If your gonna play this game hopeing to see the MC tell his Dad, Mom, Sister, Aunty and Best friend to take a Long run off a short Pier.
Your gonna be as bitterly disapointed just like the rest of us.
Although for me it's just his Dad, Mom, Aunty and MC's Best Friend I'd really like to sujest should go play with the car's on the M1.
She anoys me quite a lot but I like Deb.
Unfortunatly for us eye for an eye type's the Dev is a forgiver type.
you know the "everyone should have a second chance" and "turn the other cheek" type.
this is a feel good game for the softies of the world.
But its a good story and I like playing it.
So what you gonna do? I mean if we moan enough he will alter it slightly but we will still find our way back to forgiving again.
Well in my case I moan quite often but then shut up and quitely stew over the "But it was for your own good bullshit".
and wait to play the next update.