Others Complete [Translation Request] [Atelier Sakura] Please Bang My Wife 2 Sequel


Engaged Member
Aug 29, 2017
Brace yourself boys, this will be a hard pill to swallow...even me, as a translator, feel so bad...yet so good....it's annoying, really...

And yet....I'll do my best! Fight on!
Your in the most important part of the game so give it your best shot man, For me what's make the game of Atelier Sakura's game so great is because of the Heroines (wife,girlfriend etc) perspective because imagine the game without it, we will become a total cuck


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
;) ;)
Planning to pick it up. I'm also working on a major project that has 3GB worth of data...so basically translating two games in one go
oh my lorddd....
thanks to you. Big thanks.

and it's also include marina 2 you're translating capu2 sama?
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