It doesn't actually try to open Telegram despite what it looks. This game was initially posted online by some guy calling themselves "Quzimingyue" and they just plastered their name wherever they could to advertize their Telegram group. You can also see they added their name to the title screen. The firewall popup that appears is just for standard Unity telemetrics, but the Quzimingyue guy edited the executable so that it pops the name of their Telegram group instead of the name of the game. This same thing happens with the Turqu-chan game, too. It's sketchy and pretentious AF but as far as I can tell it doesn't actually do anything it still opening telegram? what exactly does it open? (if it's just the dev's telegram page/link, it may still feel weird but ok, but if it's opening something else then maybe I skip)
thanks for the info, that's actually very sus if the exe is messed with. Windows sandbox for this thenIt doesn't actually try to open Telegram despite what it looks. This game was initially posted online by some guy calling themselves "Quzimingyue" and they just plastered their name wherever they could to advertize their Telegram group. You can also see they added their name to the title screen. The firewall popup that appears is just for standard Unity telemetrics, but the Quzimingyue guy edited the executable so that it pops the name of their Telegram group instead of the name of the game. This same thing happens with the Turqu-chan game, too. It's sketchy and pretentious AF but as far as I can tell it doesn't actually do anything nefarious.
Who's the artist?He's a god tier pixel artist
I'm not entirely sure this bug horror route he went on though....
View attachment 3090425
i guess defender deletes it immediatelyAre the links in the OP infected too? Then we should report this and have one of the mods review it. I would certainly be careful with sketchy exe files.
Tried all the downloads and scanned all of them, neither my Windows defender nor Malwarebytes detected anything. Im so confused how their WD even came up with that.Windows defender is a terrible metric on whether something is safe or not. It gives false positives on a constant basis.You must be registered to see the links, it's clean.
yeahok anyone else with issues with the controls not working at all