Feb 1, 2022
If something is planned doesn't it will necessarily be in the final version, plans can change. If everything was as *planned* game would've come out earlier and with less content than it has now.

As for people complaining about gameplay being too easy - I agree on that one but it's intended to be easy and despite being this easy people still manage to lose. There is obviously coomer mode but for some reason people don't want to use it. And from my personal experience - I tested the very first Tropicali demo before it was released to patrons/public and that particular build I thought it was mathematically impossible to lose which was my feedback and one of the testers managed to lose without even trying to. And in that build game was way easier than it is now.

Exactly. On desktop builds game scripts are just in plain text files that you can easily edit. On android scripts are bundles and not as easily accessible but since code is shared you can just take scripts from desktop build and put them in game folder and edit those - because raw text files take priority when loading over bundled ones it will work. I even attached the script files from current build.

Dialogue is not separated but the scripts are extremely simple, they are made so that non-programmer (Anon) could write. Actual game code is compiled and is not part of scripts.
My sincere apologies, I understood some things after downloading your file. It's not easy to translate this. Even if I used Termux to separate code from dialogue using Python, I don't think it would work because there are codes, quotes, slashes (/), and parentheses. The Termux terminal always gets overloaded when there are too many texts and characters. It's probably not possible to automate the translation of these files. I think it can only be done manually.
From your video, it looks like it can only be done manually, which would be time-consuming due to the amount of text.
I'm very used to taking multiple TXT files and translating thousands of dialogues in just a few minutes. Termux and help me a lot in speeding up translations.
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Aug 21, 2018
Seriously, the bad ending for the LIs was HEAVILY foreshadowed through out the game. Yeah, there is that early slide that RyansFLYIN just posted, but every other scene with the LIs we're told what a scumbag the MC is and how he doesn't think or care how the shit he does will affect those he do it to. I know a lot of porn games let you play total scumbags and still be treated as some sort of fucking hero (looking at you, more or less every harem game where the MC isn't a supposedly bad guy), which might make you think this is all normal, but in this game you are, after all, told over and over and over again that the MC is an asshole who uses and exploits people. Still you are surprised it doesn't end in a fairytale ending for all the women he bamboozled and used? Do you only look at the pictures and avoid all the reading?

Now what I will agree with, is the incest rug-pull. I don't mind it as a plot device, in fact, it is actually quite good, but it should have been implemented AFTER the MC managed to seduce Gloria into having sex with him, so we had gotten all the delicious incest corruption out of it first. Now it was ruined since she knew, or at least thought, that she wasn't her sister when she let him fuck her. That he still thought she was his sister matters less, since he was already 100 percent corrupt. I still enjoyed her scene, but it would have been better as unabridled incest lust-romp.


Oct 4, 2018
Do you only look at the pictures and avoid all the reading?
I think you're on to something here :4Head:
My sincere apologies, I understood some things after downloading your file. It's not easy to translate this. Even if I used Termux to separate code from dialogue using Python, I don't think it would work because there are codes, quotes, slashes (/), and parentheses. The Termux terminal always gets overloaded when there are too many texts and characters. It's probably not possible to automate the translation of these files. I think it can only be done manually.
From your video, it looks like it can only be done manually, which would be time-consuming due to the amount of text.
I'm very used to taking multiple TXT files and translating thousands of dialogues in just a few minutes. Termux and help me a lot in speeding up translations.
I see what you mean now. Technically it's not impossible (I even have tool in the dev build that extracts dialogue for the purposes of sending to voice actors, spell checking etc. and I had a tool that automatically replaces text in script to port old translations to new syntax), just this particular tool obviously doesn't support our scripts because OoT is the only game that uses it and it was made for OoT. Also I doubt automated translation will help because OoT is very story heavy and machine translation tools are not good enough for the text in game.
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Jul 2, 2021
Hell, I don't have the parapsychic powers to guess what a developer thinks about character titles (relationships)... good start. WTF...


Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
idk why anyone has issues getting the Good Ending. It's literally just "Don't try to fuck your sister." Evil Ending is the opposite, and I'm pretty safely assuming it's the canon one because Fernando wanting to just conquer as a King would make little sense otherwise.

And if people really have issues with trying to not fuck Gloria, basically take the options that support her decisions instead of questioning them. Questioning them makes Fernando more possessive, and obsessing over how they are an inseparable duo as King and Queen, which Gloria finds extremely hot because she's the same deep down.


Feb 17, 2021
I just finished, and I don't what to say man, the evil harem ending may have been a little rushed and not totally happy for every character, but it certainly didn't come out of nowhere and fit with the tone of the rest of the game. I actually really enjoyed it, and if Story Anon really is making a sequel that takes place afterwards, it makes me like this ending even more because I want to see more. I will say the incest rug pull was kinda dumb, but other than that, really good.

Leo D. Marstone

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
After my initial dissapointment yesterday I looked into the last version and need to correct myself just a bit.

First people like to post the first few slides of the game and think they have found hard evidence of what is to come. The thing is the initial text can also be used for creating mystery or setting a tone. Things could be changed by the player or by just following the story. Nothing is set in stone in the beginning and on hindsight after the game is finished and concluded I can also point fingers and say "Told you so" :rolleyes:

You can play Fernando not as a scumbag as he is made out to be and make different choices. These choices however, as stated numerous times are the ones that don't lead to sex.
Now there are sex scenes in the game that you are allowed to see. For example the maids since they fall out of the equation anyway and Mio scenes are pretty much forced but the rest of the girls are a no go.

So basically if you go for harem, that is ultimately only be possible by taking evil decisions, the game punishes you for it and delivers bad endings left and right for everyone.

And that is the whole point summarized I guess. People see the tag harem and wanted to play the game because of that. Everything is fine and dandy and then they get punished for it right at the end.
In a sense one could argue that this is no harem game despite having the tag.

Harem enjoyers get screwed because it only leads to bad endings.
Incest enjoyers get screwed because there is actually no incest in this game.
Pregnancy enjoyers get screwed because there is actually no pregnancy content in the game.
Gloria, Kaoru, Jessica and maybe Laoise enjoyers are screwed because you are not allowed to have sex with them if you want to avoid bad stuff.

I guess the game was all about subverting expectations.
Some like it but I didn't like it and presumably many many more didn't like it as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There would have been no harm in doing a good and bad harem ending. This outcry could have been completely prevented with this decision alone.
Even when the canon ending is most likely the good ending going into a sequel because it makes more sense and is easier to follow up on...the harem ending which most likely everyone has seen first by playing the game with the most sex options, overshadows it all.

If it was worth it to have only one bad harem ending in the long run can no one say but as of right now I would say no because Tropicali, at least around here, will only be known as that game with the shit ending. Despite me loving the models and liking the management sim.

And with that I will really let it rest. Dunno if the dev did themself a favor with the game because with the never ending and convoluted project that is OuT and being Tropicali now for what it ultimately is, my goodwill to try anything out again and support them is like in the single digits.
Not that it matters because the dev is not around here anymore anyway to engage in.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
After this I wonder if I may as well delete the version or two of Out of Touch off my harddrive I'd DL'd in hopes of playing when I had some free time, since this is all the same world AFTER that game. Very incoherent. I'm not sure what the whole point of this game even was. Idk this story just felt a bit all over the place. :WutFace:I have no interest in whatever sequel will be inbound. Dev should just drop that and focus on not making OOT not shit by putting more effort into his "story".
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New Member
Oct 6, 2020
If i read these messages i see people downloading porn for the porn and downloading porn for the story. That is why deconstruction does not work within the genre. Really don't even wanna download it seeing that because it just sounds like it shortchanges your time for a non-payoff story wise (so whats the point of the story, feel bad on purpose for porn?) and because of samgas comment it sounds like it was never meant to support the tags anyway so it does not have payoff porn wise too. Can`t imagine that its worth the time to dev it then.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2020
The issue with the idea that the harem ending is "bad end" is objectively wrong though and thats part of why this game has such a "confused message".

First everyone needs to reconcile with the fact that the only way a sequel is going to be made (story wise) is for it to assume one of the endings is canon, storyanon will not create a game where there are two (actual) valid options and "tropicali 2" would have to have at minimum "4 different routes" (impreg everyone, impreg nobody, no harem, all harem) and like I said those would require not only different text (a larger amount as the game goes) and not only different facial expressions (the main differences in current ending) but possibly different bodies due to pregnancy.

Second considering that pursing Juni is 100% canon (unless the last event is dependent on of you did her last event which I highly doubt given storyanons style of game). What was the point of every update before that when in the sequel it turns out "Fernando hired all these girls, never really interacted with them, fell in love with a girl he met literally once, then she killed herself.... also there is a cloning machine but really it's about Fernando fell in love~~~ :HideThePain:

Thirdly and most importantly: not counting the MC 3/7 100% utterly unquestionably have a "good"/better ending (maids and mio), and Gloria's only real punishment is....she's super turned on by insane loyalty and I guess people who we rarely see or are told she interacts with (the girls) have "their realationships ruined" (Ignore the maids not caring and MIO TELLING THEM TO FUCK AND THAT BEING A HUGE CRUX OF THE GAME). So IMO 4/7 girls have a decent/good ending or their bad ending is their subordinates don't like that she's fucking her brother...... but her brother aka the "owner" likes that she's fucking her brother, and the real boss (mio) clearly wants her to fuck her brother

The reason that they ending (either) is bad is because of not only the mixed messages (porn is bad in a porn game that has required porn to progress), the differences are a few lines of text and a couple of facial expression changes despite the endings being starkly different, the "teases" for the future are comical on the bad route: Jessica gonna protect her daughter? Lol sure jan, everyone else is just sex or a pointless entity who could totally sink the island if she wanted too and she doesn't like you but she won't sink the island because......... (that would require a third ending that changes thing both in renders and the overall story)

If you played with no sex..... you literally did a management game for potentially hours (or cheated in a porn game you degenerate) for.....no reason? And you playing the purest boy ever doesn't change the fact that one of the first lines in the game says: "Fernando fucked their shit all the way up" :HideThePain:

I get not wanting to admit something you paid for, or looked forward to, or from a creator you like was bad but saying "no no a sequel that is months away at minimum and that would take likely year(s) to finish will fix it"! Puts you below yearly sports games fan because they accept they'll get the same slop (and won't have to wait a over a year)

Edit: also might have missed it but did Mio admit if she knew that Fernando and gloria weren't blood related? Because if she didn't that really makes her seem less powerful and makes the ending even worse......since she can track down a cloning machine but not do a fucking bloodtest for her employees (gloria and mom admit that would show the truth) :KEK: please guys try to defend this one
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New Member
Jun 25, 2024
People getting mad super mad about the ending are funny. I don't think it was a super intricate plot in the first place, not every AVN can subvert expectations within the genre and if you expected more than its on you for being disappointed. I could try to theorycraft the most satisfying AVN plot in my head and it just doesn't feel like a possible thing to do with the amount of resources allotted to these devs.

I understand feeling like whats the point of playing if your choices don't matter and the choices you pick cuck you from seeing content but the reality is that this dude is getting paid thousands a month to pump out renders for this game, not to make the most narratively satisfying plot, if you didn't see the harem shit before this update than you are just preparing yourself for disappointment.

I legit don't get how you could get mad at this, I picked this game up again after a while ago, starting from a new save and I was able to go through it pretty quickly. Like middle of the road game not super amazing but not shit from a renders point of view.


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
The game sends so many mixed fucking messages. Does it want you to make a harem or not. Also why does everything seem relatively normal up and near the fucking ending? That's such Bullshit man I think Simpgor said it best in his reply that it just feels weird from every angle.

I also personally don't like that I'm made to be the fucking bad guy in a porn game that clearly advertises itself to be a fantasy for the player to fulfill. This isn't even like an Eroge that has some potentially deep meaning like You, Me, and Her. Where there is a bit of a handshake from the developer and player that this is trying to be not just a wank sesh but also art. It's just a porn game with titties flying left and right.

Well I guess the developer got what he wanted, me talking about the game. Which I have never ever been so put off by a porn game that I had to write a couple paragraphs talking about how stupid it is. Like get real StoryAnon, thanks for the tits and all but can we tone it down with the ego, or at the very least point that ego away from me?


Jun 13, 2018
People are dissapointed that the only ending they get when pursuing sex scenes are the bad ones. I don't think this is so hard to understand.
You get punished by watching the porn presented to you in a porn game and that is what people are dissapointed by.
Sure, but I'm honestly used to that because that's literally just the rules to just about any eroge visual novel, even with harem routes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2020
not every AVN can subvert expectations within the genre and if you expected more than its on you for being disappointed. I could try to theorycraft the most satisfying AVN plot in my head and it just doesn't feel like a possible thing to do with the amount of resources allotted to these devs.
The issue is that ATTEMPTS to and FAILS at the subversion, and Juni was clearly added at the last second so that "the subversion" seems like "oh it was meant to be there all the time and is a commentary on porn!".....then why was she not in the game for over a year? Was it not a commentary until the last update? :HideThePain:

Notice how the people "defending" the ending are just saying "people don't like it but I think it's neat" without pointing out how it's a good subversion, pr even really directly responding to any of the many valid criticisms that use parts of the game as proof (beyond claiming a joke is proof of a sequel).

I know you didn't read it but I literally said I wish storyanon the best? How does that make me mad at him or the game that I never paid a dime for, and that he doesn't gain any advantage of me playing? Do you seriously think the only reason to post criticisms is you hate the dev? :KEK: makes sense why you like the ending so much then.

Edit: seriously someone tell me how Mio not knowing the twist about Fernando x Gloria is actually art and makes logical sense? Or how it was a bad ending for mio, the maids, gloria, and mc? Or tell me what they mean when they say "oh the game is small and simple your fault for expecting more!" when mios entire motivation hinges on you having played OOT and knowing more about pregnancy in the world this game is taking place:KEK: :KEK: :KEK:
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