Dude loves to create half ass hot shit and leave them to make another. I'm still craving for more Juukaiser but seems like he forgot about that masterpiece
It's the double edged sword of subscription platforms.
On the positive side, via a drip feed the customers get the more frequent dopamine hit of monthly content whereas before that they had to wait months for comiket or another book event for new content from an author, and don't mind waiting as a result.
But because of this the negative outcome is that a lot of artists can get lazy/cocky as a result, their entire career no longer hinges on a singular release date at these book events and rather they get comfy with the subscription model of only having to release a varying amount of pages/concepts each month and still getting paid the same amount of money from subscribers each time, because people rarely unsubscribe from things unless truely pissed off at something, then there's the obvious fact that subscribers can be BUT NOT ALWAYS quite undeservedly self-entitled about the whole thing that can also drain a creators motivation, and burn them out
I'm sorry but what was the last COMPLETE thing Takeda released that had actually weight to it, for the last while its all been short stories that barely reach 10 or 15 pages and teasers with nothing really concrete to show for it, and the reason for this is he keeps getting rewarded for it, if the fire was really put to his ass I guarantee the game would've been completed by now...or any other story he's started really...