RPGM [Translation Request] ソルルイ -after mini- 1.0 [RJ01027690] [enokippu]


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Came for the link expecting some half-baked "mini" Sol/Rui append... ended up buying it outright. I think it deserves every single penny.

Corruption heaven. Haven't seen anything like this in a very long time.

Anyone know if there's a legitimate way to reverse her percentage without devtools? Tuberose tries to stop you in some instances, but in many other cases it's quite easy to tank her corruption, especially if going for completion.
the bad end lets you reset to 90% to try the final boss again
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Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Is there a way to get breast size before ending or 100% corrupt?
the circle to change it anywhere gets unlocked after you do it in the school area i think... if not it does after beating it? i spent most of the game huge chested


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Rui is lucky so many want to save her, I corrupted her really fast
i tried for true end on first go but my mp got sapped to the point where i couldnt beat the last boss when i managed... the random nature of the roguelite means id have to savescum, i didnt realise you could save mid attempt


Apr 22, 2018
the circle to change it anywhere gets unlocked after you do it in the school area i think... if not it does after beating it? i spent most of the game huge chested
Welp i clear all 4 door and no circle option for breast size except Ending or 100% corruption

But in ending gallery 1 door the school girl can change the size


Sep 28, 2019
Good game, but you intentionally have to fail the QTEs which are very long and forgiving. Hardest section is probably the RPG, but it's really only a challenge early on. Once you farm up gold and buy a ton of MP, it too becomes a walk in the park. If you have a ton of MP, final boss becomes a joke as well.

There appears to be a bit of leftover unused content on the bunny stage.

This guy wants you to drink with him. $gameVariables._data[41] (her resistance) has to be 1 or 0. Starts a scene, but if you proceed too far, it locks up the game.
2023-03-06 16_19_46.png

Voyeurism shower scene here:
2023-03-06 16_25_26.png

Some interactive dudes here.. the bottom one starts a QTE but is kinda broken:
2023-03-06 16_26_19.png

The guy here has a semi-ish scene depending on what you select:
2023-03-06 16_26_48.png
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Sep 28, 2019
Welp i clear all 4 door and no circle option for breast size except Ending or 100% corruption

But in ending gallery 1 door the school girl can change the size
It should be the yellow circle, first option. If you don't see it, go back into the classroom after clearing it, select from the beginning, and interact with Yuki. She should be standing next to the closet.

By the way, you can always jump to before the final boss fight just by walking down from the recollection room and reverting your corruption to 90%. Afterwards, just leave the boss room.
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