its tested on win and there everything should work just fine.Hey man I am getting error in html version of the compressed file
and the windows version is opening but not showing anything other than "Now Loading"
None of the scenes that you get by using a collectable item are in the sceneplayer as you can just rebuy/collect that item and get the scene again.I think the last doctor scene is not in scene player.. anyone got it? Completed everything to 38%.
Create a free account you'll get 3GB dailyBut just the first time after that I have limit of 1 gb
You don't know the way behind the library?''Use the pickaxe to break the pillar behind the library''
I can't get to the pillar... Any help?
Mac updates have been posted in this thread. The OP hasn't been updated yet though.Hey Guys,
It's already been three days. Shouldn't we get the mac update by now?
Any idea when we are getting it?
Are you serious?Anything for Mac?
Noice! But a little too big (SoPool44.gif is 5.2MB). Animated webp should be supported by every browser rn. Edit. Nvm, looks like it's not supported by the forum ;(Code:
ffmpeg -i -vcodec libwebp -compression_level 6 -qscale 75 -loop 0 output.webp
I do not have a mac but isn't it as simple as: (this is working for Linux by the way: on home/Documents/Games/Treasure of Nadia/www)Anything for Mac?
I'll try to reduce the gifs tomorrow.Noice! But a little too big (SoPool44.gif is 5.2MB). Animated webp should be supported by every browser rn.
Code:ffmpeg -i -vcodec libwebp -compression_level 6 -qscale 75 -loop 0 output.webp
This thread already has everything, use the search in the thread, or at least read the last pages.Anything for Mac?