After all this time we finally get a I love you from Sarah without being prompted by Lester. However there was zero reaction by Lester, what an utter disappointment as Don and his editors weee too focused adding Otis to the storyline. Otis becomes the eye and ears for Lester and can literally open a lot of doors. So it’s an easy proposition for Lester to offer Sarah to Otis for favors. Jesse is becoming too obsessive about Sarah and could lead to a verbal and physical confrontation with Sarah, Lester, and Dan. If Don wants to plan someone’s murder in TA this could work
Really? I took it as he has no intention of ever inviting Otis around again. He, instead has a list of men for Sarah to fuck so he can show her that she is not a valued employee but a valued whore, I guess. Personally, I would have much rather had him say something when she said she loved him, like, really? and when she said yes, he calls her on it, but saying:
"no sex talk here Sarah. You are the only person I have on this planet. The only one who I care about and I think, if you weren't lying, cares about me. I feel something there but after all this back and forth Dan stuff, I can't handle being played with. Do you really love me? Be honest, please." If Lester can produce tears thinking about his grandmother's death or something, even better. However, I really got the feeling that he wasn't looking for repeat business but more of a building scale. I just wish he was heading toward love from Sarah and supplanting that which once belonged to Dan, instead of convincing her that she is not a smart business woman but my whore.