You don't actually need the resources to build anything, it's all free (for now probably).Well played it now for half an hour and, did not managed to get resources or that starmap, anyone help `? maybe ?
The big issue with current content is that there is no obvious way to earn biomass, which is necessary to operate literally every machine in your base area that has H content at this time.To interact with stuff you have to be nearby, left click and hold. Outside of brainwashing and blowjob (not for the robot tho), there isn't much here yet h content wise.
To change outfits, put the person in the human storage container. There is currently naked, regular uniform (skirt), underwear, and skin suit.
I do wish the creator either gets rid of motion blur or makes an option to disable it as it really doesn't help when the FPS is low. Enemy AI is pretty primitive and reacts only on close proximity and damage. First weapon has crazy fire rate and unlimited range, but causes FPS to drop when too many shots are present. Additionally, spinning the character with WASD moves the camera as the camera is tied to the back of the head, which is interesting.
I'm going to reserve judgement until I see the update rate and quality, but for a first release it is pretty decent.
You don't need any resources to use any of the machines. The cost is displayed but you can still run them without having any resources. Pretty sure resources aren't even in the game yet.The big issue with current content is that there is no obvious way to earn biomass, which is necessary to operate literally every machine in your base area that has H content at this time.
Huh, then mine is just bugged. Everything stops at 99%.You don't need any resources to use any of the machines. The cost is displayed but you can still run them without having any resources. Pretty sure resources aren't even in the game yet.