I'm not really experienced with BepInEx and Unity libraries so please kindly bear with me.
I encountered an issue running the patcher:
[Message: Preloader] BepInEx 6.0.0-be.679 - UkiyoGensoEnnichi
[Message: Preloader] Built from commit 49775dc84ff6e350b9e5fc6bd954ca02a2707e46
[Info : BepInEx] System platform: Windows 10 64-bit
[Info : BepInEx] Process bitness: 64-bit (x64)
[Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity 2022.3.4f1
[Info : BepInEx] Runtime version: 6.0.7
[Info : BepInEx] Runtime information: .NET 6.0.7
[Message:InteropManager] Downloading unity base libraries
[Error :InteropManager] Failed to generate Il2Cpp interop assemblies: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 523 ().
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStreamAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP.Il2CppInteropManager.DownloadUnityAssemblies() in /home/runner/work/BepInEx/BepInEx/Runtimes/Unity/BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP/Il2CppInteropManager.cs:line 249
at BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP.Il2CppInteropManager.GenerateInteropAssemblies() in /home/runner/work/BepInEx/BepInEx/Runtimes/Unity/BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP/Il2CppInteropManager.cs:line 212
[Info : Preloader] 0 patcher plugins loaded
[Info : Preloader] 0 assemblies discovered
[Message:AssemblyPatcher] Executing 0 patch(es)
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader initialized
I noted the Error number 523 and investigated further.
Upon checking BepInEx.cfg, I found that the InterOp manager is trying to download from this location:
## URL to the ZIP of managed Unity base libraries.
## The base libraries are used by Il2CppInterop to generate interop assemblies.
## The URL can include {VERSION} template which will be replaced with the game's Unity engine version.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: https://unity.bepinex.dev/libraries/{VERSION}.zip
UnityBaseLibrariesSource = https://unity.bepinex.dev/libraries/{VERSION}.zip
However, I am getting a Cloudflare error 523 from
You must be registered to see the links
which indicates the origin server is down. I would like to know if there is an alternative location which I can download the Unity Base Libraries needed for the patcher to generate the necessary Il2Cpp interop assemblies.
Apologies if this was already addressed by earlier posts. Thank you.