by killing off fan favorites to stem the tide. It was too late. So end it so Don can focus resources on his future stories as he devoted way too much into Toxic while leaving other stories to suffer
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Jun 30, 2024
I think we crossed over on topics. I meant that I thought it was a good idea to write and describe a character so that regardless of who the reader is - the reader would have room to imagine the specifics about said character.
It’s more like I’m seeing on chat the simps who influence Don want him to write a chapter covering a certain genre of erotica to satisfy their kinks. Then cover another genre with the next chapter. They don’t care about the story just satisfying their fetishes
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