VN - Ren'Py - Triple Ex [v0.24] [Azrayal]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Update from original review. 3/1/2024

    There is a ton of content so far.
    The humor is solid, and keeps this VN from dropping in ratings.
    The MC is wishy-washy with pretty much everyone.
    The plot has good points, but then it's squashed after a while.
    The writing is ok, but could be better.
    The characters are a hodgepodge of crazy people

    The humor is dark and crude. It keeps things flowing during the boring points of the story.

    The MC is both a simp and not a simp at the same time. At points he's lead around by his cock, and other times he's raging out on everyone. Pick a lane already with him.

    The plot started off as hunting for your daughter and ex-wife. Then slips into revenge. Then in the blink of an eye, it's thrust into forgiving the family, but still slightly holding on to a small amount of revenge.

    The writing is off. Misuse of words cause a double take when reading. Stood is being used throughout the entire novel in the wrong context. It's one of those overused words. Toss in standing every now and again to spice things up.

    I've never come across so many mentally unstable characters like this VN. I'm thinking that at least the majority of them have multiple personalities and you never know which ones are showing up.
    The MC is angry, confused, sexually aroused, and then sad and happy all within 3 scenes.
    Deb is a constant pot stirrer. Then gets scolded, only to go right back to doing it all over again. Constant wishy-washy mental gymnastics with her.
    Milly is passive-aggressive. Then for some reason she turns bi curious, and then jumps into be a dom.
    And every one of the women are madly in love with the MC.

    At this point I'm just stuck in the story. Not because it's outstanding, but because I've invested so much time with it. It's like you're hoping for another tragic event to happen.

    Saying all of that, I do recommend this VN. It does have some interesting aspects, and the humor is petty good. Good luck to Azrayal.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.15
    Played for about 5 to 10 minutes of game before quiting and deleting the game . Even with choices there is no freedom to choose path / scenes / LI in this VN , the game literally forces you to play with both choices ending in same dialogues and sex scene is ridiculous . I mean it would have been okay if it was an KN where there is no choices but in this game even with choices player is forced with same dialogue and same H scenes . And a main character who lacks brain in this game when her ex' s lawyer tells that his ex wife is dead his immediate thought is her sexual experiences with her and when it seems like he's angry at a character then next moment he forgets everything and ready to jump in bed with her .
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A game of choices took away your option to choose, I get that having to different paths is a shit ton of more work but the choice the game forced on the player is a deal breaker, was really good up untill then but this totally killed it for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played and kept up this game for a long time and I was very torn on how to rate it. One side of me loves the scenes and how hot they are another one absolutely hates some of the characters actions and that almost ruins the game, and another understand their choices even if they are retarded imo. But reflecting on it this game made me feel things, the drama actually grabbed me, when I was mad it wasn't at the game it was at the character and their actions, which is likely what the dev intended. So I can only see it as good writing, a lot more thought has been put into this than I see people giving it credit for. And the ability to punish or forgive some of the transgression done against the mc is definitely welcome. All in all this is a great game if you like soap operas and I guess I do. It's not for everyone but it's for me and I love it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't listen to the negativity and hear me out before you pass judgement!

    I don't know what it is. This game hits everything perfectly for me. First of all, it reminds me of how an Incest game is supposed to be done. The best build up in a game was easily 1 and half chapters of the game where you date your daughter, I wonder what it's called... Regardless of what it became (a mess) it really build up an ironclad relationship between both leads. This game does something similar. The only exception being that MC in that game was basically using D's ignorance to sort of groom her while THIS game uses unresolved feelings as catalyst for change. This game has a more pervy feel for how the characters start to interact, however, It still feels innocent and almost standoffish in reality, especially as we find out more about the characters. The MC knows what his relationship to his family (sister) always was and he's resistant to pushing it with Milly (his daughter). It takes a LONG time to get to the "good" points (lots of teasing though ;) ), but at that point his character and hers are so well established that it doesn't feel like it's out of the blue.

    If I were to discuss this games greatest accomplishment is that everything feels well earned. All the girls minus maybe Julie (Jules) and Astrid (at first) are autonomous. They do things for themselves, and their relationships feel that it was a mutual choice rather than a fairy tale/magic moment. No one just stumbles on MC's dick and wonders how it's so big... The best side character is Milly's Japanese friend Kinoko? I forget. But she's fantastic and her interactions are always really well written and capture the well earned feeling. Finally, even the one off moments feel this way. I'd say if there were any criticism's I'd make they are: TMI's at times with MC and his father/sister (though it does add a lot of characterization to their characters), Julie's first proper sex scene at the cabin could have been better, and that there are 2 major plot fake outs (Sister in the Hospital and MC running away from Milly). Besides that, I'd say this makes me glad I found this site. It's a little drawn out, and it can be a little unpleasant with MC's sister. She gets better later or on I promise. And god forbid she PAYS for it throughout that I felt sorry for her after a certain point.

    On the note of MC's sister, as a trigger warning for Harem fans I'll give you some extra details about it. Spoilers ahead:

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    My last point is the MC. The best part of him as a character is that he is not a wimpy dude, but also isn't a Alpha jerk bag. He knows when to flex his power and when to relent. His family is a group of tough mother fuckers and he is only one of them. I'm glad he's able to feel like a person with power must understand when to use it. He's accomplished much and saved people's lives but still understands that he's caused just as much heartache for other side through war. He lives with his mistakes and is still sensitive to it. He's flawed and powerful but never feels forced to be either. If Azrayal reads this, I'd like to thank you for creating this. You did a damn fine job and I'm eating it up like candy :D

    5/5 If you're a fan of slow build ups with HOT teasing and characters that make sense, but also like characters that make mistakes and pay for their mistakes; an MC that is tough as nails but isn't an asshole; a person that cares for his family, but also cares about himself, if any of this rings any bells, you give this a shot! Also, if you can get to the most recent update... You meet MC's extended family... wow... I've never seen such a hot family; twins, voluptuous women, older, younger, you name it. They are there for the future :love:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games and stories period… I love the graphics, the characters. One of the best games here. It is a game with family relations, but it doesn’t feel like that and the story, drama, and emotion are wonderfully well done
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is shit.
    The "good" parts of the game aren't even good. They're subpar or mediocre at best.

    The "good"
    -the visuals are okay sometimes and utterly shit and repulsive to look at the next.
    -the story... well it exists!

    the shit
    -the playable character is probably the most unlikeable person known to humanity. Everyone treats him like dirt because that's what he is. (no, he's not the main character, that's the sister)
    -the sister is the protagonist of the story. She fucks everyone, she initiates the story, and she is the one who drives the plot forward. She is also utterly unlikeable in every regard.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm exhausted by this game I don't like deb cause she's a bitch but I don't really like the MC either cause he's a little bitch. I kept playing thinking there would be progressive points of the MC putting Deb in her place or just shutting her up if you go down the "dominant" route but nothing really changes with her fucking attitude, but also without Deb the story doesn't move along because the MC's a little bitch.

    It's not just Deb though the rest of the characters except Kumiko and Astrid dogpile on him too, and while I can forgive Milly because of her lack of information the rest can kind of go fuck themselves. They dogpile on me and the MC so I'm pissed off at them, but I'm pissed off at the MC to because he just takes it. The dominant path isn't dominant, it's not even assertive. And I'm tired of all of them saying that it's all the MC's fault and he has to fix this fucked situation.

    If Deb was a guy the stuff she's doing would be NTR if you think NTR is only guy vs guy which I don't, so it's basically close to NTR to me. I don't want Deb's sloppy seconds, I want the MC to take initiative. You know what would have been great if for the threesome scene the mc said I want to have sex with Julie and kicked Deb out or made her watch as she got nothing that would have been cathartic.

    What it comes down to is that despite the developer changing from a kinetic novel to choice based there isn't really a difference in the sub or dom path because because the MC will continue to be a little bitch and deb is a hated bitch but she's the one moving the story along.

    If you like to play the submissive roll and like women taking the lead then try the game out for it, but if you expect the MC to have some sort of backbone or do anything at all go look elsewhere cause it's just frustrating.

    Maybe I'll come back read the comments and at some point the MC develops a character and tells Deb to shut the fuck up and the rest of the family too or maybe I just didn't get to it yet because it was just too frustrating to play. I'm giving it 1 stars.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Its a tease game, there is just one sex scene with the main girl (in her ugly form). The rest of the scenes are low quality tier with side girls. You get the sense that this is made by an "Ackchyually " kind of person.
    The story is completely non sensical and the gallery is a joke. I pity the fools who financially support this kind of blue ball simulators. The renders are somewhat decent.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I have really enjoyed the progression of this story for awhile now. The comment thread has it's detractors, but there is definitely a lot more going on than what you see early on. The MC has been labelled 'brain dead' by some... however, combine his PTSD he no doubt has with everything that happens I believe his reactions (while over blown in some instances) are warranted.
    I love most of the characters, but sadly, the only downside for me is being saddled with Astrid. She's an unescapable LI so that could be a drawback for some.
    I have been supporting this VN for some time and really am always looking forward to the updates. I have laughed, cried and even been angry myself... but I believe the 3 star overall rating is kind of low. This is an underrated VN and I would recommend it as many as possible.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is about v0.13a.

    This is actually a pretty good game. Much better than the three stars it has at the time I'm posting this. The story is interesting, the character's motivations mostly make sense (in an adult VN sort of way), and the renders are good most of the time (although when they get wonky they get very wonky).

    Most of the hate seems to stem from the fact that the women in the MC's life choose to fuck each other sometimes and the power dynamics are kind of fluid between them and the MC. But to me it just seems a bit more natural while still maintaining enough of the escapist fantasy aspect of an adult VN.

    Could things be better? Yes. Would what I think would make it better actually make it worse for some people? Most likely. But that's the way it goes with these things.

    tl:dr Better than it's current rating. If you like the tags then give it a try because in my opinion it is what it's supposed to be.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Girls look horrendous. One looks like and ugly Russian, and the other one looks like a retired Navy seal who is now 70 and her skin is falling apart but still keeps her muscles below.

    This alone is enough to barely keep playing, but the fuck fest story doesnt help making the images intersting..
    5 minutes playing, 5 minutes skipping before the horror took away any possible excitement from me.

    If tt is your cup opf te, Imok with it, but you should be looking for other games. Can't recommend this one.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought I would just chime into this thread as I found this to be a really fun ride. Lots of content, potty mouthed family members, other projected combinations - lots to look forward to. Good renders, story laid out and understandable - everything seems to have the boxes checked. Looking forward to where this goes!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Mc is only following the events and has no influence on the story
    Where is the story Is the game about the mc ??
    The sex scenes were oky
    The models don't look good
    There is no reaction after learning
    that his sister and wife have been sleeping together
    for years and his sister told him
    in the worst possible way In detail
    and how much she misses her And blame him for his wife cheating on him
    And She did him a favor for sleeping with her
    and he should thank her And now she started with his daughter
    Sister is the worst thing and you have no choice other than forgiving her
    Can we throw her out and take revenge in the future
    because I don't see anything she could do worse than what she did
    And the other characters are mostly terrible as well
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    So I was going to put up my review for the last version but decided to wait, as it left on a little bit of a cliffhanger. It's odd really, I think I'm the only person on this site that is not into the idea of incest at all. However the story in this is, well I can't say really good, but I do want to keep reading, I guess. I think part of it is I'm glad it's written by someone that actually speaks the language so I latch on to what little I'm given. The story is one thing, the content is another entirely. A lot of the content in here would make a family of alabama rednecks blush. It's overtly about a family that LOVES each other.

    The game starts with a bunch of cryptic dialogue, most of which isn't even begun to be resolved until much later updates. And I find it a little weird that there is a middle part (up until the current end of content at v0.13 mark) that has a lull in sexual content. Especially when the rest of the time it's very blatant and in your face about the MC having sex with his sister. Not that it really matters to me, just a weird observation. The MC doesn't make a lot of sense to me, he makes a lot of dumb choices that I just can't agree with. But I will say I respect the Dev for giving MC an actual personality and not a boring grey slate to insert yourself as.

    The story is the MC is contacted by a lawyer saying his ex wife was just killed and is to reunite with his daughter. He's bitter with her for just disappearing one day but he misses them and goes anyway. After a rocky reunion with Milly, the daughter, MC is contacted by some rich guy that wants info on why Marie, the wife, was killed. MC has no idea, but starts searching and honestly there's not a whole lot more than that in terms of overarching story. This latest update they did find something, but that's all I even can say. But for whatever reason it's kept me interested to read into this update.

    So that being the interesting part that I'm reading for, mostly, the rest is about the interpersonal relationships MC has with his sister, daughter, daughter's caretaker Jules, and most every other woman in his family. The MC seems to not even like sex unless it involves an extreme sense of guilt. Every time the MC is put in a sexual situation he acts like Chuckie Finster too bashful to do anything, but as soon as it's inappropriate or has some social consequence he's all in. One of my biggest complaints is that the characters I actually like are put on the back burner forever, but part of that is because I don't have fetishes that include family members, another reason I find it hard to put myself in MC's shoes.

    The biggest, and most teased at, part of this is MC's relationship with Milly. She was taken away from you when she was young and told you didn't love her anymore so naturally she resents you. But because mental illness run in your family, she's always had sexual feeling for you. Her being a closed away virgin doesn't help with the sexual frustrations. And the MC being a hypocrite about the familial barrier due to his relationship with Deb, isn't good for the relationship either. So if anything it's a (much) more adult take on the typical sitcom "Will they, won't they?" relationship. Which is something better to be said about the writing in this.

    Deb, the sister, is a foul mouthed scottish woman that has been completely smitten with the MC since she was a kid. The only issue that comes up is she kept MC's wife's situation a secret from MC so he explodes on her and tensions about that rise and fall constantly. It's another point that I don't agree with the MC on but I get it somewhat. I thought that her and Julia's stories would be intertwined much more closely, but that derails kinda quickly. Jules personality does a complete 180 in almost one sentence going from modestly prudish to "Me want sex" and I don't know how I feel about it because she was one of the characters I really liked before that.

    The other character I like is Kumiko, the well-mannered, no nonsense best friend of Milly. She is a key plot device to forward the main story. Or what I consider the main story. But she is important for information and one of the few outside voices MC makes aware of his family history. And she brings Haruko, for whatever reason he makes me laugh, and that rarely happens. The last main girl to touch on is Phoebe, Milly meets her in school and immediately invites her to live in the mansion. Which I find odd and rushed but whatever. She is another of those outside voices that starts out being a "normal person" reacting to the going-ons in the household. But naturally opinions change, yadda yadda.

    I have to say I haven't really been this ambivalent of a game in a while. It is decently written and not using all the same models all the other games on here use. But the over the top incest tag is a bit much for me. And the facial expressions a lot of times end up looking like those Mass Effect facial expression mods at best or at worst like wadded up Play-Doh. And the other issue I have is the asterisks. When a character does something, and especially if you don't want to render it, describe it to me. Instead of *bites lip* or *smacks ass* describe it. RenPy has a default narrator for a reason. Paint a picture with the words I know for a fact the writer knows how to use. And I wasn't a fan of the big exposition dump when Faye shows up, but thinking more about how the MC acts I guess it's the only way it'd get through to him.

    There's decent writing here, but the scope creep is getting apparent, as well as the need to add fetishes to appeal to a broader audience. Which I never like. Just at the end of this update a trans character is introduced, and if that doesn't feel like attempted pandering I don't know what is. And another thing I'm personally not into, but whatever floats yer boat I guess. And as always, I would have given another star but the Default RenPy UI rears it's ugly head again. It's a couple of pictures that just need to be edited a little bit, and there's hundreds of free use fonts online. Those two things add a lot of personality and life to these things. Just saying.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    This game is extremely frustrating. Only reason I gave three stars is because the graphics are relatively decent and the story makes a small amount of sense . However, that is completely overshadowed by how much of an idiot the MC is. If I could summarize the game in one sentence it is pretty much a game of the MC being given a ridiculous amount of opportunities for a ton of sex , yet the DEV makes it so the MC says no and the player isn't even given the choice to say yes.

    It drove me up the wall, because that is a good 95% of the game. You may get to a scene for example where a woman is practically begging for it and you're like awesome here we go :cool: . Accept the complete opposite happens of what you expect, and the MC practically tells almost each one to F off then just walks away almost EVERY-SINGLE-TIME! Most of the time there is literally no good reason for it either. It's just a massive tease. Granted there's a few scenes but most of them are not worth it.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The game start weird when the MC is informed that his ex-wife died. Here we will see an unnecesary scene where the MC is having sex with her ex-wife. You were informed that your ex died, who in this fucking world will start to remember when you have sex with her? Thats weird and uncalled.
    The MC perving in her daughter when he sees how much she grown up.The first tough wasn't, "I miss her", or something like that, his first tough was that she was sexy.
    The sister being a bitch, later she confess to the MC that she fucked his ex-wife when they were still married and they did it all the time. And to make it worst, meanwhile she is telling the MC how she fucked his wife, she start to touch herself in front the MC because thinking about that makes her horny.
    The next day she says that his wife cheating on him was his fault and if she didn't "intervined" and fucked her, she could have ended with any other man.
    So now the sister is an angel, she did it for the MC, how sweet (Bullshit).
    The MC is stupid, he know that his sister lied to him for years, she fucked his wife when they wanted. Is clearly that she want to fuck every woman she meet, and the MC does nothing, even when she start to take naked pictures of his daughter, when she grope her. And other moments when we see that the MC is not even stupid, he has no balls. He is mad with his sister and later he forgives her, the story tell us that the MC made a lot of bad decisions in the past, stupid decisions, like his daughter wanting to go in a trip and he ignore what his daughter wants and he goes to a football match or something like that.
    Just to be clear. I love NTR, and I think this game could be good but the story is so forced, some characters are assholes but no matters what, the MC is the one in fault. He has all the blame. The sister is a bitch and still the MC don't get rid of her and forgives her all the time.
    The game need to be rewrited but that was told since the first releases and the Dev clearly gives a shit what people says because I didn't see even a comment from him.
    We are not arguing if the game should have NTR or not. We are arguing that the game has a really weak story and need to be re-made. And anyone that payed attention to the story thinks the same.

    Edit: I forget to say that I hate the gallery. All the games we know have a gallery where you can replay the sex scenes you unlocked. Here the gallery works in other way, you will see pictures, standalone pictures. They are nice and everything but I wan't to see the unlocked scenes, not "random" pictures.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: The author managed to provide a satisfying resolution and changed my score from a 2/5 to a 4.5/5 with believable motivations and dialogues later on in the novel, but it took a few months for this to come out, and a lot of the poor ratings would no doubt now be 4 or 5 stars, if they had started the game NOW instead of 6 months ago when many of us were reading through frustrating unresolved storylines.

    Edit 2 update 13a: Wow the author really saved the story by writing the characters to have actual remorse for their Poor behavior and schemes, and showed NAN to be a pillar of respect and love as the matriarch of the family, he really saved the story line, and as promised I have updated the rating with the new score to show the change in character arcs.

    Honestly the game could be amazing (5/5) if some of the plot points were slightly different, but as of the newest updates actually giving consequences and remorse to characters it has been bumped to a 4.5/5

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  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a frustrating game indeed!
    I do like it, but some parts are too infuriating.

    Firstly, I only play the family route and ignore all the other girls as they are either not attractive enough (Jules) or too cliché (Kumiko) or both (Astrid).

    The first hours of the game are fun, the relation between Deb and MC is interesting enough although MC is a bit too passive and a dimwit sometimes. It's fine she fucks a girl on the side, it's not NTR and as MC fucks everything that's warm too if he has the chance, who am I to judge Deb.

    But then suddenly, when he finds out what happened in the past, he turns into the a dumb military alpha dog, making me almost delete the game for the way he treats Deb. He's a total emotionaly immature twat and I'm almost ashamed to play him.

    But then in the latest content getting closer to Milly things get a bit better again. But the day out should have ended totally different.

    Guess I have to wait for the next patch to see what happens.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Frustrating as hell to play. The MC's sister is pretty much the actual MC, she's the one going around doing everything the MC should be doing. The sister is also an annoying cunt that grates your nerves.
    The MC is fuckin' retarded and you don't actually get the choices that you want.