Thanks for trying it out! Like many routes in Transfigure they aren't for everyone. Generally people like and hate certain routes because that is how is designed, ie certain content is the opposite of other content. Transfigure is politically neutral and will make fun of and include content for whatever I think is entertaining or interesting. I guess you will really like when I make fun of the other side

But Transfigure is anti PC - I don't want someone censoring me or lecturing me that "big black cock" is racist. No one cares. No one cares about my politics or yours. If you thought the scene was funny you laugh, if not you don't. I do think adult gamers in general are free speech advocates though. Most creative folks are since they don't want to be curtailed by arbitrary mental restraints/thought crimes.
To be honest, including that content was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make, but I chose to add it because 1. I thought it was funny (many agreed) and 2. it is something I have witnessed first hand from personal experience and I thought it would make a humorous observational comedy scene. When I was in university it shocked me how many devout communists there were despite it being an ideology responsible for manys 10s of millions of deaths. There are many real conspiracies afoot, so I wanted to use these kernels to build upon.
For the record I am not a U.S. Citizen nor am I republican... nor do I care that much since the major political parties in Western countries are very similar to each other. They all suck.