Nope, missing images is you skipped an update or you didn't update in order. Nothing else. Just use the full build instead of copy/pasting random images aroundFYI - Having a few issues with images in the update only packet -- first it had a Loading Error trying to find JanetPhone.png, now it's having the same error trying to find the soy sauce image. downloading the full game download and replacing the character and pictures folders seemingly got rid of those two errors. So seems to just be an issue with the update only version.
Yes, but you just banned yourself from here if you docan I cheat?
In the room where the two snakes are.Anyone know where the chest key is in this update or the "11" once the torch is lit?
where can use Machete?use your machete IN THE PARK,
to uncover a key for the hidden item IN THE CAVE AREA... ;-)
On northside of river where boat landing.where can use Machete?
On new area where you had campfire with Clare and Diana.anybody know where there any Kamasutra pages for Clare?
Clare has only one page so far, and it's the page from this latest update, v.51092.anybody know where there any Kamasutra pages for Clare?
that jaguar should eat Park Ranger.Scene with Claire was rudely interrupted... damn. It seems I'll must wait an another update.
Play the game... Its free to playAny content with mom?
It took me a while to find it, there's a scroll in the area where you camp with Clare and Diana that tells you where it is.where is emily profile?
I still prefer the penis in this game to most other games (well that sounds kinda gay). Mainly because during the sex scenes, it reacts as a piece of meat, kinda bending as it should when it enters a pussy etc. I never thought I would care about that, but after so many games of telescope penises... yeah its great.It's in games like these that if the penis wasn't the size of a baseball bat, it would be amazing.
Did you try leaving throught the path on the bottom left? Not through the gate.I'm unable to leave sophia's mansion after the footjob.
The way i came in? Yes i tried walking around the whole map and its not letting me leave. Reloaded an old save and its still getting me stuck there.Did you try leaving throught the path on the bottom left? Not through the gate.