Since you're blocking me, you may not be able to read this, but I still like to answer.
First I never said it was about the Teachers Pets game, not a sequel or prequel; you may know that if you read the developer notes.
I read that, still I felt like it should be pointed out in a review.
You wrong there is plenty, way too much for many who have complained about the game actually having a story that, unlike you, they read.
Oh, actually I read it three times now. I may have been more superficial during the 2nd and 3rd playthrough, since I knew part of it, but I did. However what I wanted to say is: not everything using words is a "story". If I referred to "skipping" I meant a trial run after completing the game how long it will take just by pressying the CTRL key, I've done otherwise multiple times.
Don't make reviews based "In other games" this game is not the one you're comparing it to...
Actually fair enough. This is your game and it needn't be like any other games. However a frame of reference of what the "5 minutes when skipping" meant seemed appropriate.
Yeah, that is called fleshing out a character, that is how you understand them and how you perceive them.
Not necessarily, no. You as the author should know everything about your characters including favorite berry. The reader/watcher/player doesn't have to. Also there's a time and a place for introducing information about the characters and it's only a very limited scope that should be given before the action starts. Also there is a thing "show, don't tell", i. e. it is better to show in game what a character is like than just creating dozens of line of dialogue.
It takes a basic attention span to follow a story, I'm sorry that it is too much for you.
Yes, it does, and rest assured I have it. However if you give too much information without proper context, it will pass over readers/watchers/players. You need to give a limited amount of information, let it sink in, work with it, before you go on to the next step. As with the previous point: if you read a good novel or watch a good movie, information doesn't come in the first 15 minutes but when it's appropriate.
That is absurd, well but you missed the part where the MC and Mrs. Smith have been exchanging emails and personal information before getting the job at that school. "Playing basketball against daughter"? What are you even talking about? They are not having a competitive match; read the story to have any basis on what you're saying. Tiffany offers to pass the ball so Mrs. Smith can make a few throws, she does one and that's all. It doesn't make any sense your problem with Mrs. Smith being nice and friendly with a new student.
In college you're required to use better sources and references; copy pasting biased wikipedia information is not one of them. People that have attended superior education know about that...
Basketball: I have no problem with Mrs Smith being friendly to the new student but with the fact that this scene doesn't seem to establish anything or help the plot along.
Wikipedia: Of course copy pasting is a no-no. It has still a lot of uses if used properly, but students should probably learn about it at first, agreed. But again, the whole part doesn't help the story at all which is kind of my main point here.
FYI: I have not only attended "superior education" but also given lectures myself in the past.
That is called basic human interaction, again, is so weird that you have a problem with people greeting each other and having a chance to do some small talking while doing everyday things or just walking to classes...
As I said, it is realistic. It just is not good as a story telling device. You don't have people going to the bathroom, stuttering, scratching an itch in a story unless there is a specific purpose for it in the story you want to convey. Even though it happens all the time in real life. You don't want to watch a whole day of the hero in the movie in real time, so stuff gets cut even though it is a large part of their day. The reader/watcher/player knows that stuff like this is happening even if it isn't shown.
By the way: greeting people is okay, you've just overdone it in the scene I mentioned, it could just be more general.
The game is a slow burn, you don't understand what a "Slow burner" is.
The problem is that you don't know what is going on because you're skipping to see lewd content, don't lie about it.
The dialogs and monologs give the reason why Tiffany acts the way she does towards the MC, Marjory's backstory explain why she's so fond of the MC... Knowing what you're talking about is a basic to try to form an opinion about it, but you don't know about their reasons; you skipped them while looking for pretty pictures.
Sorry, you're completely wrong here. I love a "slow burner". I hate games which get to the "lewd" the first time you're meeting somebody. I tend to love games which have bad reviews because of "all the grind" before you get to see your first boob. I would actually prefer if there were no lewd scenes at all in this game considering the amount of story progress so far. I gotta admit though that the dream sequences here are well made and can satisfy the "skip to the first lewd scene" crowd.
But we indeed seem to have very different definitions of what constitutes a slow burner. Just giving a reason for why somebody immediately shows their boobs doesn't take away from the fact that they do it. That is not a "slow burn" in my book. There just is no development when that happens, even if it may be justified by the dialogue you're giving it just is "boobs on day 2".
Doesn't make sense? The MC says why he wants to find a new place, he gives his reasons and is up to him.
See my comments above, he gives reasons, it just makes (at the time) no sense to be an aspect of the story. You're introducing many aspects here in the beginning that don't have an effect until now. They may later, but many of them may just be introduced later as well.
And then again, you missed the part when the MC is told to show up at the auditorium after meeting the junior college teachers and the part where the teachers comment that the rest of students should be gone by now and they just have to deal with the new junior college students... Mr. Price even comments that he's happy that he doesn't have to deal with high schoolers anymore. Again, you missed the facts and you don't know and understand what you're talking about.
I may understand what I'm talking about, but maybe not get it across properly. I'll concede the point that you explained it in game, however in my teaching experience this just wouldn't happen this way even given the circumstances you set in game. At least from a pedagogic POV it's not good.
And what is the problem with the MC calling her sweetie? He also uses her name many times, like seriously, what a weird complaint...
Yes, a specific complaint. However, track your discussions with friends, or those of family members. How often do they use a nick name or the actual name when talking to people? And with a pet name that becomes even more noticeable.
Pay for the last episode, you would know that almost any event have requirements in episode five, the game is a W.I.P. I don't have to dump everything just yet; I'm adjusting routes and separating events as I go. You don't get to decide what is the pace or when is an option being tied to an event; I do.
That is a very fair point. I just downloaded it and didn't pay. Actually there's another very fair point, it's your game and you can do as you want to, and do not have to care about my opinion at all. So nothing much to say here except for the fact that your right to do as you want does not mean I cannot criticize it as "not to my tastes" in a place made for exactly that purpose.
So when you go inside a room you can just see it from one perspective? Rooms have more than one door and sometimes you need to go to the opposite corner of the room to do something and then back to the door; you have a problem with showing more perspectives inside a room? Like seriously, wtf?
This is a thing of "gameplay efficiency". No I cannot see everything from everywhere, but I usually don't have to. Take a bathroom as an example. What do I do there? I may take a bath or shower, I may have a pee, I may brush my teeth or have a shave, whatever your heart desires gameplay wise. However, when playing a game, I like to be able to access all of this with one click and not three. If I have to search the bathroom for, let's say, Tiffany's toothbrush, then you can add to it, but for normal gameplay purposes it just is unwieldy to have to choose the "correct bathroom view" for taking a shower. That shouldn't be more than one click away.
I guess my game can even interest people with serious attention problems, or even those who're salty because this is not a nukige that show sex around every corner, you should go back to start the game again, from square one, and make an effort to try to understand what is going on and why; that would help you to have a basic idea of what is going on in the game... based on reality, not in whatever you chose to see or imagine. I mean, so you kind of know what is that you're talking about next time.
I hope that can help you in some way, I felt sad about you after reading your "review".
I had a look at your comments and your posts, you're toxic, and I don't want any business with people like you.
I'm blocking you, have a great life.
I will, thanks a lot. You have a great life too, and also a successful game.
Also, if you consider any comments or posts I made especially toxic, please give me a pointer. I try to be less assuming and personal than your post (last sentence notwithstanding).
I will however admit one mistake, my rating was clicked wrong, I adjusted that. "1 Star" should be for something that does not work on a technical level, and I don't want to claim that. So I'll adjust it. (Edit: I still have to find out how to change a rating) (2nd edit: found it) (2rd edit: a year later I was contacted about broken formatting, fixed that)