Others [Translation request] DominancE


New Member
Sep 4, 2021
Does anyone know where I can find an English patch for Cleavage? After so long of failed attempts and such, I finally managed to download the game. Anyone know any trustworthy sites or such that host it?


Jul 16, 2018
Does anyone know where I can find an English patch for Cleavage? After so long of failed attempts and such, I finally managed to download the game. Anyone know any trustworthy sites or such that host it?
Let me know if you find it. I want to try it myself, but haven't managed to find neither a way to download it nor an english patch.

The killing Goku

Active Member
Oct 20, 2019
Let me know if you find it. I want to try it myself, but haven't managed to find neither a way to download it nor an english patch.
Ain't never been translated as far as I know.

Peach Princess once announced the project, but cancelled it after it turned out Empress lost the original data, so they couldn't release an uncensored version. So they canned it right then and there.


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Trial Moderator
Aug 11, 2017
Does anyone know where I can find an English patch for Cleavage? After so long of failed attempts and such, I finally managed to download the game. Anyone know any trustworthy sites or such that host it?
AFAIK, only Starless and Closed Game have been translated from Empress. I think there has been an announcement for a translation of Great Deceiver though.

The killing Goku

Active Member
Oct 20, 2019
These were Activesoft, not Empress.

However, Seishoujo was the main artist for both :cool:
It's only Seishoujo that matters. It's pretty much the only reason I ever developed an interest in these games in the first place, the artwork. Though, the content's been getting consistently worse.

Bible Black & Discipline were pretty good. Starless was kinda meh. And Closed Game I couldn't be bothered to finish, what with all the insect & deformed monster rape crap. Story in Closed Game was also pretty much absent, it was more of a 'setting' than anything else.

Anyway ... it's like discussing over how much it matters whether or not a game is released by JAST vs MangaGamer (VS Peach Princess who did BB/Discipline).
Aug 14, 2017
It's only Seishoujo that matters. It's pretty much the only reason I ever developed an interest in these games in the first place, the artwork. Though, the content's been getting consistently worse.

Bible Black & Discipline were pretty good. Starless was kinda meh. And Closed Game I couldn't be bothered to finish, what with all the insect & deformed monster rape crap. Story in Closed Game was also pretty much absent, it was more of a 'setting' than anything else.

Anyway ... it's like discussing over how much it matters whether or not a game is released by JAST vs MangaGamer (VS Peach Princess who did BB/Discipline).
I agree with each of your words!


Mar 2, 2021
+1 One would hope that we can get the entire Empress Collection of games on here translated one day. That would be awesome. If anyone knows if any of these with the exception of Closed Game and Starless have any translations WIP let me know. Even if we get the preinstalled japanese versions it would be great since it would mean no more need to worry about shady cracks and antivirus software.

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Dec 8, 2021
So I have spoken with Jast and Bloodnose personally regarding this. Blood isn't exactly happy, but he does respect the amount of hard work you've put into it. However, he asks that anyone working this hard on these Empress titles please get the permission from Empress first.

There's a reason for this. Aside from the legal aspect, there is a chance that say, Empress get really upset about a full translation of a game coming out that they can't make money from anymore. Once it's on the internet, it won't be worth selling to them. This could make them very angry to the point that they contact Jast and say they are not willing to bring anymore content our way.

Yes, I know it has been a hell of a wait - and Blood does recognize the effort, but if you really want to do this proper, you'll contact Empress. If you need to get in touch with Blood or Jast, they aren't hard to find. Just make sure you can get permission first before continuing this project because we do have an English localizer who has a partnership with the company. And it needs to be noted that it was Blood's idea to bring you guys Closed Game. He loves Seishoujo art, he understands how popular it is.

So please, get in touch with the company and/or Blood and let them know what you're doing. It would be better than releasing a full one, which Empress will find out about. And they won't be happy. That's all I have to say and yes, the hard work is appreciated.


Dec 8, 2021
One more thing. Many of you have asked, why didn't Jast localize Dominance? Well, there is a reason for that too. You see, Empress got rid of all their CG's without mosaics due to Japanese law. These are just the older games. Dominance was one of them.

If there is one thing that Bloodnose hates, it is mosaics in this work. He's gone on at length about this. Even though Jast hosts a few games from Cherry Kiss and others who use mosaics, they will not publish those under the Jast brand. That's why they went with Closed Game because Empress still had the non-mosaic work. Also, removing mosaics using Photoshop is not a thing he likes. So that's why there is a slim chance of anything older than Closed Game being published by Jast. Instead of getting in touch with Jast given you get the rights to continue, you may have to look for another localization company.


Jul 16, 2018
I understand your point, HentaiDude, and it's nice that you've even contacted Bloodnose about this, but it's still sad that no one will ever localize this games (because of mosaic) and we won't even be able to play them with fan translations. Not only DominancE, but Cleavage, Lewdness and P/A too; basically all of Sei Shoujo's work is out of our reach except for the two last short games and it sucks that there's nothing we can do about it. Also, it's been almost two years since we got an update on the translation so I was starting to lose hope anyways. Still, thank you Mourderous Int for your hard work and for giving us at least a couple of scenes to enjoy. Our only hope now is that Bloodnose changes his mind about the mosaics and the photoshop.

PS: Also a shoutout to Bloodnose for bringing Closed Game at least. It's highly appreciated.


Dec 8, 2021
This is a PSA for everyone in here. Whether you typed a comment or did a +1.

Blood says that if you want more Seishoujo, go buy Closed Game. He has said numerous times that there is not enough support for Closed Game. If Seishoujo fans want new games to be released as much as they say they do, then they need to buy the current product that Empress released to guage interest. This is not conjecture. He means what he says when he says you need to buy it and support it order to consider more work from Empress. There was even talk about a possible redraw for Cleavage's H-Scenes, so who knows?

But it will send an even bigger message to Jast and Empress both if you buy the collector's edition. Yes, it is very pricy. But you have to guage how bad you want this stuff. I've seen talk about some of you owning physical copies of Starless. Well, add Closed Game to it and send them a message. You're tried of waiting and you want to support this work, to show how much you want more of it. Even if you weren't that much of a fan of Closed Game, buying it sends a message.

Here is the link to the collector's edition of Closed Game:
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