Does anyone know if it's possible to insert linebreaks using the regex find/replace function? I've tried inserting \n or <br> but it just puts those characters in there and no linebreak appears in the game itself either. Haven't been having too much luck with the built in line wrapping tool (in my experience it wraps lines WAY more often than it should) so figured I'd just use regex to accomplish the same thing, like "(.{48,55}) " -> "$1\n" only the \n doesn't do its job like it should...
Edit: Guess I found a workaround for now, I can just use a placeholder string like [LINEBREAK] or something and then find/replace in Notepad++ after I'm done. Though if I need to do it in other engines besides RPG maker it might be a bit more inconvenient... Also it is still necessary to use the native wrap function for some messages that overlap the bottom of the text box since this regex doesn't help with that, but it does help for those that overlap the right side which the native line wrap is not good for... So for example here I used the above regex to filter out most of the stuff that overlaps the right side of the textbox (though I changed it to 40,55 since 48,55 missed too many) and then used word wrapping with 140 which fixed most of the stuff that overlaps on the bottom, seems good now.
Edit 2: I guess you can also use backreferences to match a linebreak in the find string to insert a linebreak in the replace string, generally using this method now when I can. For example "(\n)(.{40,55}?) " -> "$1$2$1" inserts a linebreak at the first space found between 40-55 characters per line, though it won't match the first line so for that you need something like "^(.{40,55}?) (.*)(\n)" -> "$1$3$2$3"