
Jun 2, 2018
What games on here do you like?
Because I bet most of them have 2-5 month releases per update too which is something you complain about
Corrupted Kingdom which I feel updates constantly, which looking into it he does an update around 2-3 weeks and has way more content then Snats and does side stuff just as much if not more then Snats for his supporters. Actually looking at his earlier updates and Devlogs he was doing weekly updates for a while. Started playing a game called Cabin By the Lake which I have been enjoying recently and from the looks of it, monthly updates since 2022 a long with Devlogs at the same time and a ton of content despite the simple premise. Killer7 who did My New Family and My New Memories updated fairly quickly and had a good amount of content each update, but the nice thing he does is weekly devlogs. Every week on Sunday/Monday he writes out a log talking about what's going on, how far he is in the games, if there are any delays the reason why, and hints at future content. The only reason he hasn't updated for a long time is cause of legal problems and false allegations against him that got his equipment taken by police, and even then still kept up with the devlogs, was able to finish the first game with a laptop he was able to get and even though the second game is on hold he's in the process of making a prequal to it to flesh out and expand the story until the legal stuff gets resolved.

Edit - Forgot to add Killer7 felt so bad about what happened that he legit stopped people from giving him money and refunded those that already paid for the month when he found out the legal stuff was gonna take a longer then he thought. Stopped funding cause in his words it makes no sense to take money when he's not/can't work on the game properly.


May 18, 2019
Both you and the 'other person' you're replying to mysteriously write in the same exact sort of low IQ English, so I'm guessing you're projecting by accusing others of using sock accounts. Mods might want to look into this.
Suck it harder lmfao. Imagine comparing IQ with a language. Nothing is more dumber than that. This is the problem with fanboys, they can't handle criticism against their provider. Damn coomer! :LOL:

Question here, do they update the game on time or there's been delay but not the as long as snats?
Constant updates for some of the games I mentioned, they do take a month or week break after sometimes but not all of a sudden and definitely not like snats. I simply call snats milker is not because he is delaying the game purposely, I call him a milker because of his shitty work process and lack of ability to put faster and more contents.

If anyone genuinely believed the re-work would have streamlined updates for the game, then i have a fucking bridge to sell you. Anyone who's been on this site for more than 2 years can tell you, it always works like this.
There are some games that have gone through rework and still going strong. I don't remember any of them other than lesson in love.


May 18, 2019
Im glad you went back to check the dev log and see what i been seeing. How this guy just been lying and defending him for no reason with no proof.

That why i been saying this is Snat backup account since he stop using his real account on here.

Keep fighting the good fight against this liar.(y)
I mean I still enjoy this game despite all the rough patches. While the remake was mediocore, this doesn't change the high quality contents. I don't think these are liars, probably diehard fans or some shits. They will go extreme length for their favourite dev including doxxing, spreading misinformation and outright threats. I think mine is valid complaints about the lack of actual devlog and snats bullshiting around about updates. Like it's not a good look for a Dev to make bold claim about the prologue second part to only got delayed with social media rpy thingy. Especially when he should be maintaining a constant update rates since people gave him the freedom to rework the entire game for a year by supporting him without an actual update.
Sep 5, 2020
I mean I still enjoy this game despite all the rough patches. While the remake was mediocore, this doesn't change the high quality contents. I don't think these are liars, probably diehard fans or some shits. They will go extreme length for their favourite dev including doxxing, spreading misinformation and outright threats. I think mine is valid complaints about the lack of actual devlog and snats bullshiting around about updates. Like it's not a good look for a Dev to make bold claim about the prologue second part to only got delayed with social media rpy thingy. Especially when he should be maintaining a constant update rates since people gave him the freedom to rework the entire game for a year by supporting him without an actual update.
Spreading misinformation a few time i wouldnt consider you a liar just uninformed. But constantly going back and forth with different peoples with fake information after you was corrected is when u enter liar territory.

But honestly his server probably the reason Snat is like this now. Its an echo chamber of people telling him take his time and telling everyone "it will be ready when its ready". So snat see this and in cruise mode nowadays.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Let's assume the dev isn't milking and has never lied about progress reports. Then what's left?

The first thing that I can think of is that Snats actually listened to feedback of 0.1. If so, then dev may be altering parts of 0.1 and/or editing parts of 0.2. However, why not just say that in a dev post/discord? With the amount of activity here, I'd imagine that at least one person would have noticed such a comment, but AFIAK no one has mentioned this. Furthermore, from my experience with the dev and his discord community, he's more likely to ignore the feedback anywhere that's not on discord. So, unless his discord is also enraged (unlikely), I have my doubts.

The second possibility is that the animations are taking longer than expected. Which, throws up doubts about the previous progress reports and character statements. It also just furthers my belief that animations are a complete waste of time and needlessly increases development time with no real added benefit.

Third is that Snats died, got sick or injured, or otherwise is incapable of completing the update. Incoming ambiguous image of an "injured" body part.

What other explanations are there? I really dislike Snats, and have little hope that future updates will solve the annoyances I had with version 0.1. That said, I want the game to succeed anyway and I'm willing to play devils advocate if needed.


Jan 23, 2021
Hi! Does the 0.7 version becomes sandbox/freeplay at some point? Cause I've been playing for a while (doing exercises with sister) and it's been all VN.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Its May, and we're going to see an update beyond the timeframe I called we'd see this update months ago for Q2. I won't be surprised if we still don't see the Hospital update yet in summer at this point.

Snats lied to those of us who used to back him that all this stuff would be done for the second part of the game (implied timeskip iirc? might be wrong. whether it was to be months or more can't recall but I think that was mentioned on the discord).

There was never any discussion of remaking the entire game until he upped and started doing it after 0.7.

I keep seeing people asking why he chose to remake the game like this. The answer is pretty simple:

The mini giantess futa amazon is from a recent futanari themed femdom RPGMaker game called Futa Prison, besides Snats currently on a semi realism only diet when it comes to female anatomy.
Besides I made that little comic.
Unironically do you have a KK card for that amazon? :BootyTime:
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