Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Is it possible to go to the other side of the river and get the chest and torch under the dungeon?
We can try to look to the future with a fortune teller crystal ball of the right choice.
The torch is 13th in the series.
The box is there, but it's empty.

f2.png f1.png

don't imitate ... the game can easily get coughing or diarrhea ... :sick:


May 8, 2020
I feel like there could have been certain plot developments or relationships that could have been written differently. And I know that this will be a very unpopular opinion, but I could have done without the whole gearing up to Janet being the grand finale in the MC's sexual conquests, which I think is almost imminent. The way in which Naomi and, as the story has progressed, Kaley encourage the MC's pursuit of Janet is something that doesn't really interest me. I love a maternal character who has been written with interesting character traits, perks, idiosyncrasies; someone with passion, a worldview, some level of knowledge or proficiency in anything (relationships, even). Janet is a bit too conventional and dull, in my view.

Besides that, I don't have major issues with the game. It has plenty of content and is updated frequently.
Janet character is boring and dull indeed. I wish her personality was interesting.
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Apr 7, 2020
Ancient Temple Puzzle 38 has become a nightmare. Not able to solve. Any one with a save where Ancient temple puzzle 38 is complete who can share the save? The save link in page 1 has only saves till v 58 :(


May 7, 2017
No harm, no foul; to each his own and all that.
The hard majority of what I'm seeing there is a dislike of a load-bearing wall of this game rather than a dislike of any particular character.

That, or a complexity addiction, because from my angle there's a sizeable amount of plot and dialogue between everyone involved, and a significant portion of contrived coincidences are based on it being a relatively small town and there only being so many characters to throw around. I mean, heck, this is a sequel to a plot where the majority of the story takes place in one building. Local people breaking local laws to fuck around isn't exactly unrealistic.

Speaking of "realistic," I really don't see what point you're trying to make stating you enjoy 'real life' in relation, specifically, to a video game. Like... you understand the hard majority of games on this forum are based in screwing around in unrealistic ways with unrealistic proportions and situations, yes? Complaining about something not being realistic "enough" when one of the first events of the game is getting your late dad's crappy shack and rock-genie-demon-crystal, seems a bit like you ignored what you were getting yourself into.
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New Member
Apr 21, 2020
Guys, I missed the previous update v.69012
How can I retrieve it without having to reinstall the full game?
I think I cannot just skip it and install the v.71021 update, can't I?


Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2020


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
Since when does this game need installation ? But to your "problem" there is nothing wrong with skipping v69 since v71 contains all that previous versions before so just go ahead with it ! I've done it a couple of times and I'm still at 100% complition ( 71% now with "Bruce" included lol )
I'm guessing he is talking about using the "update only" files in which case skipping an update will surely break his game in some way.
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Aug 28, 2020
The hard majority of what I'm seeing there is a dislike of a load-bearing wall of this game rather than a dislike of any particular character.

That, or a complexity addiction, because from my angle there's a sizeable amount of plot and dialogue between everyone involved, and a significant portion of contrived coincidences are based on it being a relatively small town and there only being so many characters to throw around. I mean, heck, this is a sequel to a plot where the majority of the story takes place in one building. Local people breaking local laws to fuck around isn't exactly unrealistic.

Speaking of "realistic," I really don't see what point you're trying to make stating you enjoy 'real life' in relation, specifically, to a video game. Like... you understand the hard majority of games on this forum are based in screwing around in unrealistic ways with unrealistic proportions and situations, yes? Complaining about something not being realistic "enough" when one of the first events of the game is getting your late dad's crappy shack and rock-genie-demon-crystal, seems a bit like you ignored what you were getting yourself into.
When did I say anything about wanting the characters and/or plot of NLT games to be "real" or "realistic" anywhere?

That wasn't my point at all. Gandalf isn't real but that didn't stop me rooting for him in Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit! What I was talking about was the need for complexity in characters and the way they relate and interrelate with each other in order for drama to be entertaining, something which can only be established and explored in visual novels and adult game by means of written dialogue because actors in such presentations do not speak audibly as a rule. As far as I am concerned characters can be as fantastical and bizarre as you like - fairies, troll, orks, vampires, demons, whatever - and still be fascinating and have interesting interpersonal interactions based on whatever it is that they are, objectively AND subjectively, something which can only be explained in words as far as the medium under discussion is concerned.

NLT Media's dialogue is far too poorly written, sparse, occasional and uninspired to be equal to such a task... in my opinion.

Of course most games in this genre generally do not, indeed cannot, reflect reality (any more than Star Trek can) but that doesn't mean that such games cannot feature interesting relationships between characters in a satisfying and emotionally engaging way (as Star Trek does), with conversations and social interactions taking place which reveal aspects and attributes of the virtual actor's personalities (like Star Trek) helping audiences to "get to know and understand them" better and more deeply. Alien races such as the Romulans, Cardassians, Vulcans and Ferengi etc., are obviously not real but that doesn't stop audiences from hating (Gul Dukat), liking (Spock) or rooting for them (Quark) once they get to know them, what they are like, have gone through, stand for and are about. Superior adult games already do this and, in fact, I mentioned one such game, Summer's Gone, in an earlier post as an example of such a game which interested parties might at some point want to try.

I haven't got any more time to continue to grind this axe now, much as I would like to, but suffice it to say that adult games which fail to stimulate me mentally, no matter how good graphically, as well as titillate me sexually just don't do it for me, but then I'm not a teenager at the mercy of my hormones, using my PC to access porn to stimulate me visually enough to get me off. No more time to waste now although I have quite enjoyed... what shall I call it?... our debate shall we say? (y)

Good evening.
Last edited:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I wish I had a doc like her... matter of fact I'm quiet sure everybody wishes for a doc like her lol
I see, i guess i just lack that fetish, which is pretty common. But she looks like a pretty faced fuck doll with absolutely no personality, i think even Tasha that adds nothing to the story has more personality than Jessica.


May 7, 2017
When did I say anything about wanting the characters and/or plot of NLT games to be "real" or "realistic" anywhere?
What I'm saying is that I prefer games in which the characters are well developed, distinct, different and multidimensional rather than a set of dully robotic actors getting it on in well-drawn sexual animations, strung together loosely, with next to no plot or dialogue
But then I enjoy a real sex life in the real world and don't need adult games to spur me to manually achieve a satisfactory solitary release.
It sounds between these that what you "want" is 'mostly' chatter and drama, which are found in abundance in the day dramas old enough to buy me a drink, and "reality TV" of middle-aged folk more than, er... any plot where aphrodisiacs were ever even once a thing. In the security of repeating myself, you seem to have a complexity addiction, and deride anything that doesn't meet your brain-fizz standards as "trash."

To which end I would sidebar and suggest Behind These Walls as the sort of thing you might be partial to, but, seems that's worse off than the last time I checked it.

but suffice it to say that adult games which fail to stimulate me mentally, no matter how good graphically, as well as titillate me sexually just don't do it for me, but then I'm not a teenager at the mercy of my hormones, using my PC to access porn to stimulate me visually enough to get me off.
Furthermore you seem to have a habit of making presumptions about others while you're sitting in the same glass house. Good for you? What flex do you think you're trying to pull, here? You supposedly recognize where your bread is buttered (insomuch that you've expressed your preference in types of games), while also stating you don't "need" adult games, so... I'm not one to say "Okay, bye," but I'm really lost on what your point is in sticking around. Besides shitting on others when you're doing the same thing, I mean. Do... do you have a point that you didn't actually make clear? Because I don't see NLT rescripting the game from scratch for your sake, if that was some endgoal in the distance.

It wasn't, right?
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Apr 20, 2020
:sneaky: So, the doctor and the mom are the two most boring characters, the erstwhile sexually-frustrated cougar is at the center of much of the hijinks and the actress is at one with her character...totally unrealistic!


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
^ If you play-per-update, you won't be buying the 50k stuff for a while. And you won't need it either until you hit the big leagues. So you buy stuff as it comes (few 100s then 1000 then 25k+) from really early on in version # or you just go out and splurge 1 mil for v71 and buy all at once


Mar 17, 2018
Jesus christ how do you actually craft something? I found the recipe and I have the ingredients but when I click the recipe nothing happens?


Dec 19, 2019
Ancient Temple Puzzle 38 has become a nightmare. Not able to solve. Any one with a save where Ancient temple puzzle 38 is complete who can share the save? The save link in page 1 has only saves till v 58 :(
Very easy to solve go to youtube and follow the video.
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