Tool Translator++ 4.9.28 Standard Version / Developer Version

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Jun 10, 2020
The differences are not that much.
The only feature of Sugoi Gold is that it has a custom replacer.
It really shines when getting translations on moans and senseless garbage words.
One of the replacers that I did that comes with it is: if there are 3 or more consecutive characters, put it only one instead.
So a sentence like "んんんんん... すごいいいいいいんんん~" would be replaced for something like "ん... すごいん~" which makes Sugoi get better sense of what the sentence should be.... Sugoi often gives up if there are many alongated words on the text and outputs some very bad infinite words instead.

The custom replacer allows you to filter words that you know makes sugoi break. A added a few but there should be a lot more.
For example every time a sentence had "ふーーっふーーっ" Sugoi would just output "Hah hah hah hah.... hah" and not give you anything else on the sentense.... always. So the replacer replace "ふーーっふーーっ" for nothing, as its not necessary for the meaning, but you could make it replace for something else like "ふーー" that maybe sugoi could inderstand.

Red sugoi features are used to keep protected string like rpgmaker \N[2] in hopefully the right place. And filtering things like quotes. Sending it to translate. And putting the quotes back.
In some cases it will generate different translations as the text sent to Sugoi are slightly different on each version of the addon. But it should be similar enough.

Red piggyback(gold) basically means it will use sugoi to filter the words but instead of sending the filtered translation to Sugoi, Red piggyback will intercept it, make its filters and send it to sugoi instead.
So you get the custom replacer + the red filters.
If you are going to translate a game that uses a lot of rpgmaker commands like colored text, named characters, variables in text. Then it would be best if you used Red Sugoi or Red piggyback with Gold.
Gold is really just the basic standard with the custom replacer added to it to give sugoi better lines.
Thank you for the through write up and explanation! I really like Gold+ Piggyback, but the seldom missing text is tough to get behind. I'll send a screen shot when I come across it again


Jun 10, 2020

1st column is the original text. The second is Red Sugoi, third is Gold + Piggyback. The text breaks off.



Feb 7, 2020

1st column is the original text. The second is Red Sugoi, third is Gold + Piggyback. The text breaks off.

View attachment 2082359
Not sure, it didn't happen here.
I don't think I have changed any configs besides setting red piggyback to use gold.
You can check the sugoi translator console log to see what exact japanese text it is receiving.


In my case, on this test, it seems like red piggyback is sending the translations on two different requests. If I'm not mistaken, whenever it find quotations it sends whats inside on an individual request to hopefully get better results.

I'm sure thats not the case, but just make sure piggyback is using the right translator.

By default it uses googletranslator I think.
PS: I'm using placeholder type of Wolf because I was translating a wolf game but this should not affect this specific text.
PS.2: Red translator's uses cached translations, disable cached translations to force it to properly retranslate the text.
Or else it'll skip translating and just use whatever it stored on the first time you translated.
PS.3: Oh yeah, I'm using the latest Levi model for Sugoi. You might get different translations depending on which version of the AI model you have.

Anyways. I'm not sure. Look at the sugoi console log and check to see if the japanese text sugoi is getting is really missing anything. Its quite normal on mine.


Jun 10, 2020
I was wrong in my assumption so I deleted the post.

After extensive testing through multiple games, Darksshade, I prefer your sugoi gold over redsugoi.

RedSugoi changes the text through translation; which sometimes changes/degrades the context..especially pronouns.

Please share any updates to Sugoi Gold, I appreciate your help and work.

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Mar 5, 2021
Hey Darksshades , I've been playing around with both Sugoi Gold and Redpiggyback for the past week, using them to test out smaller solo projects.

The majority is great actually, I haven't noticed many issues other than the standard MTL issues such as pronouns.
Their is one issue though that I'd like your insight on, which is preventing me from making any progress on some games due to the sheer amount of editing it takes to fix this problem.

Basically any line that beings with "<" gets translated, which I do not want, since usually those are tied to specific background functions or checks.

The problem is, I have no way of telling either Gold\Red or Piggyback translator to not translated lines that begin with "<" and end with ">"

It wouldn't be a huge issue if the translator kept the capitalization the same, but often times it will translate English words back into English but with different capitalization.

Here's a bad example:

This admittedly isn't the best example, but for reference sake, see how its called "<KNHShadow>"? Sometimes the translator will take such a line and translate it as "<knhshadow>" or "<Knhshadow>" or any sort of variation.

When there's hundreds of untagged (In blue or red) lines that begin and end with "<>" and those get translated, it becomes a real problem.

So I guess that's my question, Is their any way to tell Sugoi to not translate lines that begin and end with "<>" and skip them entirely? I've honestly been trying to figure it out but, no luck.

Again, thank you for all your help my man, your Sugoi Gold plugin has been a huge help, and I hope it continues to get updated.


Feb 7, 2020
When there's hundreds of untagged (In blue or red) lines that begin and end with "<>" and those get translated, it becomes a real problem.

So I guess that's my question, Is their any way to tell Sugoi to not translate lines that begin and end with "<>" and skip them entirely? I've honestly been trying to figure it out but, no luck.
Red sugoi already has a feature that does that.
You can use it with Gold if you use red Piggyback.

It's called protected patterns. Just scroll down the plugin options and it should be the first regex input.
Here is a very simple regex that should make it work:
// Puts everything inside a <tag_like_this> or </this> into protected patterns
It's a regex that should catch any text within the <tags> and put into red's protected patterns to not be translated.
I've not tested it, but it should work if it does what it says.

Here's an image


Mar 5, 2021
Red sugoi already has a feature that does that.
You can use it with Gold if you use red Piggyback.

Thank you very much, I've figured it had to be one of those options, but honestly couldn't figure them out. :FacePalm:

I've been doing it the hard way by using search all "<" and then tagging them all in red so they wouldn't be translated.
Once I test it out, I'll get back to you, hopefully there's no issues.

Again, thank you for help, it's been immense in allowing me to make progress and understand this software a little better :)


New Member
Oct 20, 2017
Hello, I opened the .exe file in Translator++ but I got this.

Is there a way to fix it?


Aug 12, 2017
Translator v4.3.31 has some bugs:
If you export the project to tpp, the save file name changes from translator.trans to autosave.json.
Workaround: You need to save before you export the game. After the export, close the translator and reopen the translator to load your translate.trans.

The new parser for RPGMaker VX ace is broken.
For games that use RPGMaker's default weather and light system, the system will be broken. Like Games: RJ144501, RJ176529.

If the game contains a main.rvdata2, the parser cannot export it back to game files. There is a parser error without a error description. (RJ406267)

If the game has big map files or a big commonevents file, the Translator closes itself without error message during export back in game files. (RJ354108, RJ215065, RJ176529). For some games it does work if you export the single files in little groups.

If the directory name of Translator++ contains a space (example "Translator++ Ver.4.3.31"), the parser fails sometimes to export the game.

A script got an error without adding a translation to it -> there was a additional %s in line ':rem_state => "-%s%s"'. This crash took a long time to find.
It is in script "LNX11aconf_XPスタイルバトル#コンフィグ" of all games with the new parser.
:add_state => "+%s", # "+%s%s" / ステート付加
:rem_state => "-%s%s", # "-%s%s" / ステート解除
:add_buff => "%s UP", # "%s UP" / 能力強化付加
:add_debuff => "%s DOWN", # "%s DOWN" / 能力弱体付加
:rem_buff => "-%s Buff", # "-%s Buff" / 能力強化/弱体解除

I had to disable "Multi threading" because sporadically a few files were missing in Translator++ when creating the project. Also sometimes translator gets stuck during export if enabled.

Edit 2022-12-11:
The new parser for RPGMaker VX is broken.
During export of the scripts, translator++ converts the files to UTF8-BOM which crashes the game. The source files in project are correct UTF8.
Example game RJ273729.

I gave up, you have to wait a few more years for the free version to work. ( I also tried V4.7.30)
Last edited:


Jan 26, 2018
Can anyone help with a sugoi translator problem? It was working for me a couple days ago, but now every time I use it, it regurgitates a bunch of random words. I'd be entirely grateful for anyone who could help.


Nov 3, 2021
revyfan I had the same problem just now after a re-install. The fix which worked for me was to go Options (the wrench and screwdriver icon) -> Translator & Language -> Sugoi Translator -> make sure "Send Request in Batch" is turned on (green).


Jan 26, 2018
revyfan I had the same problem just now after a re-install. The fix which worked for me was to go Options (the wrench and screwdriver icon) -> Translator & Language -> Sugoi Translator -> make sure "Send Request in Batch" is turned on (green).
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