I played your game, and have put a little bit of thought into it, and here is my advice / feedback for you to make improvements:
Graphics: You are doing a good job here. Your characters look original, they have a variety to them and you have some good sets. The animations are a nice bonus as well. This is probably your strongest point. Keep up the good work in these regards. This is what is carrying your game right now.
Coding: The coding is competent. I didn't notice any bugs. Coding is one of those things you don't really notice unless it fucks up. Someone made a walkthrough mod for your game that makes it easier on the player. That really helps.
Writing: This is where you are having trouble. If I'm going to be frank with you I'll just tell you it's not good. Basic spelling mistakes, poor grammar, missing punctuation and incorrect capitalization are ubiquitous. That's all rote learning, maybe you missed some English schooling, that's sad but there is a program to help with that. This portion of the writing could be fixed with a bit of proofreading, and there is a program that can help with that.
I would suggest picking up a copy of Grammarly here.
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It's like a like a little robotic helper for your proofreading process.
Inside my brain I see all of the proofreading mistakes, and do an auto pilot mentally. Unfortunately no such auto correct function is in my brain or any brain for that matter when it comes to fixing a story.
Your story is where I think a lot of the negative energy comes from. Top tier writing is always "Character driven" and not "Plot driven". You can toss in "Character driven vs plot driven story" into google, and get some long reads from different writers and their personal preference everyone adding their two cents a novel could be written about "Character driven vs plot driven." Still it would be incomplete.
You gotta try to find a balance between internal conflict and external conflict. If you take anything away from what I say here take just the following away:
Do not let your characters be just a punching bag for the plot. They can not just absorb what happens. They need to be an agent of change. They must be complete with a desire that drives their motives and a fear that slows them down or holds them back.
Characters are supposed to be the bearers of truth, value, and meaning to the reader.
I'm not saying do not have a plot, but rather to go beyond the plot.
When writing you must always ask yourself: "Why does this matter to the character?"