Others Complete [Translation Request][Alicesoft] Dohna Dohna Isshou ni Warui Koto wo Shiyou


Jun 12, 2020
Alright, wow. This looks awful for some reason. Wonder why it's so rasterized.

To anyone wondering why the hell did I suggest such a shitty font, this is how it was supposed to look like:
View attachment 940147

Anyway, thank you for trying it out. Unless you've got any idea for an easy fix of the issue with this font, stick with using the previous one.
Yeah I think it because of gimp it doesn't act the same way as word and so on i had the same problem whit other fonts they looked realy nice but once in gimp they became realy blurry tried this whit photoshop but same result maybe it could be the software or maybe I am doing somthing wrong who knows :D
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Jun 12, 2020
Ps once I finnaly got power agen ^^

I am gonna proceed whit translating the story you can just ignore this kinda just doing it for myself and a friend not even sure if I am gonna post it here
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Jun 12, 2020
It'd be pretty cool if you did post after. Wouldn't need to have another person go through the time to do it all if it was done already
Sure but I am pretty sure it will take along time

plusi dont think it will be perfect i am trying my best to make evry names and events and so on the corect translation

but the story i think i am just gonna push it trough Deepl one by one and edit evrything that doesnt make sens at that moment


Jun 12, 2020
Ps can sombody give me the corect translation for this ? So i can redo that in the img file

It could be possible that i made a typing mistake whit the Japanese having a hard time reading that font


What I got

Technique - Skill
mental - Sanity


Aug 5, 2016
i am gonna try to merge these 2 fronts lets see how that works out like you sayd the I is bad and L so i will use gang of three for that

few min then i post a pic of it ^^
alright i think its good enough like this
View attachment 939526

AND thank you so mutch XD Whitout you Guys i Would stil be Searching for a front :D amazing tips

i am gonna finnish the img files import it back post it here and then i translate further for a bit ^^
Man that looks great, bravo!
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Jun 12, 2020
Hi! I wanted to help out so I tried using the Osaka Sans Serif font and this is the result
No anti alias with anti alias
View attachment 940394 View attachment 940397
I also changed Income to Gain since "Income" overlaps with the rank that shows up next to it.
so it was my fault that the fonts ended up so blury because i didnt put ani alias on i think

sorry for that ^^

ehm feel free to finish it :D

ps goodjob ^^
maybe this will help you its the latest files
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Jul 23, 2017
so it was my fault that the fonts ended up so blury because i didnt put ani alias on i think

sorry for that ^^

ehm feel free to finish it :D

ps goodjob ^^
maybe this will help you its the latest files
Blurred fonts are anti aliased, but I think using AA on very small fonts won't look too good. :)

Anyways I translated most of the status stuff for now. Changed the borders to a width of 2 instead of 3 for the small fonts and I changed "Looks" to "Charm", though I could revert it if that sounds better for the others.

I also put a no AA version on the small menus so it's up to you guys which one looks better. I think there's also a redundant big screen for the customer status that I made which doesn't seem to be present in game so just ignore that :p


Jun 12, 2020
Just a small tip for NamelessMagician

i was just testing if my file would stil work ( the answer was no :D )
maybe you already know this so its just to make sure ^^

so here was the problem i started the game and got a few errors an black screen
the problem was that i changed the img name or however you call it ^^

i translated the 2 examples in english and <<<< mark
if you change these it cant find the img file for it and instead you get a black screen and if one was active and the next one is renamed it will just skip that img the same img will stay until a new triger point comes keep renaming these and you get error after eror luckly they are easy to spot ^^

example text

; EV/メイン/0101
;s[6678] = "Episode:1"
;s[6679] = "ジャンピングクロス"
;s[6680] = "拍手/複数"
;s[6681] = "Main/Statue" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;s[6682] = "アナウンサー"
;s[6683] = "*"
;s[1853] = "1"
;m[1736] = "『万雷の拍手の中、"
;m[1737] = " いま、萬像の除幕が行われました!』"
;s[6682] = "アナウンサー"
;s[6683] = "*"
;s[1852] = "2"
;m[1738] = "『この日を祝うかのような晴天の下、"
;m[1739] = " 萬様の姿を正確に再現した銅像が"
;m[1740] = " 姿を見せました』"
;s[6682] = "アナウンサー"
;s[6683] = "*"
;s[6684] = "3"
;m[1741] = "『除幕式が行われた萬広場。"
;m[1742] = " ここは初代萬様が好んで散策された地として"
;m[1743] = " 知られております』"
;s[6682] = "アナウンサー"
;s[6683] = "*"
;s[6685] = "4"
;m[1744] = "『我らが亜総義の祖はこれからも変わりなく、"
;m[1745] = " 繁栄の象徴としてこの地で我々を"
;m[1746] = " 導き続ける事でしょう……』"
s[6686] = "Main/TV"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;s[5327] = "テレビ"
;s[6687] = "ニュースキャスター"
;s[6688] = "**"
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May 26, 2018
Just a small tip for @ NamelessMagician

i was just testing if my file would stil work ( the answer was no :D )
maybe you already know this so its just to make sure ^^
Yeah so, Turns out, anything prefixed with the ;s is a system value, translate those and everything breaks. only translate stuff that starts with ;m
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Apr 23, 2018
Turns out, anything prefixed with the ;s is a system value, translate those and everything breaks. only translate stuff that starts with ;m
They may contain a translatable text, though. In HENTAI LABYRINTH, for example, which uses AliceSoft's engine too, those contain text for dynamic dialog elements, like buttons and descriptions, while m[] elements are mostly used for story text and personage quotes. It's best to translate them all (or at least ones not containing character in them), batch-unqoute everything m[] and then s[] for each missing text manually.
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