
Oct 4, 2022
How does that logic even track? Complaining about a remake being bad is the same as complaining about a genre?
Not every remake is bad, this one just happens to be.

1. Boring semantic that contradicts your own argument. You don't get to decide their motivation for becoming a patron, and the overwhelming majority of this dev's subscribers are explicitly paying to access the game or fund its development directly, not to support him.
2. I could choose to either accept the dev's decision or move on. Or I can voice my rightful negative feedback both here and in other places. I think I'll choose the latter option, personally, and you whining that I don't mindlessly consume or leave doesn't matter.
Patreon is what it is. Your motivations for subscribing to him are irrelevant, if you misinterpreted what Patreon subscriptions are then that is your own problem entirely.

My whole point is that you choose what you support or don't support just as the developer gets to choose what he does with his game. If you want to give feedback, then do that. If you're just going to mindlessly complain about what the developer has already chosen to do, then you're only wasting your own time. You all have this misconception that the people who are fine with this are mindless consumers when in reality we are fine with this and choose to keep supporting the developer with the understanding that we can move on whenever we want.

I think you really want this project to be good, otherwise you wouldn't still be here. So, say specifically what you don't like and how you think it can be improved going forward if you aren't satisfied with how it is right now. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. You are only wasting your own time and making yourself more upset than you need to be.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2018
Oh uh, another one to fall into the remake void before it even gets completed.. Only a matter of time now for it to get slapped with the "Abandoned" tag, that's how it usually goes.
Finish the game first, then make a "remake" later, that way you at least delivered the thing people had pledged for in the first place.
I do hope that remaking it goes well, but with how it's gone for most of the previous games that had sudden remakes in the middle of development, they never got finished.


Oct 4, 2022
Hey, new here. Somehow never noticed this game before and I have some questions, if I may (apologies as 359 pages is a lot to peruse). I'm trying to understand the differences in versions and what veteran players enjoy about each:

- I see there's 1.0a version as the most recent download is this the remake or a final version (given 1.0)?

- there's also a 7.2 sandbox. I thought the remake was the sandbox? 7.1GB is kinda huge.

- and a 6.0 visual novel. Is this worth it?
The sandbox version is the old build before the remake. The visual novel version removed the sandbox elements in the old build but has less content then that sandbox version of the old build. Both of these two have been abandoned as the developer has decided to remake the sandbox version.

The old version still has a lot of content and is worth a try, but going forward only the remake will be updated.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
Finally got the time to play it, and I can say it's quite good, the only thing I can say against is...Why the heck sex scenes so fkng long? Like, they ridiculously long and have nothing of value with all those ohs and ahs! I guess developer wanted to give the people who dont skip those with ctrl and just click through either tunnel sindrom or a feeling that they fap someone else or both.


New Member
Mar 21, 2020
Finally got the time to play it, and I can say it's quite good, the only thing I can say against is...Why the heck sex scenes so fkng long? Like, they ridiculously long and have nothing of value with all those ohs and ahs! I guess developer wanted to give the people who dont skip those with ctrl and just click through either tunnel sindrom or a feeling that they fap someone else or both.
the old version had some long scenes but at least some images cycled so it didnt feel that long.
some scenes like the handjob feel too long in this version as it only show you one angle


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
Year 2035, Snats decided to rework the entire game cause his codes became shits and he doesn't like jasmine new body or how traps looks more like girls now. So, he decided to butcher more characters and waste even more time like remaking the game again but it cool cause you are not paying for this shit and you have no rights to criticise how he is milking/scamming other people. Sad but who knows when we will reach the current level of contents (2 Years worth) and no amounts of bs excuses can change that shit. I applaud for his visions but I hope the recent of the upcoming contents ain't as disappointing as this one. I hope, we actually get to see something new like perhaps snats will start the college life early and all the other phone app shits. (Which I looked forward too)


May 8, 2017
Year 2035, Snats decided to rework the entire game cause his codes became shits and he doesn't like jasmine new body or how traps looks more like girls now. So, he decided to butcher more characters and waste even more time like remaking the game again but it cool cause you are not paying for this shit and you have no rights to criticise how he is milking/scamming other people. Sad but who knows when we will reach the current level of contents (2 Years worth) and no amounts of bs excuses can change that shit. I applaud for his visions but I hope the recent of the upcoming contents ain't as disappointing as this one. I hope, we actually get to see something new like perhaps snats will start the college life early and all the other phone app shits. (Which I looked forward too)
Honestly accurate :KEK:


Dec 6, 2021
Guys Iv been following this game for a long time since its one of the best games of this type ever made.

I've noticed that last few updates (of the "old" build) were not up to the standard already set by this game,
the scenes seemed to be rushed and simplified, but then I found the devs comments about the games progress.
He apologized he did not have time to devote to continuing the game due to some real life complications but also mentioned that the old engine already reached the cap in term what it could be done with it and he wanted more.

At that time the remake was just an idea. Personaly, im not a great fan of remakes since it rarely turned out good, but in this case from techical perspective the switch looks promising, and if the same dev who made this epic game is willing to invest the time and effort i think it might be worth the wait and even support. If i remember correcty reading the comments in the past I think most anticipated part was the trap brothers crew progression which never came and the older biker sisters story.

We can just hope the dev will find the time and will to carry on this remake project and get to point where the old build was.


Dev of Rikugun Shikan Gakkõ
Game Developer
Aug 25, 2022
I love the old version of this one, can't wait to see the new stuff, when i get some free time, definetively coming back here to read :3
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