Go past all snakes, turn left in to the corner next to the second snake. That will draw the one snake towards you. When you come back, it will be stuck with the second snake. Push the one stone from the opening to cover the opening of the second.
Go to the folder ToN\www\js, open the "plugins.js" file with any text editor, find this line: {"name":"SavesInLocalData","status":true, change true to false.
Go to the www folder and create the "save" folder (can start the game, save, and it will appear).
Move old saves from Appdata to this folder.
Now they will work under different names, which means that you need to rename them. You need to delete the word "Default" in all files.
it is a pity that the names are different.
in DOS there was the possibility of the global rename
is this also available today?
- rename file*. * to Defaultfile*. *?
- rename Defaultfile*. * to file*. *?
it is a pity that the names are different.
in DOS there was the possibility of the global rename
is this also available today?
- rename file*. * to Defaultfile*. *?
- rename Defaultfile*. * to file*. *?
in DOS there was the possibility of the global rename
is this also available today?
- rename file*. * to Defaultfile*. *?
- rename Defaultfile*. * to file*. *?