I can't imagine this image being a screenshot, it must be a collage of two different situations.
.. but I'm down for behind-the-shoulder/while-on-the-phone kinkiness
There are so many possible scenarios; I could make dozens up off the top of my head.
For example: Suppose Kaley, still upset and angry with Henry after her fight with him on Estero beach, decides to run away from home and stay with Albert at the Lighthouse (assuming he's regained consciousness) or with Alia at Estro Key until she cools down; a worried Janet telephones Henry to tell him Kaley hasn't come home and has gone missing; Henry rushes round to Janet's house to help find Kaley and comfort her; for the first time he holds Janet in his arms; kisses her forehead; tells her that he will find Kaley and bring her back; Janet puts her arms around his neck and looks into his eyes; spellbound by her beauty one thing leads to another and the two become one. Awwww. Ain't love grand?
(Although, to be honest, I've always thought that when Henry and Janet finally consummate their relationship it's destined to happen at the MC's house, alone, privately, with no third parties present, Janet having fished for an invitation to visit the MC's home on numerous occasions supposedly to "see what he's done with the place".)
On the other hand who the heck is the MC sizing up to in his treasure hunting clothes? He's a little fellow who has already had his arse kicked by Kaley, Diana and Clare, more than once, so God help him if he scraps with one of Sofia's guards, Vlad of the Eclipse Guild, Sam Gala, Albert, Ash or pretty much anybody alive and kicking with a Y chromosome probably! If Kaley is indeed his opponent in the graphic he might have a half decent chance of surviving the encounter because I doubt Kaley would ever really want to cause permanent harm to him no matter what (or who) he did (or was doing).
So. What do we know: Well in the last Weekly Report Janet's guest bathroom and Naomi were featured (but didn't look connected spatially or temporally) and in this one Janet appears on the phone, Janet's exercise room as a background and Henry in a pugilistic stance facing off against an unseen opponent feature (but quite probably not directly once again). As you say images in these reports are amalgams which may or may not be linked and I, for one, can't really see how the pieces of the puzzle given can be sensibly assembled and made to fit together coherently into the plot. But then NLT does like to sprinkle his work with flocks of wild geese and shoals of red herrings and so some of the pieces could well not even belong to the same jigsaw and have been included for purposes of misdirection to help pull off a magical trick.
There will be one more Weekly Report the day before the release of the next chapter of ToN so perhaps that might give some forewarning of what the following day is likely to bring. And I've even managed to squeeze in this comment while purportedly scrutinising my email.
It's a lot of fun that I wish I had more time to enjoy.
But these days I really have got better things to do if I'm being honest.
(If nobody else posts the next Weekly Report I'll be back in a week to do so if I can, no promises made, no guarantees given, but would really love it if somebody other than me would like to do the honours. You'll get some likes and whatnot for your trouble, if that's any incentive, although personally I couldn't care less about such things myself.)