Ohh, thank you! I will do this!Windows and Linux use the same game files. Just copy over the "www" folder from the Windows version to your Linux version. Done.
Ohh, thank you! I will do this!Windows and Linux use the same game files. Just copy over the "www" folder from the Windows version to your Linux version. Done.
In Squallmart, Right Top shelf, funny cyan icon near potions for $50.how can i change my name in the game ?
Same here, I even went back through the Walkthrough to the last time we used a Broken Key recipe and I still only come up with 3.I am missing one broken key and I have no clue where it could be
I am missing one broken key and I have no clue where it could be
08) List of all keys (54101): 22Same here, I even went back through the Walkthrough to the last time we used a Broken Key recipe and I still only come up with 3.
Yes. Use a Heavy Natural Jig. may need to do a lot of fishing to get one though!Has anyone caught hammerhead?
Move to a low position to get the snake below the line of blocks, then as it's traversing move to the row above. Should be a quick double-move, down-up.The snake bite you. I don´t know what pc do you have it is not possible to go away without biting.
https://f95zone.to/threads/treasure...media.38582/page-203#lg=post-4117802&slide=16I can´t find this place:
Go to the new opened location in the cave (where you went with the crew at the beginning of the version). Here, raise two Rosa Moss, and a Cockroach (just click under the stone to the place where it ran away. If you didn't see it, exit the location and enter again). Tikpak Artifact is also located here, but it is not yet available.
The relationship with 2 characters is odd without the patch, but it’s not the main focus of the game as it is with many other games.How good is the incest side of things in this game? Is it well interwoven into the story or does it feel like a tacked on patch?
simply copy the files from the Window''s version "www" folder and add it into the Mac's app.nw folder (right click ToN.app ---> show package content ... ---> app.nw).Mac?
Inventory > Evie and compare to this:Ok, have all the keys and chest now. Went through all the Kamasutra pages from the last 3 updates just to be sure. Still at 53%
I don't know. I even rechecked Squallmart to make sure I bought all the outfits.
Auf Deutsch wird dir niemand antworten können. Besser wäre es, wenn du deine Frage auf Englisch stellst.Habe eine Frage.
Ich soll ein besseres Signal finden, damit Diana mich anrufen kann. War überall.
Wo muss ich hin?