So this is a horrible game with no choices.
It starts out with you being drugged and raped. Which should have been mentioned for those that want nothing to do with that shit.
The game's description is clear:
Transfigure: verb - transform into something more beautiful or elevated.
Transfigure: is an adult interactive fiction (text based) game currently written in Twine/Sugarcube (plays in modern browsers) focusing on the male to female transformation of its main character, Taylor Roux. The story caters to a variety of subjects and tastes. The entire game is fairly large and has many planned and partially written endings, with routes ranging from romantic and frisky, to downright hedonistic debauchery and submission. Transfigure has about fifty envisioned endings but finishing the current core story is priority. Some content and themes include FF, MF, involuntary M2F transformation, voluntary decisions, blackmail, corruption, best friends, maid and nurse fetish, impersonation, impregnation, a variety of standard erotic fair (hj, bj, sex etc) etc Plus a whole bunch more planned down the line as I complete the early portions of the story and add them to the game.
The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out what the heck happened to him while finding a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will probably take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in game romances are unique and have wildly different themes and relationship dynamics and motivators and they each will have several different ends. The various story lines involve everything from strange experiments and mad science gone awry to interplay between the various distinct characters all the way to elaborate global conspiracies and powerful competing national and corporate interests along with other topics that never make their way into a normal porn game. (This is not a normal porn game.)
There is heart touching romance all the way to rape. There are spy missions and will be assassinations and explosions. Some people will die and unusual circumstances will be experienced... all while Taylor is trapped in an unfamiliar body that seems to inexplicably fan arousal in those around him. This is a story about choices and their consequences, transformation, and transfiguration. Will Taylor make it out alive and with his mind intact?
Furthermore I even posted a guide above,
End 11 Damien's Little Girl (Damien) Your efforts to change back fail, instead forcing you to live a new life with an old friend.
Non con, daddy/little girl, rape, debt.