It's a public forum. Sharing opinions and having discussions is kind of the point. Of course it's valid if you want to have a discussion with just one person, but I think that's what dms are for.It is at least in poor taste to insert oneself and one's opinions into a direct reply from one person to another. I replied to a point made by someone else that I agreed with in general, not to you or your post. But you still felt the need to insert yourself. Are you that desperate to force others to agree with your opinions that you felt threatened by me agreeing with someone you disagreeed with??
I ignored your post because you stated your opinions about the game's development - as a player, of a game you are not the dev of - as facts, and that is often a red flag indicating posters unwilling/incapable of being respectful of any viewpoints that differ from their own.** And then you inserted yourself again with a second post, once again implying that anyone who disagrees with you must not have played the game (i.e., has no idea what they are talking about if they don't agree with you).
There is an old adage: better to keep one's mouth closed and be considered a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Now Ignored officially rather than just in practice.
**I am absolutely guity of this myself on occasion, but I try my best not to make a habit of it.
I am also pretty sure I only replied to you once, so I don't really know what you mean with "you inserted yourself again". Or do you take issue that I replied to other people on the same topic? I was just replying to the arguments you guys were making. I do know how I write can come off very combatative, but I do accept other opinions.
Anyway concerning BaiBai's post, I'll be fine with whatever he choose to do. If he continues and finds himself wanting to do solo routes, I'm sure they'll be good given his quality of writing and if he chooses to not do them and just focus on the harem route, I'll be fine with that as well.