Not sickness or poor memory make forget as much as pandemic, real life and real world erasing frippery and irrelevance from recall.
Only ever play through ToN once and once only, never giving full attention I admit, and never once revisit parts of game completed so not see beginning of game for some two years and memory fade.
Cannot pretend expertise as per lewd computer games which, like transitory advertisements on billboards, I look at once and forget about quick unless useful or relevant to me personally which games, especially lewd games, never are of course.
Am happy to rely on your admirable if not phenomenal memory of porno game for not interested enough to begin ToN again in order to corroborate and confirm. Am confident you are correct.
Appreciate information volunteered by frequent player and committed aficionado to occasional player and casual dilettante, like me, deferring to your familiarity with and knowledge of digital salacity in such matter happily.
Thank you for time and attention.
I will give TGO a go although, with so much occur and happen in RL, won't remember how start after two year I bet!