Not to hate on Takeda but i’m still pissed he put it on hiatus. Especially since it had a good build up (and a hot AF milf lol). Really wished he had finished it rather than having it pile up with other unfinished projects. Not that we can really do much, but here’s to hoping he continues it for Comiket or sometime this year.
Well, that happens very often lately and thats also the reason the game progress is kinda slow, he was about to finish and post the new arika event at the end of march, meaning he was finally working faster, and if he continued focusing on 1 work at a time this way, he would be able to post 1 event video each month.
But he decided to make a new unfinished comic and pile up more work, so he had no choice but to delay the Arika event and now he will post it on april (I hope).
This could be organized better if he works in a different work some time each set amount of months(1,2,3, idk) he focus on 1 work at a time (sometimes only the game, sometimes only the comics) when he finish with one of this sets, he change the focus to another work, and then repeat the cycle.
Im not saying he should work nonstop, im saying he should be more organized in which works he focus to not only be able to finish faster or avoid piled up works, but also be able to have more opportunities to rest, which is the most important thing for him, his own health.
But then again, we cant do anything if he decides to continue to work this way, giving him negative critics will not work cause he does this for fun and not for money since he alresdy said he wins more than enough money in other things he do.