It's nice to see what other people can do in the game.
I have zero imagination so my base is always super dull, same with editing a character.
Can't say my base is all that fun. I tend to go with what seems to fit well.
Some notes:
The tubes near the teleport are for samples that are meant for external sex spots. Most of them for tentacle sex, because the only real requirement is phobia of tentacles. It's not that I need that much bioliquid (although it's always useful), but because it's the only source of Strong Duct Eclasia, and I haven't explored the potential of that trait yet. I only know it disappears after one round of milking on milking machine, giving you an item you can consume to gain bioliquid. Gotta check how the trait influences commerce, and if the item can be used in machines. Also, the samples sell for good money when fully trained by those tentacles, so I expect a lot of personnel turnover in that department.
The habitat module is where I analyze newly captured samples. With scanning machines and stuff.
The science module is for funky stuff like body modification and milking that I don't use much.
The storage module is where I put all the storage objects. Honestly, I could use more storage, maybe put some in the robot room?
The big unmarked part in the back is where I keep samples that look worth training, and the bulk of my sex machines.
And the main corridor is mostly a museum for showing off.
I'm thinking of adding a museum for Head of Research clones. Unlike the Captain, she respawns infinitely, so I want to see if they're really all the same.