I'm sorry oCATo but I disagree.
I suppose it's human nature to judge thing and people according to your own standards. Most of us do it all the time, me included. I find ToN to be an incredibly simple and undemanding game hence my public yearning for more challenge and complexity. (Several other people have shown similar disenchantment on this forum.) I can't apologise for anything I've written because my posts reflect my thoughts and opinions truthfully, but, based on perusing material written by others, I appreciate how different I am compared to the vast majority visitors to this site. (This would be glaringly obvious in real life.) The over-reaction provoked by one or two of my earlier (deleted) posts has I feel been quite ridiculous however; criticising a computer game is only the personal opinion of an individual made on a particular occasion, not a sin or transgression tantamount to blasphemy no matter how admired and loved particular games might be.
If any of my comments offend, irritate or upset, affected persons should block me summarily.
(Hand on heart I couldn't care less.)
Live and let live: wolves too are part of the justice of the earth.